How to create a chart that shows timeline against months in Qlikview? - database

I need a quick help my requirements are a bit complex. I need to show multiple timelines against months accordingly. Such that on the left side i have all the Products and in the chart i want to show Dates on a time line and bottom line represents months.
So i need to display multiple time lines against all those products according to months i am attaching an image of requirements.
I just need to know whether this kind of report is possible in QlikView.
We are already using QlikView for our project and have developed many reports but not kind of this report.
Please provide your input whether this kind of report is possible in QlikView and if you can provide an example and some explanation of controls that would be helpful.

I found this helpful when i made a similar type of project chart.
Here is an example .qvw also
To be able to create this chart, you need some type of event in the data model, where each event has a start date (or time) and possibly also an end date. Further, an event should belong to some grouping, typically a project or a phase in time.
Given the above, we can now start making the graph:
Create a bar chart with the appropriate event grouping as dimension (e.g., project, phase, or other group of events)
Add the duration of the project as expression: Max(EndDate)-Min(StartDate). If you only have one date per event, you just replace both StartDate and EndDate with the date that you have. The duration will then be the time between the first event and the last.
Add the start of the project as an offset to the bars: Min(StartDate). [Chart Properties-Expressions-The plus sign to the left of the Expression-Bar Offset]
Set the graph orientation to horizontal bars. [Chart Properties-Style-Orientation]
Remove the “Force 0” option. This option will force the start of the time axis to be Dec 30th 1899. [ChartProperties-Axes-Expression Axes-Force 0]
Format the expression axis labels as dates or as months (e.g. M/D/YY or YYYY MMM). [Chart Properties-Number-Date]
Now you should have a Gantt chart. If you want to improve the way it looks, you may want to consider the following suggestions:
Add a grid. [Chart Properties-Axes-Expression Axes-Show grid]
If you want a label on each bar, add a second expression defining the text for the label and use this as “Value on Data Points.” [Chart Properties-Expressions-Display Options] Don’t forget to disable the “Bar” option for this expression. This is the first check box in the Display Options group.
If the chart shows a range which is too large, add static min and static max to define the display range of the expression, e.g. Min(StartDate)-5 and Max(EndDate)+40, respectively. The additional distance on the upper limit is to leave space for the text. The unit is number of days. [Chart Properties-Axes-Scale]
If you have a second dimension, you can add this too. But if you do, make sure you use the “Grouped” option and not “Stacked.” The latter does not work well with bar offsets. [Chart Properties-Style-Subtype]
You may want to use the same color within each value of the first dimension, e.g., one color per project. One good way to define the color (e.g. RGB values) is to do it already in the dimension table in the script and use this color in a color function in the bar background color, e.g. RGB (ProjR,ProjG,ProjB). [Chart Properties-Expressions-The plus sign to the left of the Expression-Background Color]


google-data-studio grouping most values of dimensions into others category

I am using Data-Studio to generate charts. I am generating charts for compute instances based on their CPU usage,in time-series. When I generate a chart(a line chart) a few instances are represented as lines in the chart, which have specific CPU usage values, but the majority of instances get accumulated into a category called "others" and therefore I am unable to show the metrics for others and the chart is not very useful.
Is there any way this category others can be avoided in data studio? so that all the instances are represented by a line or a bar?
I am new to Data-Studio. Kindly help. Thanks
There are a couple of ways to display the chart Without the Others series:
1) Time Series Chart
If you are using Date in the X-Axis (Dimension) then I'd suggest a Time Series chart as it's designed for Dates, and automatically sorts by Date as well as allowing for Date Range comparison (it also don't display the Others series, and series can be displayed as a line or bar).
2) Line Chart
Regarding the initial question (Line Chart) - Tested this out in a number of different Reports and Data Sources to confirm, and it seems to do the trick:
Create a Time Series chart;
Change the Chart Type to a Line chart;
Sort by Date in Ascending order.
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

How can I handle circular reference error in powerapps when trying to filter selections of two comboboxes depending on each other?

I am using PowerApps to create a small app which contains two comboboxes, which filter information that are being displayed on a data table and come from an excel sheet called Table. More specifically, my first combobox is called ColorCombo and displays distinct values, which come from the column Color of the sheet Table and the second combobox is called SizeCombo and displays distinct values that are contained on the column Size of the Table
My goal is to filter the information of the one combobox depending on the selection of the other combobox.
For instance, I have the colors : [Red, Blue,Green] listed on the ColorCombo and the sizes: [32,34,36] listed on the SizeCombo. If the red color is only available on size 32 then when I select the red option on the colorcombo I want to only see the number 32 on the SizeCombo and if the size 32 is available on green and blue color then when I select it on the SizeCombo I want to only see the options green and blue on the ColorCombo. The code I have so far is:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(ColorCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Size in SizeCombo.SelectedItems)),Color),Result,Ascending)
which works ok for the colorcombo. When I add the same statement for the SizeCombo as well though, I get an circular reference error. This is the statement I input:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(SizeCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Color in ColorCombo.SelectedItems)),Size),Result,Ascending)
I understand that this is happening because the selection of the comboboxes are depending on each other recursively, so this happens to prevent an infinite loop, but how could I solve this? I appreciate any help you can provide, since I have been trying to find a solution to it since a long time.
Some quick workarounds could be implemented via UI/UX:
Force the user to go through the two boxes sequentially
Start with sizecombo (for example).
Set DisplayMode of colorcombo to If(IsBlank(Size.Selected.Value), DisplayMode.Disabled, DisplayMode.Edit
Adjust the code accordingly.
Another idea: Instead of two comboboxes, have user select a size, then display swatches of Available Colors in a small Gallery. Or vice versa, choose a color then display Available Sizes.
You could accomplish that pretty easily using Filter()

UltraMonthViewSingle appointments overlaps after increasing it's height

Its about appointments' height in Infragistic's UltraMonthViewSingle control. In my code, it overlaps appointment in single day after increasing height of it using CreationFilter. So for more, can you look into this link please.
Thanks a lot.
An appointments on UltraMonthViewSingle overlaps each other since i
have increased the height. Can you modify this creation filter in
order to remove unnecessary overlapping of appointment or Can you
write another one which can work for me?
The mentioned behavior is expected, because when you increate the height of your first appointment, you didn`t change the Y location of your second appointment. In your scenario you should modify your code (for example Rectangle(editor.Rect.X, editor.Rect.Y, editor.Rect.Width, 35) ) and add additional value to Rect.Y depending of number of your current appointment per day
I want to have non-bold text on every appointment in UltraDayView for
both Day view and Work Week View. Is it possible?
There are different approaches to solve this task. Maybe the easiest way could be if you are using AppStyle with desired look and feel. Another possible approach could be if you change VliewStyle of your UltraCalendarLook. The third option could be if you implement DrawFilter.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Can I force a Chart at the top of a report to always be visible

I have the following report:
In Excel I'd use something called Freeze Pane below the chart ....this would mean as the user scrolls down, the table will scroll, but the chart would always remain visible.
Is it possible to implement this behavior in RS?
Note: the chart and the tablix use different Datasets
Yes, you can get this going with a bit of tweaking.
With Tablix objects, you have the option to fix header rows, i.e. they will stay at the top of the page when scrolling.
You can set this at the Tablix level:
Or at the row level with Advanced Mode set by using the FixedData property:
So what you can do to take advantage of this is to insert a Chart into those repeating Header rows. I tested this with a basic report:
This did succeed in having the Chart scroll with the Tablix, so will fulfil your requirements. One warning - it didn't look good when I did this (overlapping cells and the like), but it was a report with zero formatting so hopefully this will be helpful for you, anyway.
Edit after comment:
In my simple report example I added a new Dataset to the report, and pointed the embedded Chart to this new Dataset - this didn't work, as every time I did this it would always revert to the old Dataset (i.e. the one specified at the Tablix level).
However, what you can do instead is use a Subreport, which contains the required Chart, and embed this Subreport in the Tablix header. I just tried it now and it worked as required; the Chart using the second Dataset was fine and it scrolled with the Tablix as required.
So it's still a viable option with multiple Datasets, you just need the extra step of using a Subreport:
New report:

SSRS: Report label position dynamic

I have a report which displays customer address in multiple labels.
My customers use windowed envelopes for mailing. I need the address labels position to be configurable.
Something like, I'll have a database table which stores the Top/Left position of each label per customer. Based on this table, I need to position the address labels on my report.
I thought, it is doable by expressions, but Location property doesn't provides ability to set an expression and make the label's top and left dynamic.
Anybody, any ideas, on how to achieve this?
As you mentioned, you cannot set an expression for location property. I want to do this before but it seems that there is no solution for this work.
Sorry for the duplicate post
I had the same problem as you did. I got around the problem by using an old HTML trick. It involves using a transparent.gif in an image. You put your image (linked to the gif), then put your label on top. Using a parameter, you can toggle which item to appear by setting an expression in the hidden property for both controls.
As stated by others, it isn't supported. However, here are two ugly work around possible for basic reporting.
Work around with padding.
You can't set formula on the label's location, but you can use padding option instead.
So you can set the label as wide as the report and as tall as the region.
Also, set the label's horizontal alignment to "Left" and Vertical alignment to "Top".
Then, add a formula in left and top paddings to offset the text.
You can also achieve a right aligned offsetted label by setting the Horizontal alignment to "right" and using right padding instead of the left one to offset the field from the right. With the same recipe, you can offset from the bottom by using "bottom" vertical alignment and bottom padding.
The ugly side:
This method will create a mess in the report designer as all dynamic label will overlap each other and take all the space over static label. Also, please note that with this method, you won't be able to do fancy stuff like adding borders around the text and hyperlinks.
Work around with sub report.
If the number of different positions for the label(s) are really low. You can create a subreport for each possibility and use a formula to display the right subreport for the right case. Sadly, this doesn't work for labels in the header as subreport aren't allowed there.
No solution, as it is not supported!!!
From MS online community support...
"As far as I know, the position of the textbox in the report is static not dynamic, so it will not shift to left."
