There is all weather description for OpenWeatherAPI? - weather

Where I can find all weather description for OpenWeatherAPI?
I am building weather app and i want to change background image based on weather description

You can find all information regarding their API in here: OpenWeatherAPI Guide


How to grab the YouTube thumbnail from the YouTube url?

I want to include YouTube thumbnail inside my react app.
I already made enable the YouTube v3 api in developers google
so here is the request I am making`HEREISTHEKEY`
The thing is The data coming back doesn't have the thumbsmail image data. What am I missing here , what change I have to make to get the thumbnail data back
You need to add part=snippet as an url parameter:
The snippet object contains basic details about a search result, such as its title or description. For example, if the search result is a video, then the title will be the video's title and the description will be the video's description.
So your url should look like this:

my react firebase custom domain title and description doesnt change

I have my react website hosted on firebase with custom domain, the domain is added to google search console/google webmaster, the problem is the title and description of website does not change when i search my website on keeps showing old title and description.i have tried react helmet, react meta tags, browser clear history, even tried with simple html file deployment, the title and description does not change.Thanks for helping.
It looks like you'll need to ask google to recrawl the website if you would like it changed quicker than it would take google to revist the site organically. There are details on how to do this here:
Ultimately you'll need to Inspect the URL using the URL Inspection tool. Details on how to do this are in the link above.

How do I pull the live weather radar from the new (2020) NWS Weather Radar API?

NWS has depricated their old (pre 2020) weather radar site here.
I am trying to find their new API endpoint for pulling the live weather radar image for a lat/long point. All I've been able to find about it is just JSON feeds for forecast.
There is no way (that I know of) to do this anymore. If there is, it is well hidden. The best I can do is use their endpoint with lat/lon and it will show the closest weather forecast office - which will get you close... but not the actual radar needed.
For my answer I would suggest using MRMS or a national level-2 mosaic. I am not sure how your maps are setup so this may not be ideal. However, you can find them here :
Level-2 Mosaic Files :
MRMS (Multi-Radar-Multi-Sensor) :

Github avatar set in my own project profile picture

I create one of my own project which is DevConnector in React. This is a MERN stack project. In this profile picture of the user set on gravatar based email address. Now I have to set a GitHub profile picture as a user profile picture. One of my friends suggests me to use Github API ("${username}") and get avatar_url instead of gravatar.url.
Now the question is how to use this API in my project.
Here is my GitHub link:
Please check this repo and give me some solution to how to use it in my code.
There's an undocumented trick with how avatars are created that you could try:
find your GitHub User ID - it' in the response from{username}
test the URL in a browser -{id}
if that returns the avatar you expect, you can use that in your project
The avatar_url is the canonical value here and may change down the track, but that might help achieve what you're trying to do today.

How to get the original panorama image by panoid in google street view?

I have got the reference of getting the panorama image by panoid but its giving me only the thumbnail image but I want an original panorama image directly from streetview.
The link is given below what I have got
Please help me out to get the original panorama image not the thumbnail.
While there is no official API to download the full panorama. There are many tools that you can use.
Windows Tool:
Chrome plugin:
Note: The thumbnail url that you are using is also an unofficial way. You should use their API to load streetview thumbnail. Please refer:
