Anyone able to get lightbox2 working in a react site? - reactjs

I am able to get it working on my Gatsby site when using gatsby develop locally and it works incredibly! But sadly it always causes my build to fail when trying to deploy to Netlify. I could really use some help if anyone has any experience getting non-react packages to work in a react environment. Or if anyone has recommendations of alternative lightbox packages that were made to work with react. Either way, I would greatly appreciate it!


React Componets Not Displaying On Server

I have hosted my react app in here.
But it doesn't load the login page.
But It will change the title of the page.
Working well in local.
Can you please help me ?
Thank you
Try building as a production build and try again, Sometimes I also face a similar kinda situation, It's just that you have to reinstall all the supporting packages and build an optimized build and they try deploying. Coz, Its subjective reasons may differ from case to case!

Advice on how/where to deploy a React/Golang app?

I finished my first fullstack (React/Go) app and everything works locally but I'm having trouble with the next steps especially since I'm new to this. I read Heroku was a good choice and I was able to successfully deploy my Go code there and test it via Postman, however I'm having trouble getting my React code introduced so when I visit the Heroku app it displays the React UI. Is this an option on Heroku? Both my frontend and backend code are in the same Github repo if that makes any difference. Any advice how to both deployed together?
I'm pretty sure I have to use the build version of my React code but not sure how to go from there. Go can also be compiled into an executable. Could I theoretically do everything using just this executable and the React build project? Thanks for your help!
I'd recommend trying - you can deploy apps for free, you'll get a free '' host, and you have some DB solutions also available for free, if you ever need them. The easiest way would - to compile everything into a build folder or something and simply upload it there. You can later buy a domain name and link it, but for the start is should be sufficient as it is.

How To Add Server Side Rendering To React Single Page App?

I built a React app a year ago, and totally stopped working with React, so I am really really rusty.
Site is here:
I'm using eBay API.
I'm sort of afraid to touch it, so wondering if there are any tips someone can provide in adding the ability for this site to get better rankings in google (right now there is really not much traffic).
Any help is appreciated.
If your site is static you can use Gatsby, otherwise, your best option is NextJs. you can check their doc. you can also find very good tutorials online.
There are some websites like that they give you scores about every aspects of your website (e.g performance, security , SEO and etc) and then they tell you what you are missing and how to fix them. for google search i would recommend you to have look to this link:
Get your website on Google
hope it gives you some help to start from.

Best solution for converting reactjs project based on boilerplate to SSR

We developed a PWA based on react-boilerplate. it's totally based on webpack.
now I'm supposed to implement SSR on this application. the problem is that , I can't find any suitable solution on converting current project to SSR.
I tried nextjs but integration with project is not possible. additionally its requirement for changing infrastructure is too much.
I tried some other libraries such as react-snapshot and ... but each of them has some specific issues.
any body can help me?

Integrating material UI example with next.js

I am trying to quickly create a dashboard with next.js and react.js as a front end using tempaltes from material-ui.
Using next-create-app and find it easy enough to get something up and running but I just can't seem to integrate this dashboard.
I realise that material UI has a github link for next.js here but for some reason I can't install it either...
when using the curl function i get locked out for some reason. I can use git functions fine though - maybe that would solve the issue? I don't think there's a way to get that specific branch though.
Appreciate any help - I realise it's a simple question yet I've had some difficulty with it so would love some help.
