I set up a Connected App, a Python application to programmatically access Salesforce objects on behalf of a user (offline access).
The app works and I can generate an access_token:
$ curl https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=MY_APP_CLIENT_ID" -d "client_secret=MY_APP_SECRET" -d "username=my#user.com" -d "password=my_password"
So far so good.
Now I wanted to switch to a web-server-based flow that uses refresh tokens, but I'm stumped. Where do I get the initial refresh_token to send alongside grant_type=refresh_token? The docs seem to assume I already have a refresh_token and just want to generate another access_token based off that, which is not the case.
What are the actual steps and necessary calls, end-to-end?
List of docs that I found and read, but made me no wiser:
Here's the Salesforce documentation on the Web Server OAuth flow. It runs like this; note that user interaction is involved, so curl by itself won't be enough to demonstrate the flow clearly.
You direct the user to the Salesforce login UI, in their web browser, to get yourself an an authorization code:
https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<YOUR CONNECTED APP CLIENT ID>&redirect_uri=<CALLBACK URL ON YOUR SERVER>&response_type=code
The user interacts with the authorization page to approve your application.
The user is then redirected to the callback URL in your application that you provided in the call (note: this also has to be set up as a callback in your Connected App definition), e.g.,
https://YOUR_SERVER.com/oauth2/callback?code=<AUTHORIZATION CODE>
Your app can present UI here if you want but the point is to ingest the authorization code.
The callback URL can be on localhost. That's how, for example, the Salesforce CLI implements authorization of orgs; it spins up a local web server to receive the callback.
At this point, the user interaction is done. Your application makes a POST request to Salesforce's /services/oauth2/token endpoint to exchange the authorization code you received for an access token.
If your Connected App is set up with the refresh_token scope, you'll also get back at that time a refresh token that you can store and use to obtain new access tokens in the future, using the refresh token flow you already identified.
For a headless application, it can be easier to go straight to JWT (if that's your ultimate goal). I have an example of how to pair JWT authentication with the simple_salesforce Python library. It takes a little bit of initial setup to populate the certificate on the Connected App and assign Preapproved Profiles (or better, Permission Sets), but once the setup is done it's very smooth and never requires any user interaction.
Hi I am exploring some of the authentication and authorization flows with respect to azure active directory. I was using previously oath implicit flow in single page application. After spending time in reading microsoft documentation, I have understood following with respect to implicit flow.
Implicit Flow:
Single page javacript application uses implicit flow to get obtain access token from azure active directory. It directly calls token endpoint to obtain the token so this makes implicit flow less secure.
Authorization Folw in .Net Web application
Whenever we use .Net core web mvc application with authorization code flow, first call will happen in browser to authorization endpoint to get code. In browser we could see the request made to authorization end point. In request url I will pass response type as code then client id and redirect ui. Here first handshake take place between browser and authorization end point. This handshake returns code to the redirect uri. Next part, application has to make POST request to token endpoint to get access token. Code received in first step I will send in token request. In this request I will include client secrete also, redierct uri also. But whenever I make first GET request to authorization endpoint I will not pass client secrete. This is because Its not good to expose secrete in browser. So in second post request I will include client secrete also. Once I get access token I will add it in api request header to make secured call to apis.
This is the authorization code flow flavor I have understood with respect to .Net core web application. now I have another flavor of authorization code with respect to single page application.
Authorization Code Flow in React Web App
I have SPA react application which uses MSAL library. I have cloned sample application from github https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-javascript-react-tutorial/tree/main/3-Authorization-II/1-call-api/SPA.
Whenever I run this application, and sign in first call will happen as below
I am trying to understand this request. I have query string appended to the url authorization_endpoint=https://login.microsoftonline.com/c5ffa990-7e0a-4bf6-6c04-79ab98e05931/oauth2/v2.0/authorize so this may be used to return the code from authorization server.
Immediately next call will happen https://login.microsoftonline.com/c5ffa990-7e0a-4bf6-6c04-79ab98e05931/oauth2/v2.0/token
to get access token and in request in FormData section I could see following parameters
client_d, redirect_uri,scope,code
In code I see some code value hopefully received from authorization endpoint. anyway this api returned me access_token.
Now coming to conclusion, In .Net core web application and React SPA application both places I am using authorization code flow.
In .Net core authorization code flow I am making use of client secrete whenever trying to obtain access token. All this happen in server side in secure manner. In react also I am using Authorization code flow but I am not using Client secrete anywhere.
In react app also I am making two requests one for authorization endpoint to get code and another to get token. All this I can see in browser itself but then How can I consider this is as secure?
In .Net web app and react app both apps making use of authorization code flow but it behaves independently depends on the type of application.
After going through several documents and videos over the internet I concluded myself as
When Authorization code flow used with server side web apps like .Net core MVC, It makes use of client_secrete to get access token and this call will happen in server side so client secrete not exposed through browser to the users
When Authorization flow used SPA applications without server side support, first it will make call to get authorization code then It will make post request to get access token WITHOUT client_secrete.The only way the authorization code grant with no client secret can be secure is by using the “state” parameter and restricting the redirect URL to trusted clients.
So I am concluding myself as when we use server side web app with authorization code flow we can make use of client secrete but in case of SPA we are not making use of client_secrete.
I have understood above concepts and explained what I understood and also I listed the confusions I got after implementing 2 flavors of authorization code flow in web app and spa app. can someone help me If my understanding is correct or not, If my understanding is wrong, where exactly I understood wrong? Can anyone help me with respect to this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Authcode flow is an OAuth 2.0 workflow, you can use it in any kind of client (Web/mobile/SPA).
Clients should be using MSAL library to communicate with AAD/B2C with PKCE which is used to secure authorization code grants via Proof Key for Code Exchange (code_challenge) with S256 encryption.
Authcode Grant Flow spec:
If you are using B2C, your entry endpoint is:
that will display the SignIn-SignUp-Social Login Form. Just navigate to this URL with you App ClientId registered inside B2C.
You also can take a look to the custom policies starter pack to adapt your workflow to your needs (claims).
If you change response_type=code for response_type=id_token you will get a Token that can be used to authenticate against your restricted resources (API's) after all login process.
Or you can use a second call to the token endpoint to get it.
Token endpoint:
POST https://{tenant}.b2clogin.com/{tenant}.onmicrosoft.com/{policy}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=90c0fe63-bcf2-44d5-8fb7-b8bbc0b29dc6&scope=90c0fe63-bcf2-44d5-8fb7-b8bbc0b29dc6 offline_access&code=AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGBCmLdgfSTLEMPGYuNHSUYBrq...&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&code_verifier=ThisIsntRandomButItNeedsToBe43CharactersLong
code=XXXXXXXXXXXXX parameter is the access_code returned from first GET request.
Solutions to this is to switch to implicit flow, where there is no need of exchanging code for access token. But keeping access token in web application still vulnerable as this can be exposed using XSS or similar kind of attacks.
Other best practice is https://curity.io/resources/learn/the-token-handler-pattern/
I'm trying to create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform using the Cloud Resource Manager API.
It all works fine when I use it through the API explorer however I don't quite understand how to use it as an http request outside of API Explorer.
I run the request like this:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "project example","projectId": "my-project-example-1234"}' https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects?fields=response&key={MY_APY_KEY}
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "The request does not have valid authentication credentials.",
The documentation says that this request requires an OAuth scope and that's when things get confusing to me.
Reading the documentation I could not understand how one of the required OAuth scopes can be passed with the URL when making the http request to the rest API which I'm only assuming is what I'm missing.
Rather than just tell you how to test with a working token, I'm going to try to more broadly answer what you're aiming to do.
At a pretty high level, you will need to:
Enable the Resource Manager API for your Cloud Console project.
Create an OAuth client ID for Web applications in the Cloud Console. You will need to register your authorized redirect URI. This is where your app will get the OAuth response back from Google when the end user authorizes your app. Note the client ID, you will need that next.
Start the OAuth flow by assembling your URL:
Replace in that URL the client ID and the redirect URI. I assume you'd have a button or link on your site where you would have the user click to start this flow.
Code your OAuth handler. Some more in-depth code for doing this in Go can be gleaned from this Go Sample, which was originally for G+ sign-in but much of the logic is going to be the same. You are going to get a code query parameter passed to your application, the value is a one-time authorization code that your application must exchange for your OAuth tokens that you use to make API calls on behalf of the user.
If appropriate for your app and situation, securely store your tokens for use later or for processing while your user is not active on your site (might be appropriate for batch processing).
Now that you have an access token, you can pass that to the Resource Manager API and create projects on behalf of the user. You might use the Go client library or you could call the HTTP endpoints directly in your code.
If you want more testing with curl, I'd follow the process that we wrote up accessing the App Engine Admin API. Substitute Admin API URLs and names for Resource Manager and you've got the overall flow. The difference from what's above, is I used a code flow above because I assume you want server-side and possibly refresh tokens if you need to be able to make these API calls while the user is not active on your site.
Like Alex says, you ask for scopes during OAuth authentication. One way to easily authenticate and obtain a Oauth access token is doing:
gcloud beta auth application-default login --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudplatformprojects
As you can see, you can specify the scopes you want to gcloud and it will take care of authentication for you.
Then, you should be able to create a project calling:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud beta auth application-default print-access-token)" -X POST -d '{"name": "project example","projectId": "my-project-example-1234"}' https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects?fields=response
Here, you are passing the access token obtained when you made Oauth authentication. This should be taken care of by the client libraries for you when you get the application default credentials.
I am having troubles in implementing OAuth in the right way.
I use a client/API architecture (Angular for front and Node.js for back) and I would like user to sign in using Google OAuth authentication only.
Here is what I think is the right way for the moment (tell me if I misunderstood something) :
Angular open a Google popup asking user's consent.
Once the user agree, Google Authorization server sends back to angular a verification code.
This verification code is forwarded to an API endpoint.
Then, the API asks Google Authorization server to exchange this code for an access_token, an id_token and a refresh_token.
Google sends those 3 tokens.
The API uses access_token to retrieve user from Google API
The API persists the user
Here is the little dillema, in my opinion, the access_token and refresh_token should be stored into the database and the id_token should be sent back to Angular client.
This way, it would allow the API to ask for resource in Google API and if the token expires it can still ask for a new token thanks to the refresh_token.
Client-side, the id_token is embedded in all requests thus allowing the API to identify the client and verify his authentication with Google certs from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs.
Supposing this is right way to use tokens, how could I deal with id_token expiration since client does not have any refresh token ?
Thanks !
I do it slightly different (I have the same basic architecture though).
Angular decides the user needs to log in and displays a login popup.
The url in the login popup is not serviced by angular, but is instead directly run off of the backend server: /auth/google . (I use hapijs and bell, personally).
/auth/google is serviced by a bell plugin and initiates the OAUTH dance.
the end of the OAUTH dance results in my node server generating a local token (I just generate random bytes and store them in redis mapped to user ids)
because the initial login popup was created by window.open, the success page (generated on the api side rather than in angular) can use window.opener.postMessage to communicate the token back to the angular runtime.
This way, all my sensitive google credentials (the user's oauth token, refresh token if needed, and my application's api ID and secret) are only on the server, except for during the OAUTH dance relay when they're in a URL string during the client redirects. This is reasonably secure.
Then for all the actual user interactions with the api, I use the token I generated in step four to authenticate. This could be a JWT if you wanted, but I don't do it that way; I just use redis to map from 'longrandostring' -> userId. That lets me (for example) force everyone to re-login if I wipe the redis database that has all the tokens stored, or I can write a lua script to delete all the entries that map to a certain userid.
If you need a refresh token, you can set access_type=offline in the initial request to oauth2/auth, and you'll get a refresh token as part of the response, unless you've previously gotten a refresh token. You can then persist it on the server side and get new access tokens as needed. If you set approval_prompt=force as well, you'll force a new consent screen and be guaranteed a refresh token (but after some small number of refresh tokens granted to a user, older ones expire on the same application so it's best to only request them if really needed).
I'm trying to understand how an saml authentication flow could work in a mobile environment where the client (AngularJS based), api server (Node & passport based), and idp exist on different domains.
From what I've gathered the general practice is to have the server return a 401 to the client if there's no authentication present (i.e. the client didn't include a bearer token in the request). The client understands that a 401 response indicates to open up the login endpoint on the server. When the login endpoint is opened it makes a passport call to the auth provider (which redirects the user to the auth provider's site) and supplies a callback URL. When the user authenticates, the auth provider redirects to the provided callback URL, which allows the server to retrieve information from the auth provider's response and construct a token of some sort (e.g. JWT) that can be used by the client (i.e. included in the headers) when making REST calls to identify itself.
My question is: How does the client get the token from the server? Because we're in a redirect-based authentication flow, I can't just return token from the callback function; that would just display the token in the browser without handing it off of to the client. Does the server just issue a 302 redirect pointing back to the client domain and include the authentication token in a header? Maybe I should not redirect from the client to the server in the first place and instead window.open() and use window.opener.postMessage or is that too old fashioned/mobile-unfriendly?
This question talks about authentication against a SAML IDP, but I'm interested in getting more details specifically about that last bullet point and how it would work with an AngularJS-based client.
Many examples I've seen online are either a single domain using OAuth/SAML (passport-saml-example), which avoids the issue of having the client exist on a separate domain, or use two domains with basic authentication, which avoids the issue of redirecting to some third party for authentication, but I'm having trouble finding good examples that uses all the bits and pieces I'm trying to work with.
This blog post seems very close to what I'm trying to accomplish (see googleSignInCallback) and uses a 302 redirect like I imagined but that solution relies on explicitly knowing the client URL to redirect to, which seems like it could be problematic if I wanted to support multiple client types (i.e. Native applications) in the future.
Eventually I was able to work together a solution by having my application open a browser window (Cordova's InAppBrowser) to a SAML-enabled application, have that application complete the normal SAML flow, and then that SAML-enabled application generated a JWT. My mobile application was then able to extract the JWT string from the browser window with the InAppBrowser's executeScript functionality. Then I could pass that JWT string along to my API server, which was able to validate the JWT is properly signed and trusted.
After I implemented my solution I saw that there was similar functionality available on github:
Hopefully this helps anyone else trying to deal with this issue!
My context:
An AngularJS application using the Javascript Facebook SDK, and my distinct server (REST APIs).
User is logged in the client through the FB SDK using the method FB.login(callback).
This later gives a short-lived token that is then sent to the server in order to transform it to a long-lived token.
I'm interested in the mechanism of refreshing the long-lived token after 60 days.
So, reading the doc, we found this:
Even the long-lived access token will eventually expire. At any point,
you can generate a new long-lived token by sending the person back to
the login flow used by your web app - note that the person will not
actually need to login again, they have already authorized your app,
so they will immediately redirect back to your app from the login flow
with a refreshed token - how this appears to the person will vary
based on the type of login flow that you are using, for example if you
are using the JavaScript SDK, this will take place in the background,
if you are using a server-side flow, the browser will quickly redirect
to the Login Dialog and then automatically and immediately back to
your app again.
If I interpret it well, when user is ALREADY logged in through FB.login(callback), a simple redirect to the Angular Application's login flow would allow to get a new short-lived token.
I imagine that the FB.login is immediately run anew in this case, without user interaction, as written.
I want to test it simply, so what I've done is:
Logged in into the application through FB.login(callback).
Clicked on a dummy link making a simple redirect with: window.location.replace('/');
My application being a single page application, every URL should be considered as the authentication page.
But the FB.login isn't run in the background, as I expected from the doc.
What would be the reason?
Does it work only when the domain making the redirect is distinct from the client? (I just can't test this case right now)
Did I misinterpret the doc?