Create Google Cloud Project with Cloud Resource Manager API - google-app-engine

I'm trying to create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform using the Cloud Resource Manager API.
It all works fine when I use it through the API explorer however I don't quite understand how to use it as an http request outside of API Explorer.
I run the request like this:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "project example","projectId": "my-project-example-1234"}'{MY_APY_KEY}
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "The request does not have valid authentication credentials.",
The documentation says that this request requires an OAuth scope and that's when things get confusing to me.
Reading the documentation I could not understand how one of the required OAuth scopes can be passed with the URL when making the http request to the rest API which I'm only assuming is what I'm missing.

Rather than just tell you how to test with a working token, I'm going to try to more broadly answer what you're aiming to do.
At a pretty high level, you will need to:
Enable the Resource Manager API for your Cloud Console project.
Create an OAuth client ID for Web applications in the Cloud Console. You will need to register your authorized redirect URI. This is where your app will get the OAuth response back from Google when the end user authorizes your app. Note the client ID, you will need that next.
Start the OAuth flow by assembling your URL:
Replace in that URL the client ID and the redirect URI. I assume you'd have a button or link on your site where you would have the user click to start this flow.
Code your OAuth handler. Some more in-depth code for doing this in Go can be gleaned from this Go Sample, which was originally for G+ sign-in but much of the logic is going to be the same. You are going to get a code query parameter passed to your application, the value is a one-time authorization code that your application must exchange for your OAuth tokens that you use to make API calls on behalf of the user.
If appropriate for your app and situation, securely store your tokens for use later or for processing while your user is not active on your site (might be appropriate for batch processing).
Now that you have an access token, you can pass that to the Resource Manager API and create projects on behalf of the user. You might use the Go client library or you could call the HTTP endpoints directly in your code.
If you want more testing with curl, I'd follow the process that we wrote up accessing the App Engine Admin API. Substitute Admin API URLs and names for Resource Manager and you've got the overall flow. The difference from what's above, is I used a code flow above because I assume you want server-side and possibly refresh tokens if you need to be able to make these API calls while the user is not active on your site.

Like Alex says, you ask for scopes during OAuth authentication. One way to easily authenticate and obtain a Oauth access token is doing:
gcloud beta auth application-default login --scopes=
As you can see, you can specify the scopes you want to gcloud and it will take care of authentication for you.
Then, you should be able to create a project calling:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud beta auth application-default print-access-token)" -X POST -d '{"name": "project example","projectId": "my-project-example-1234"}'
Here, you are passing the access token obtained when you made Oauth authentication. This should be taken care of by the client libraries for you when you get the application default credentials.


Get refresh_token for Connected App in SalesForce

I set up a Connected App, a Python application to programmatically access Salesforce objects on behalf of a user (offline access).
The app works and I can generate an access_token:
$ curl -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=MY_APP_CLIENT_ID" -d "client_secret=MY_APP_SECRET" -d "" -d "password=my_password"
So far so good.
Now I wanted to switch to a web-server-based flow that uses refresh tokens, but I'm stumped. Where do I get the initial refresh_token to send alongside grant_type=refresh_token? The docs seem to assume I already have a refresh_token and just want to generate another access_token based off that, which is not the case.
What are the actual steps and necessary calls, end-to-end?
List of docs that I found and read, but made me no wiser:
Here's the Salesforce documentation on the Web Server OAuth flow. It runs like this; note that user interaction is involved, so curl by itself won't be enough to demonstrate the flow clearly.
You direct the user to the Salesforce login UI, in their web browser, to get yourself an an authorization code:<YOUR CONNECTED APP CLIENT ID>&redirect_uri=<CALLBACK URL ON YOUR SERVER>&response_type=code
The user interacts with the authorization page to approve your application.
The user is then redirected to the callback URL in your application that you provided in the call (note: this also has to be set up as a callback in your Connected App definition), e.g.,<AUTHORIZATION CODE>
Your app can present UI here if you want but the point is to ingest the authorization code.
The callback URL can be on localhost. That's how, for example, the Salesforce CLI implements authorization of orgs; it spins up a local web server to receive the callback.
At this point, the user interaction is done. Your application makes a POST request to Salesforce's /services/oauth2/token endpoint to exchange the authorization code you received for an access token.
If your Connected App is set up with the refresh_token scope, you'll also get back at that time a refresh token that you can store and use to obtain new access tokens in the future, using the refresh token flow you already identified.
For a headless application, it can be easier to go straight to JWT (if that's your ultimate goal). I have an example of how to pair JWT authentication with the simple_salesforce Python library. It takes a little bit of initial setup to populate the certificate on the Connected App and assign Preapproved Profiles (or better, Permission Sets), but once the setup is done it's very smooth and never requires any user interaction.

Microsoft Graph User.Read

I am writing an .Net Core application with Angular Frontend.
Now users are authenticated with Azure Active Directory, which is configured over the Azure Portal.
The users are succesfully authenticated, but as a developer, I still do not now, which user has authenticated.
There are lots of exmaples how to retrieve the information about the user, which is done with But when I call this, I am getting an 401 Unauthorized response. So there must be a way to get a Token or something like that.
I am having an client-ID, tenant-ID as well as an AppServiceAuthSession Cookie. Can anyone provide an code example?
For your requirement, you can go to Resource Explorer find your app and then locate "config" --> "authsettings". Edit the additionalLoginParams in json as:
"additionalLoginParams": [
"response_type=code id_token",
"resource=<the client id of your app in azure ad>"
Apart from this, you also need to edit the redirect uri of your app like:
After that, you can get the access token by request You can use the access token to request graph api By the way, maybe there are some information in the response of If the information is enough, you do not need to use access token request the graph api.
You are getting 401 Unauthorized response as you don't have right token to access the API The right approach is to use MSAL libraries to get token for your application(by authenticating) and use it for API.
Please find step-by-step tutorial using .Net core here and code sample here.
Please find step-by-step tutorial using Angular here and code sample here.
The solution was to add an secret to the application and then call

Google Cloud Platform REST API: Acquiring Access Token and API Key

I wish to use the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) REST API locally, starting with the method.
The route works when I use "Try this API" here, but how would I use this method locally with curl?
"$APPSID/services/$SERVICESID/versions/$VERSIONSID/instances?key=$YOUR_API_KEY" \
--compressed \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
How do I access $YOUR_API_KEY and $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN? I have been unable to find either in the official GCP docs.
The fastest way is use Cloud Shell:
List projects to get project id
gcloud projects list
# save you project id
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
API_KEY=$(curl -X POST$PROJECT_ID/apiKeys?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN | jq -r ".currentKey")
echo $API_KEY
To run above commands on local machine first you need authenticate using command gcloud auth login and follow instructions.
Alternatively api key could be readed or created from console go to Navigation Menu -> APIs & Services -> Credentials and next click on CREATE CREDENTIALS -> API Key.
By reading the documentation (clicking on question mark next to Credentials) we can read:
[YOUR_API_KEY] - "Include an API Key to identify your project, used to verify enablement and track request quotas."
[YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN] - "Include an access (bearer) token to identify the user which completed the OAuth flow with your Client ID."
You no longer need an API key. It's a legacy feature of Google APIs, provide only an access token is enough.
In command line you can do this
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" https://....
All the Google Cloud APIs are compliant with access token authentication. Few are still compliant with API keys.
About APIKeys API
This API has been published in beta and now closed. At least the documentation part. I don't know if this API is stable or subject to change. You can create an API key per API like this (very similar to Bartosz Pelikan answer)
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
As you can see, I reuse the access token authentication mode
The above answers are using an API that isn't publicly available (I reached out to GCP support an confirmed.
I recommend using the CLI tool like so:
gcloud app instances list --service core-api --project my-project-name
You'll have to a gcloud auth first and probably set your project.

What Scope and or resource to set to get token that works with office 365 api?

We have acquired the Admin consent in both delegated and application ServiceHealth.Read permissions in Office 365 Management API for our Client app in Azure AD.
We are unable to figure out what the scope and or resource needs to be in token acquisition process if we want to make calls to the office365 management api.
Whether its the client_credentials grant method of direct token acquisition
Or the authorization code then token for signed-in user method
It would be preferable if its for the client_credentials grant method, but if it has to be through auth code, that's fine too.
We can use the following already to grab our reports but do not know how to allow that authentication to also cover Office365 Management API Service Health
curl --location --request GET "{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data "client_id={clientid}&client_secret={clientsecret}&scope="
When adding ServiceHealth.Read to the end or by itself it returned invalid_scope as an error
When place only in the scope it gives the error invalid_resource with the description including that the resource not found in tenant
A similar problem occurred when trying to get the authorization code and setting the resource as ServiceHealth.Read and while setting that as the scope instead gave a authorization code, the resulting token was deemed invalid.
Authorization Code Grant Flow
I quickly tried this out with an Azure AD app registration that has ServiceHealth.Read delegated permission for Office 365 Management APIs.
Scope value used -
I was able to successfully get back an access token following the Authorization Code Grant flow. I'll share the detailed request parameters passed shortly, but this should answer your direct question about what scope value to use.
Since I used Azure AD V2 endpoints, I didn't really need to specify a resource. In your sample requests mentioned in question I see that you are also using Azure AD V2 endpoint.
Detailed steps
Step 1 - Get the Authorization Code
For this step, I directly used browser and then sign in using a valid user from my Azure AD tenant.
// Line breaks only for clear reading. Remove line breaks and paste in browser URL to test.
Response should be something like
Step 2 - Acquire Token from token endpoint
Take the Authorization code from last step.
For this step I used POSTMAN. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Client Credentials Grant Flow
Scope value used -
I did add the related app permission and give consent for it.
For this one I used POSTMAN again. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Take a look at this Microsoft documentation around scope value for Client Credentials Grant.

Delete groups in Microsoft Graph API in C#

I get an authorization 401 error code when I try to delete a Group from the API in C# but if I try it in postman it succeeds. Feels kinda weird because I run the same command but it doesn't work...
The problem I think I have is that to DELETE a group in Office 365 I need to login to my account and that the application can't makes this action.
I gave all Group.ReadWrite.All access and all other permissions for the application. So I think I need to pass my Login credentials for Azure AD or am I incorrect.
Request :
StatusCode: 401,
ReasonPhrase: 'Unauthorized',
Version: 1.1,
Content: System.Net.Http.NoWriteNoSeekStreamContent,
I tried to not use my GetAccessToken() and use the token I got when using OAUTH 2.0 verification in Postman. If I took that bearer token I had no problem running my script and using DELETE.
So my question what the difference of using ADAL in C# code and the call that Postman Auth2.0. When using Postman I get a login page where I login to my Azure account, can I replicate this in code? For the authentication in C# I use this example.
As one wrote in the chat, I checked the access token and what roles I had on a website.
roles: [
Some clarification: If you have a token and it doesn't have the necessary claims/permissions to make the API call you are trying, you'll should get a 403 Forbidden. If the token is missing in the API request or malformed, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized. Please see
Are you making direct HTTP REST calls to Graph, or are you using the client library? I suggest that you look at some of our samples to get started for examples of token acquisition together with calls to Microsoft Graph. Try (uses a .Net client library) or (uses direct HTTP REST calls).
Also are you acquiring a token in the context of a (signed-in) user, or in the context of the application (no signed in user)? If the former, you need to request a "delegated" permission. If the latter, you need to request an "application" permission. Please see these concepts: and
Hope this helps,
You're on the right track.
The Delete Group method support both Delegated (Authorization Code or Implicit OAUTH grants) and Application (Client Credentials OAUTH grant) models. Both Delegated and Application flows require the Group.ReadWrite.All scope.
The reason you're getting a 401 Unauthorized error is that your application hasn't received Admin Consent for the tenant you're connected too. When using Client Credentials there is no User to authenticate so before your application can interact with the tenant, an Admin must first explicitly authorize your application and the scopes you're requesting.
You can find a walk through at v2 Endpoint and Admin Consent.
