I'm fairly new to MongoDB so I apologize if my terminology is incorrect. I'm working on an e-commerce project (learning project) with express, mongoose and ejs, and I want to add a filter option into the 'All products' page. So for example if someone wants to view 'Sports' products only, I'd like to be able to update (PUT) the current page with 'Sports' products only.
To achieve this right now with my current skill set, I would create a separate route for each product category, /products/sports and then Product.find({ category: 'Sports' }) in my controller, and then display it in my ejs file with something like
<% sportsProducts.forEach(product => { %> <% display each product here %>
I feel like this is not the right approach at all, as it would be difficult to scale the project, and I could run into issues with displaying a certain amount of products per page. Is this something I need an API or AJAX for? I would much rather stay away from those if possible.
I'm just hoping someone can point me in the right direction, since a lot of mongodb's capabilities are unknown to me
Here you can follow these two approaches
make your route as dynamic like /products/:category then in code
Add a category as query param in your route /products?category=sports
I'm trying to learn how to use Firebase by creating a simple social media application.
https://i.stack.imgur.com/wfeyw.png (Here is how my database is laid out)
I was able to add data to the database but I'm having trouble understanding how to retrieve data. I want to be able to retrieve all the posts from a certain user and then display each one as an item in a list.
let Posts = firebase.database().ref('Posts').child(userId);
So far thats my query and here is the code I'm using to add the posts to the database. Could someone also tell me what is the term for the Id that is being generated for each post?
Text: post,
Score: 0
Im trying to learn Angular.js and have a small problem here. I have created a page that views ALL customers but what im trying to figure out is how to create a page where you just have an individual customer.
On the list all customers page i have
data-ng-repeat="customer in customers"
which returns all customers but how do i just limit that to an individual result on the view single customer page. The URL is customers/55b4fb75778becf4255b2ea5 so i assume it needs to be something equivalent to WHERE customer.id = "55b4fb75778becf4255b2ea5"
i believe ur using routes to show details of a particular costumer from a list
try using this within element
I just can't seem to wrap my head around Drupal relationships. I have been reading and watching tutorials, but as soon as I try to get my own project done - I fail. I think it's very basic, so I would love to understand it. Maybe someone here can help me understand how it works :)
On my drupal site, I want to keep track of some private game tournaments.
I have created a content type called contestant, which has fields like: Tournament date, Player name, Final Position. I can then create a view that list the information from one tournament. I used the help I got from this thread: drupal views dynamic filter
I would like to have the view described above as a block. And then place that block-view on a "tournament description" page. I could do this, by simply creating a new block each time, and then manually place it on the page it should be shown (structure-->Blocks-->configure), but that is not an elegant way to do it. I am pretty sure this is where Relationships should be used. But I fail to understand how to create this relationship, so that the specific block view, that matches the specific tournament description page will be displayed together.
Use a Content:Nid as a Contextual filter.
WHEN the Filter value is not in the URL >>
Provide default value
Content ID from URL
I have the next issue.
I have a custom object called 'Application', and I have this requirement:
"Show all Contacts related to an Application. Create a field on Application object, must be read only".
I solve it with apex code. 'Application' has a lookup to Opportunity, Opportunity to Account, and all my contacts have AccountId, so this way, I get all the contacts using apex code in a trigger.
But, I've been ask to change this to a Formula field in Application object.
So, my issue is next. I'm not able to get all contacts with advance formula editor, because they're not part of any object. I have no master-detail relationship.
Does any one know how can I achieve this using configuration? I should not use apex code for this req.
Thank in advance guys.
I don't think you can do it.
In formulas / merge fields syntax there's no way to go "up, up then down" (Application -> Opportunity -> Account -> down to Contacts related list). There's also nothing that would let you loop through Contacts (and display what? Ids? Names? Emails?). Roughly speaking you can only go up through dots.
You might want to explore path of "cross object workflow" rules but I imagine that when I add a new Contact to Account it should somehow "spread itself" to all related Applications? There's no straight way to fire a workflow on delete too - so you'd eventually end up with inaccurate list.
I'd say trigger was a good solution. Maybe it ws unoptimized but if it has to be in a field - tough.
There might be a fairly simple way of achieving that by embedding a visualforce page within Application page layout.
This should be doable with pure Visualforce (so technically there will be no Apex code ;))
Something as simple as
<apex:relatedList list="Contacts" subject="Application__c.Opportunity__r.AccountId" />
would be a good start (if you want your own layout and not a rel. list - you should be still able to pull it off with <apex:repeat> or <apex:pageBlockTable>.
There's one BUT here: it's not a field, just a display trick. Forget about using it in reports, mobile applications etc.
Another way - would it be acceptable to be 1 click away from these contacts? You could make a report "Account with Contacts", filter it by Id of one Account and later use "URL hacking" to change the filter depending on from which Application you'll click it. This link could be either a formula field or a real custom button/link. Technically - it's pure config, no apex & VF.
You can read more about URL hacking at Ray Dehler's excellent post and specifically about dynamic Reports here or here.
I have figured out how to add data from a model into a grid like the examples on the learning section of the Agile Toolkit website. But I'm looking for the correct way to show data from a database without a grid.
Say I have a news database and I want to display it as a blog style news on my home page. Can someone point me to where to begin?
Trying to make this a little more clear:
I want to display data from multiple columns from a table news. So I would need to know how to get the title, date, author, content and then repeat that for say 5 latest news articles.
try this:
then inside templates/defaults/view/mytemplate.html
You can also use it with any view, even page.
you can re-define template for your page by defining defaultTemplate function
function defaultTemplate(){
return array('page/mypage');