Twitter summary card image is not always displayed - reactjs

So i have a website which is builded with NextJS and i'm using Next SEO plugin for filling the meta tags necessary for twitter and facebook info...
I have card type option set to summart_large_image
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
i can see that it's added to the website and it does work for some of the posts ... but something weird is happening , for example two of the tweets will have card with large image and then three of them would be just plain text with the link ...
I have a CMS in Silex where it's implemented automatic posting on twitter with twitter's API... and basicly i'm just posting a string with the link and some additional comment about it ... when i try do debugg with the twitter card validator it does work properly but not on my account ...
here's a screenshot for better explanation, the red ones are cards with large image and the blue ones have only text with link
All the posts have the same structure and equal size provided for the og:image tag.... all of them are equal basicly
This is the twitter account in question for more clarity :
Now i even got a summary card with small image on a post which contains meta tag "summary_large_image" , and when i run the same link throught the link validator i'm getting the desired result
Link validator:

It looks like sometimes Twitter is not able to build the Card Preview (maybe a timeout when fetching the data or image) and, after that, the link is never accessed again, hence the preview is not rebuilt.
You can validate the preview with the Twitter Card Validation tool but it will probably work and show the correct link.
I have explained how the Card Preview works and limitation in a blog post, and created a tool to work around it.
In your case I would make sure the page is built before you post it onto Twitter, to make sure it is ready and served with minimum delay when the Twitter bot access it to generate the preview.


how to dynamically set title and description of angular single page application for google bot?

i want google bot to recognize titles and descriptions of my pages, the title and descriptions are coming from the database..
i used
document.title = $scope.dataFetchedFromDB.title;
document.querySelector("meta[name='description']").content = $scope.dataFetchedFromDB.description;
and it does change the title and description in the browser, but not in the snippets fetched by google or facebook or slack.... the old title and description remains.
i know about ng-meta npm package, but i dont have my pages on static route, the route is determined by the page ID (every page has its ID and its description and title)
i also read
Remember that while Google says that they use JavaScript to crawl pages, Facebook, Twitter, etc., do not. You can test Google's render of your page from the links here.
But Google takes a while to index these changes in their snippets. I would recommend creating a Google Search Console account and having it fetch-and-render the pages you want it to re-index. Even then, public results make take days or weeks to reflect your changes.
Also, it seems that the Googlebot with Javascript doesn't have a lot of patience. Try to make sure you are changing your Title and Description within mere moments of the page loading, and not at the end. In little tests, it appears that the Googlebot renderer may time-out after a few seconds, and only capture the original Title and Description.
In order to get other sites like Facebook/Twitter to render the proper metadata, you'll need to server-side render these pieces of data. Whatever appears when you say "View Source..." will be seen by these simplified crawlers. Consider updating to Angular (from AngularJS) and try server-side rendering for your metadata.

How to modify HTMLElement in index.html before page gets returned to requestor

Based on my custom URL parameters I process, I am trying to modify dynamically a meta tag I have id'ed in index.html like so:
<meta name="og:image" content="" id="ogImage"/>
The code below in my home.ts seems to be working
document.getElementById('ogImage').setAttribute("content", Media.ImageURL) ;
I can verify it is via the browser dev console/elements.
However, when I view from facebook via their ojbect graph debugger at
It appears to see the default
as if the index.html is shipped before my home.ts gets chance to make the update.
Perhaps, my understanding is flawed and there is better way to do this.
Thank you.
Note1: initially, I was thinking I had to make some angular binding between index.html and one of my services but I could not locate any sample code, the closest I came to was this post
How can I update meta tags in AngularJS?
But I don't know how to apply it for my ionic2/3 code, so I opted for the document.get approach.
Note2: the ultimate goal here is to share a link into a social media (web or app) like facebook, a messenger like viber/skype, etc... and have it resolve to meaningful images, title, description to drive the visit back to the site via browser, or app if the user clicking on the link is on a mobile device with my app version of the site installed on his device.
Note3: if you decide to point me to ionic deeplinking please provide code to match above, because I could not understand how to apply to my case.
If you are trying to implement dynamic open graph meta tags values in your pages, you will need a server-side scripting language like php. Such a script will run on the server, update the pages as needed, then the pages will be served to the requesting site or application.
client-side scripting (ie. JavaScript) is usually ignored when a site or app is merely visiting your site/link for the purpose of extracting (aka scrapping, parsing html) information such as the one provided by the open graph meta tags (og:title, og:description og:image...).

AngularJS application problems appearance in Google search

I have a personal project which consumes my free time and effort for about a year without significant profit. I have problems with it appearance in Google and would really appreciate to get help here.
This project ( - similar to craiglist in US) is WEB-based AngularJS 1.2 application that uses PHP rest API hosted on GoDaddy. And in order to make this application popular it have to be very visible in internet and very searchable in Google and users have to be able to share pages via social networks or skype.
According to Google specification, google crawlers doesn't run javascript to get content of a web page before index, so I've added _escaped_fragment_ page that displays content of web page without javascript. For example:
Dirty :
This dirty page will be redirected here where google will see content.
So basically I have two versions on HTML file for that page. One version is the one that available to users, which has styles, a lot more HTML tags etc. And the second is the version for Google crawler - very light-weight without any styles. And I am expecting to see clean link to my site in Google, not dirty.
So, If to search all links to a web site in Google you will see that one of the links displays it's "dirty" state.
Another problem is sharing links in Skype.
When I send a link to someone, I am expecting that this link will be transformed to thumbnail image but it is not happens. Instead I see ungly link to my web site.
Please help me to understand how to make happy everyone: users, google crawler, GoDaddy and me.
I was encountering the same problems last year with a big project and we ended to use :
It's a prerendering system that work with a phantomjs browser to detect bot request and render a full html template. It does also instanciate a cache service to not render again a template that haven't change.
Hope it help's.

Not able to pull blog image in linkedin

I'm implementing custom share buttons for LinkedIn, Facebook etc. using Drupal 7 at the following URL:
After a user clicks on the LinkedIn button, a LinkedIn popup opens, with the correct title and description. However, the wrong image appears. I'm not able to understand why the correct blog image does not appear.
Where is LinkedIn pulling the image from?
It looks like maybe the image being used is an older image capture from your site. Did you have this older image on the site before? (the city skyline illustration)

Weird Content of Facebook share/like button preview from angular app

I have an issue with share/like button from Angular app. I finally made it working correctly with links but share/like preview if completely wrong. I tried XFBML.parse(), switching to html 5 mode, etc.
There are two complete enigmas:
1. I got "Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration..." despite adding all possible variants to fb app setting.
When share preview appear - it has "Angular", but I never added it anywhere.
Here is the link
Would be grateful for any ideas...
The Facebook Scraper only looks at the HTML code your server delivers, it does not execute any JavaScript.
So if you want to share different articles, you need an individual URL for each article, that delivers the relevant meta data when requested from the server.
You can find some more explanation and hints on how to implement this in this article,
