Not able to pull blog image in linkedin - drupal-7

I'm implementing custom share buttons for LinkedIn, Facebook etc. using Drupal 7 at the following URL:
After a user clicks on the LinkedIn button, a LinkedIn popup opens, with the correct title and description. However, the wrong image appears. I'm not able to understand why the correct blog image does not appear.
Where is LinkedIn pulling the image from?

It looks like maybe the image being used is an older image capture from your site. Did you have this older image on the site before? (the city skyline illustration)


How to change title of google search list title

In this image you can see the result of codevaly it's show with my web title but i changed the title of my website to "codevaly" but still it return "my web", please help me to fix it
Click To View Image
It is my html file of react js project
Click To View Image
Now, Please point out my mistake.
Next time, insert your code and your problem in text. Pictures are frowned upon on Stackoverflow. Have you changed the title recently? If so, you might just need to wait for a google crawler to visit your page again.
More info can be found in the google search docs. Some other thing could improve the title, such as including an H1 element on your page that repeats the name.
It looks like your title and description both are not updated.
There are two possibilities for this
You have not deployed the recent code in production.
If not the first case then wait for google to crawl through your page.
Try checking with this site:Your site URL to list out all the links in your web app.


I've checked similar issues, but none of the provided solutions seem to work in this case. My assumption is that this has something to do with pdf document itself, appreciate if anyone could take a look.
Steps to reproduce
Here is the sandbox with the example
Expected behavior
Links are clickable. Please see the online demo
Actual behavior
Links are not clickable
Interesting fact, that google viewer does not open the links either (pages 4, 5), but if you download the document, links are working. I'm using default previewer on MacOS
React-PDF version: 5.7.2, same behaviour on 4.1.0
React version: 18.0.0, same on 16.4.0
Also, I used iframe and embed, and really it make link clickable but its not display pdf on safari IOS
The problem is you are using a "virtual PDF reader" (GoogleDocs/Mozilla PDF.js) which produces images and searchable text as separate layers, the link is there but it is the highlighted yellow zone not the blue underline text. also due to browser security I have to right click to open at my choice in new tab or new window (my choice would be save link as PDF for offline viewing).
In a true PDF viewer like Chrome embedded PDF Plugin or the users iFrame / offline viewer, the links would work perfectly. Again whichever way the user decides.

Opening new default browser window in plain React on a Mobile while using Facebook browser

We are in a unique situation here. Our React site integrates with Signicat for identity solution. Most of our user base comes from Facebook i.e. they use the Facebook app, look at our posts and click on links we post which redirect to certain sections in our website which require identification.
So an example link posted on Facebook group is converted into[0]=AT0-5n51iPMlSYghORXW8qxYXJQEejQTAhfiDQ3P3DK_ZTZM3GWbN4zXYKf-nyD_hWJdxQccenDp-5VgphfWuD6ZQ0ikeXq4lv4bjLbSJVFP9k4IxeMBT5mDa9jNdYnYlNs-DkXOM-LiPhhl-Obra9CAbtvihe-G7-8. When users click on the link, Facebook by default opens the link in its own Facebook browser. The subsequent steps in our portal need the user to identify himself and when the identification is completed and in the final step the request to Signicat hangs forever.
We identified that this issue is only happening with Facebook browser and hence one of the workarounds was to Open the default browser with the link to our website.
Note that:
a. this is not a React-Native app, our website is built using plain React hence the WebView solution does not work.
b. Facebook browser suppresses "" with "newwindow" call and simply displays the site in the same Facebook browser instance.
So bottom line is, we need a way to Open the default OS Browser from Facebook App/Browser with the link to our site. Hope somebody can help!
Thanks in advance...

Twitter summary card image is not always displayed

So i have a website which is builded with NextJS and i'm using Next SEO plugin for filling the meta tags necessary for twitter and facebook info...
I have card type option set to summart_large_image
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
i can see that it's added to the website and it does work for some of the posts ... but something weird is happening , for example two of the tweets will have card with large image and then three of them would be just plain text with the link ...
I have a CMS in Silex where it's implemented automatic posting on twitter with twitter's API... and basicly i'm just posting a string with the link and some additional comment about it ... when i try do debugg with the twitter card validator it does work properly but not on my account ...
here's a screenshot for better explanation, the red ones are cards with large image and the blue ones have only text with link
All the posts have the same structure and equal size provided for the og:image tag.... all of them are equal basicly
This is the twitter account in question for more clarity :
Now i even got a summary card with small image on a post which contains meta tag "summary_large_image" , and when i run the same link throught the link validator i'm getting the desired result
Link validator:
It looks like sometimes Twitter is not able to build the Card Preview (maybe a timeout when fetching the data or image) and, after that, the link is never accessed again, hence the preview is not rebuilt.
You can validate the preview with the Twitter Card Validation tool but it will probably work and show the correct link.
I have explained how the Card Preview works and limitation in a blog post, and created a tool to work around it.
In your case I would make sure the page is built before you post it onto Twitter, to make sure it is ready and served with minimum delay when the Twitter bot access it to generate the preview.

How to share web page with web image to Facebook on iOS 6?

I want my iPhone app to share a web article to Facebook with an online image using SDK 3.1. I make it share the url of the page and it shows the image on your facebook but doesn't show the image in the share-preview. See photo. It lets me share with image if I add a UIImage, but I don't have a UIImage and I don't want to upload an image every time someone shares, it's already online. I could do all this in SDK 3.0 easily. I don't care if it shares the text of the article or not, I just want the image to show up in the preview and the post and when you click it on Facebook, go to the article page online.
