I’m trying to build a C project on my iPhone, but I’m getting this error:
Can anyone help? I have installed everything from clang dependencies through APT.
I downloaded the newest version of Eclipse on an M1 Macbook Pro.
I downloaded the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace. It's version 6.0
I made a new project, and when I get to the "finish" screen, I get this error:
Then, if I click finish again I get this error, which is the error that keeps showing up no matter how many times I click finish:
Some stuff ends up actually getting built in the project:
My professor doesn't know how to fix it, and there's nothing on Google. How can I make this work normally like it's supposed to? Thanks :)
The plugin is no longer supported for newer versions of Eclipse as we migrated to maven a while back.
You have two options
Use an old Intel version of Eclipse that predated the change to work with a legacy project.
Migrate the project to a Maven project which will work with all IDEs and doesn't use the plugin at all.
Hello dear Eclipse developer,
I am already pretty desperate about figuring out the following problem, and maybe you can be part of the solution.
So heres the Context:
I want to develop an application for a Nucleo STM32F401RE Microprocessor Developmentboard.
To do so i need to set up the Eclipse Oxygen 3 IDE for my Windows XP x86 OS as descriped in this guide:
In short:
Install Eclipse Oxygen 3
Install C/C++ Development Tools
Install the GNU ARM plug-ins for Eclipse
Install the GCC ARM tool-chain
Install the Build Tools
Install the ST Link drivers for STM32Nucleo board
Every Step worked as expected and as descriped in the guide so far.
The next step is creating a test project, so I followed the project creation wizard for c/c++ projects in eclipse, which worked fine as well until i reached the very last step of the project creation wizard.
The last step wants me to select the path to the used Cross GNU ARM Toolchain which has already been installed in previous steps of the guide.
So i filled up the form fields, but the "Finish" and the "Next" Button stays greyed out! The "Back" Button is not working as well, so i literally cant do anything in this dialog field anymore, but cancel the project creating.
Someone went through this before and has an idea what the problem is and how to fix it?
Is it a bugg in eclipse?
Did i do something wrong ?
I've taken an Image to show what the problem is:
Thanks for your attention, dear developer. Good answers will make me a fan of yours.
Starting Eclipse with the errorlog console brought the following error when starting the project creation Wizard:
Managed Build system manifest file error: Duplicate identifier ilg.gnuarmeclipse.managedBuild.cross.toolchain.lib.release for element type ToolChain
This is the first time i get in touch with eclipse.
Can someone explain what this means and how to get rid of it?
I'm using Eclipse Photon and tried the installation through marketplace and manual installation of versions 4.4.1 and 4.3.3 but I'm still experiencing the same issue than you.
The solution was to uninstall Eclipse Photon and install Eclipse Oxygen 3a. Now the project creation works properly.
I had the same experience for my first eclipse project. After checking the installation of plugins in the Eclipse IDE, I found there are two versions of GNU MCU C/C++ (...) installed. The problem solved by uninstalling one of them. Hopes that could help someone later. I spend the whole day to solve the problem! lol
Uninstalling GNU MCU does the trick and soled the issue.
I've setup and installed npm, node, and verified they are both there. I've also worked through the Angular 2 quickstart guide and have compiled and ran the demo app successfully in my mac environment. However, I can't use Xcode to edit the .ts files.. Xcode is associating the files to quicktime player and refuses to open in the Xcode editor.
MacOS Sierra (vr. 10.12)
Xcode vr. 8.2.1
NPM vr. 4.0.5
node vr. 7.4.0
Am I missing something?
What I see in Xcode
If you dont't want to install any xclangspec file, then you can change type to other in Identoty and Type inspector (on right side of window).
I changed to javascript and looks great!
But the best solution is the xclangspec of course if exists...
Hi Ive been able to build my own hello project but ALL the demo projects fail with odd build error they cant find source which is in the Hello project see pics. Must be settings in Netbeans Project but I cant find appreciate any advice. Error /home/alistair/netbeansprojects/codenameone/CameraDemo/build.xml:51: taskdef class com.codename1.build.client.CodeNameOneBuildTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]:
I got this error when moving a project to a new computer. On the new machine, I had installed JDK 9, whereas on the old machine I had been working with Java 1.8. I downloaded Java 1.8 and selected it as the project SDK, and the error went away.
I downloaded Eclipse Mars although I have been doing most of my work on Android Studio. The reason is I need another tool, which is not compatible with Android Studio. The procedures I followed instructed to create an executable C project. I then added hello world to it, but I can an error stating there is nothing to build. What am I doing wrong? All of this is setup on Ubuntu Virtual Machine. I have reviewed the posts online, but the error seems to be specific to each case. Here is a screen capture...
Compiler is simply telling you that your code was already compiled and there are no changes in your code, then it does not compile.
Is a builtin feature of compilers, if there are no changes in source code file, compilers do not waste time.
Clean Project before to Build Project or modify Hello.c and Build your project.