I don't know why it does this but the after a while or sometimes just as the bot starts up the command prompt window stops updating when I use say console.log when someone sends a message nothing shows up and I then have to press ctrl + c and then everything that had to be logged suddenly gets logged and then the bot works fine again. How do I fix this?
After like 10 minutes or so, bot goes offline but the UptimeRobot is always running, i think replit is shutting down behind the scene. although, i have tried to implement this piece of code
client.on('disconnect', function(erMsg, code) {
console.log('----- Bot disconnected from Discord with code', code, 'for reason:', erMsg, '-----');
but even then it shut down!!
I am trying to have my bot up and running all the time, i need some information or some code to fix have replit restart again automatically. Or maybe, i can use some other free service to get my bot running.
This is because they are blocking requests coming from UptimeRobot. Which means they don't want you to uptime your repl. So you shouldn't be using these.
I made a Google Actions App which shall not sending prompts because I will send prompts with another application made with Unreal Engine.
So the problem is, if I enter a scene without sending prompt on enter I get the error: "Sorry, [GOOGLEACTIONSAPP] did not response at the moment. Try again in some minutes".
If I send a prompt the error did not appear.
So my question is, isn't it possible to enter a scene without sending a prompt?
But in development, why then is there a option to choose sending prompt or not?
Normally it totally makes sense to send a prompt, but like I said I handle prompts with my own unreal app, so there is no need to do it with google actions.
I made a discord.py music bot that can execute such commands as play, skip, pause, resume, now, stop, loop, leave, etc. However, I stuck with one problem. When my bot disconnects by executing the command leave or manually disconnects after timing out, everything works fine, but after I disconnect it manually by the discord way (RMB → Disconnect) and try to play something, it just joins my voice channel and doesn't play anything, though when I execute "now" command, it shows me the requested song. That's pretty strange, in my opinion.
I tried to mess around a little:
async def on_disconnect(self, ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.voice_state.stop()
del self.voice_states[ctx.guild.id]
Unfortunately, it didn't work.
Is there any solution?
I am working on a service program that reads the event log which shows how many times the user failed to log-in.
From my code, once a user click the switch profile button and try to log-in again, it stops.
As far as I know, the service program should run still during the log-off mode, am I wrong?
Please let me know the reason and any idea is welcome.
I have added my own procedure to run as soon as user logs, using
SET OPTION PUBLIC.post_login_procedure = 'xxx.Myprocedure';
I need to set custom message on pop up this provides when user logs in. The pop up is working, when I manually login in from Sybase central.
however, when I run dbisql -c "DSN=myDSN" from command prompt Interactive sql opens and I get the popup that stays on forever!
I cannot post images yet but I can send u one, it says "Connecting to database.."
I get this pop up only when I have set the popup to appear through post_login_procedure ,
If i remove that then I can connect to interactive sql without any problem.
Please help,