how to lazy load only once in react - reactjs

I am lazy loading service file dynamically on demand from a method, which gets called multiple times and i have to wait until i get response even though i had loaded that file before. Can i load it only once?
processData(serviceName: any, methodName: any) {
.then(component =>{
var result = component.default[methodName] ? component.default[methodName]() : [];
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Model not yet supported` + error);
return null;
I have written above method to dynamically lazy load service file, it works fine. But processData() gets called many times(onchange of any control) and most of the times the files would have already imported once.
I do not want to load that file again. How or where can i implement this? I will not get serviceName parameter until home page route is called.
where can i lazy load import and use it forever in application?

You can do it by using a name-spaced object.
const servicesCache = {};
processData(serviceName: any, methodName: any) {
if (servicesCache[serviceName]) {
var result = servicesCache[methodName];
} else {
import (`./${serviceName}Service`)
.then(component => {
servicesCache[serviceName] = component.default[methodName] ? component.default[methodName]() : [];
var result = servicesCache[serviceName];
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Model not yet supported` + error);
return null;


React 17 useMemo create a losted instance of object

Thanks to #dbuchet for his anwser. The problem comes from the fact that in StrictMode in dev mode only, everythings is running twice.
I just got a weird beavour in React.
My context :
I want to create an EventSource for work with Mercure. So i created a hook and this hook store my EventSource with a useMemo. Until here everything's is fine. But after some tests, eachtime i call my hook, two connections are created not only one.
The problem is that i am not able to close the first connection. Only the second. This cause memory leak and undesired persistent connections.
My useMemo for the EventSource :
const eventSource = useMemo(() => {
if (topics.length === 0 || !hubUrl || !baseUrl) {
return null;
let url = new URL(hubUrl);
topics.forEach(topic => {
url.searchParams.append('topic', (baseUrl ? baseUrl : '') + topic);
return new EventSource(url, {
withCredentials: withCredentials
}, [baseUrl, hubUrl, withCredentials, topicsHash]);
After some investigations, i can see that if i add some Math.random(), logs and a simple setInterval, i am able to see that two different objects are created :
const eventSource = useMemo(() => {
if (topics.length === 0 || !hubUrl || !baseUrl) {
return null;
let url = new URL(hubUrl);
topics.forEach(topic => {
url.searchParams.append('topic', (baseUrl ? baseUrl : '') + topic);
console.log('opening... ' + temp)
let connectionInterval = null;
connectionInterval = setInterval(() => {
console.log('------------- setInterval ---------------')
onsole.log(topics, eventSource, temp);
let test = { test: temp, eventSource: new EventSource(url, {
withCredentials: withCredentials
return test;
}, [baseUrl, hubUrl, withCredentials, topicsHash]);
The result in the logger is :
So we can see that my useMemo seems to be called only once (due to the fact that 'opening...' log is visible only once). But the random is different of the final object that i have at the end.
Moreover, setInterval is executed twice with both randoms visible.
Maybe something in my project cause this, so i created a simple peice of React and try the code below and same beavour :
const temp = useMemo(() => {
let test = Math.random();
let inter = setInterval(() => {
}, ['for block reloading'])
Result of the console :
Anyone got the same problem ?
Is there a way to avoid this, maybe i made a mistake somewhere or i misunderstood something with useMemo ?
Thanks !

How to activate a react route and pass data from the service worker?

I have a SPA PWA React app.
It is installed and running in standalone mode on the mobile device (Android+Chrome).
Let's say the app lists people and then when you click on a person it diplays details using /person route.
Now, I'm sending push notifications from the server and receiving them in the service worker attached to the app. The notification is about a person and I want to open that person's details when the user clicks on the notification.
The question is:
how do I activate the /person route on my app from the service worker
and pass data (e.g. person id, or person object)
without reloading the app
From what I understand, from the service worker notificationclick event handler I can:
focus on the app (but how do I pass data and activate a route)
open an url (but /person is not a physical route, and either way - I want avoid refreshing the page)
You can listen for click event for the Notification which you show to the user. And in the handler, you can open the URL for the corresponding person which comes from your server with push event.
notification.onclick = function(event) {
// suppose you have an url property in the data
if ( {
Check these links:
To answer my own question: I've used IndexedDB (can't use localStorage as it is synchronous) to communicate between SW and PWA, though I'm not too happy about it.
This is roughly how my service worker code looks (I'm using idb library):
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
const notif = event.notification;
if ( {
let db;
let p = idb.openDB('my-store', 1, {
upgrade(db) {
db.createObjectStore(OBJSTORENAME, {
keyPath: 'id'
}).then(function(idb) {
db = idb;
return db.clear(OBJSTORENAME);
}).then(function(rv) {
return db.put(OBJSTORENAME,;
}).then(function(res) {
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("Error spawning notif", err);
and then, in the root of my react app ie in my AppNavBar component I always check if there is something to show:
componentWillMount() {
let self = this;
let db;
idb.openDB('my-store', 1)
.then(function (idb) {
db = idb;
return db.getAll(OBJSTORENAME);
}).then(function (items) {
if (items && items.length) {
axios.get(`/some-additional-info-optional/${items[0].id}`).then(res => {
if ( && {
pathname: '/details',
state: {
.catch(err => {
console.log("error clearing ", OBJSTORENAME);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log("Error", err);
Have been toying with clients.openWindow('/?id=123'); and clients.openWindow('/#123'); but that was behaving strangely, sometimes the app would stall, so I reverted to the IndexedDB approach.
(clients.postMessage could also be the way to go though I'm not sure how to plug that into the react framework)
HTH someone else, and I'm still looking for a better solution.
I had a similar need in my project. Using your's postMessage tip, I was able to get an event on my component every time a user clicks on service worker notification, and then route the user to the desired path.
self.addEventListener("notificationclick", async event => {
const notification = event.notification;
self.clients.matchAll({ type: "window" }).then(clientsArr => {
if (clientsArr[0]) {
ticketId: notification.tag,
On your react component, add a new listener:
useEffect(() => {
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", message => {
}, [history]);

Displaying array-responses in the form of a Nested menus using React

I'm fairly new to React and stuck regarding a very minor problem. I wrote an UI that essentially calls a service that returns the responses in the form of an array. Now, I need those responses from the service to be displayed in the form of a nested menu. For e. g., one of my axios calls returns a response of [1,2,3,4] and the other axios call returns [1.1,1.2,1.3,..]. I want these responses to be aligned in the form of
i. e. the UI should show 1,2,3,4 .. and when the user clicks on 1, then 1.1,1.2 etc. should be displayed.
I'm using React, material-ui's components and redux for this.
I have a function to do the above mentioned.. but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
handleMenuData() {
var applist = this.props.menuData;
var appNames = [];
var moduleNames = [];
applist.forEach(app => {
app.moduleNames.forEach(module => {
try {
return axios.get(
'service url' + + '/' + module,
} catch (error) {
moduleNames: moduleNames,
moduleNames = [];
appNames: appNames,
and in my state,
this.state = {
appList: [],
appNames: [],
moduleNames: [],
app names are 1,2,3 and module names are 1.1,1.2 and I was thinking of using ListItemText component from material UI.
I think what you are doing is incorrect. axios.get is an asynchronous function and you are not waiting for the response to come from the server. That's why you get all arrays as empty. Try calling a recursive function like this.
const getModuleNames = (i) => {
axios.get('service url' + applist[i].name + '/' + module)
.then((response) => {
if(i < applist.length){
applist[i].moduleNames =;
name: applist[i].name,
moduleNames: applist[i].moduleNames
else {
// code you want to execute after adding data to appNames
}).catch((err) => {
// error handling

NativeScript Firebase plugin execution order

I'm learning NativeScript/Angular 2 and would need to get help with this issue.
In order to implement a multi-role login system within the Firebase platform I thought about this solution
Login the user through Firebase authentication
Query the /stores/ path for a store which has a merchantEmail field same as the e-mail that has just logged in
If I find it, I set the store ID inside a BackendService service which uses getString/setString to store tokens, then route to a MerchantDashboardComponent
If I don't find it, just route to a BuyerDashboardComponent
This is part of my code in the login.service:
login (email: string, password: string) {
return firebase.login({
type: firebase.LoginType.PASSWORD,
email: email,
password: password
(result: any) => {
(_result) => { // Here I set BackendService.storeID
Inside the .query() callback I am assigning the tokens I need in the application.
This is the method I'm using in my login.component:
doLogin () {
this.isAuthenticating = true;
if (!this.validateEmail()) {
alert("Please insert a valid email");
return false;
this.loginService.login(, this.password).then(
() => {
this.isAuthenticating = false;
if (BackendService.loginError)
else if (BackendService.storeID != '') {
this.router.navigate(['/merchant-dashboard'], {clearHistory: true});
else {
this.router.navigate(['/home/categories'], {clearHistory: true});
Everything works except for the fact that the Merchant gets routed to the Buyer dashboard. I've managed to discover that the execution order is not what I expected to be, in fact:
firebase.login() gets executed and returns a Promise
.then() handler is executed inside the doLogin() method
Only after this, the firebase.query() method completes the callback and my tokens are available, but doLogin() has already navigated the user because storeID is still empty when I need it
I hope I've been clear as much as possible.
Thanks for your attention.
So, the problem was in the login service method.
I now return the Promise generated by firebase.query(), which causes then() calls to chain in the correct order.
Yep that was exactly was I was going to propose to wrap it in a promise and create a chain.
example code
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
firebase.login({ loginArguments })
.then((result: any) => {
var onQueryEvent = function (result) {
return firebase.query(
// query arguments follows here
).then(res => {
return res;
.then(finalResult => {
try {
} catch (e) {

Nativescript Angular ActivityIndicator

in my Nativescript Angular app i am using an ActivityIndicator, setup as i've seen in the Nativescript Angular docs (the GroceryList example):
<ActivityIndicator width="30" height="30" [busy]="refreshing" [visibility]="refreshing ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></ActivityIndicator>
if the Component using it i have:
export class MyComponent {
public refreshing = false;
Then i fetch some data from my backend:
public onRefreshTap() {
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData(function (data) { //this.backend is my Service
this.refreshing = false;
The problem is that when i put this.refreshing to true, the ActivityIndicator correctly shows. But when bakend request completes (and so, i put this.refreshing=false) the ActivityIndicator does not hides... (and also it seems that its busy property is not updated, it stays in spinning state)..
What am i doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance
You could also try to access the refreshing property as it has been shown in the sample codes below. It could be a problem of accessing the property inside the callback method of your service.
public onRefreshTap() {
var that = this;
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData(function (data) { //this.backend is my Service
that.refreshing = false;
public onRefreshTap() {
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData((data) => {
that.refreshing = false;
It may be many things:
1) The change to false, on the Observable, is not being "seen" by the component.
------ The solution is run the code in a Zone (see )
2) The backend is returning an error (I don't see it dealing with that in the code).
------ The solution is put a function to deal with the error.
3) The callback is not being called. In your code, you're SENDING a function as a parameter to the backendService, so maybe the service is not executing it.
------ Try using a Promisses or Observables to deal with returned values (you'll have to Google about it, since I'm still learning them my explanation would be the worst). :)
Here's some code that might work:
<ActivityIndicator [busy]="isWorking" [visibility]="isWorking?'visible':'collapse'"></ActivityIndicator>
import { Component, NgZone } from "#angular/core";
export class MyComponent {
isWorking:boolean = false;
constructor(private backendService: BackendService,
private _ngZone: NgZone)
this.isWorking = false;
public onRefreshTap() {
this.isWorking = true;
// data is what your BackendService returned after some seconds
(data) => {
() => {
this.isWorking = false;
// I use to return null when some Server Error occured, but there are smarter ways to deal with that
if (!data || data == null || typeof(data)!=='undefined') return;
// here you deal with your data
