Obtaining danceability and valence using spotipy - spotipy

Is there a method that gets the danceability and valence of a song on Spotify using spotipy?
I do not see anything on the spotipy documentation, but I was wondering if there was any other way to get those values.

yes there is, it's called audio_features()
I suggest you to use Web API Reference to find method for your needs & try them
And then find the method corresponding on spotipy documentation


Implement PeerToPeer Calls using ms graph API

I am able to create a call through my react application using graph API to a MS-Teams user in organization which is working fine call is being made to the graph API and it's dialing to the user in the organization but I don't think user can interact without any device setup i.e laptop speakers and all in order to listen and speak over the call.
To make a call
To get call summary
I want to know how :
Do I need to create interface in my ReactJs App just in order to provide user all the facilities of calling? Right now I have only provided the Call button.
How can I handle the callback in the development phase and test things in my react app as callback are only sent to the https routes.
Note : I am using NestJs as backend.
Can anyone please provide a demo for this how to handle things properly as its now like a brain twister working with MS Graph APIs. I shall be highly obliged for the same as I am trying this thing first time.
Thanks in Advance.
To Create call You will need to register the calling bot. Which enables your bot to create a new outgoing peer-to-peer or group call, or join an existing meeting. Please go throgh this documentation and samples for more info.

Method GetTokenAsync unavailable

I´m following the Quickstarts from IdentityServer4. When I implement the "Switching to Hybrid Flow and adding API Access back" tutorial, I found that the method to get the access token in line:
is not available. Someone knows what method I must to use? Thanks.
The problem was that in my MVC controller I had the using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;. This library allows use the [Authorize] attribute but has his own HttpContext.Authentication namespace. The solution is add using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication and now I can access to the GetTokenAsync method.

Twilio TwiML XML String instead of url

I want to call the twilio voice API without providing the URL.
Normally you would do it like this using python:
call = client.calls.create(url="http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml",
Instead of providing the URL I want to provide the XML-String. Is that somehow possible?
I'm generating the XML via a google cloud endpoints api. The response is in JSON format and a variable contains the XML. I need to parse the JSON to get the XML.
Sounds like you could use the echo Twimlet.
Echo will just output whatever TwiML is passed into it via the URL. It is useful for building stateless, outbound apps, where arbitrarily complex content of the call is pre-generated and just passed into the REST API to initiate a call.
Example: http://twimlets.com/echo?Twiml=%3CResponse%3E%3CSay%3EHi+there.%3C%2FSay%3E%3C%2FResponse%3E
Twilio Evangelist here. I'm afraid you cannot do this, however there are a number of solutions. If your call doesn't require any dynamic XML, you can host it on S3, or a similar service (I use Dropbox public links quite a lot).
If you do need dynamic XML, then we have a whole bunch of tutorials that can help you get setup with a simple web application.
Hope this helps!

How do you return a Partial response in app engine python endpoints?

I am learning endpoints and saw that other Google APIs have this "fields" query attribute.
Also it appears in the api explorer.
I would like to get a partial response for my api also, but when using the fields selector from the api explorer it is simply ignored by the server.
Do I need to implement something in the server side?
Haven't found anything in the docs.
Any help is welcome.
From what I gather, Google has enabled partial response for their APIs, but has not yet explained how to enable it for custom APIs.
I'm assuming if they do let us know, it might entail annotations, and possibly overriding a method or two.
I've been looking also, to no avail.
I've been looking into this just due to a related question, where I'd like to know how to force the JSON object in the response from my google Endpoint API, to include even the members of the class that are null valued.
I was trying to see if anything would be returned if I used a partial response with a field indicated that was null.. would the response have the property at least, or would it still not even exist as a property.
Anyway, this lead me into the same research, and I do not believe we can enable partial responses in our own APIs yet.
You can return a partial response by defining the parameter in #MyModel.method
response_fields=('model_id', 'date_time'))
def mymodel_insert(self, mymodel):
return mymodel
Check out this tutorial Endpoints tutorial

Azure Blob Shared Access Signature without the api

I'm trying to create a REST call to Azure to List Blobs within a container. The container is private so I need to access it through a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
I make that call in a Silverlight application so I cannot use the Client API.
I find a lot of examples with ClientAPI but nothing really clear and obvious for REST.
Anyone has a nice... clean and simple example on how to do that?
I wrote a blog post a few days ago about exactly the same: http://gauravmantri.com/2013/02/13/revisiting-windows-azure-shared-access-signature/. I've included samples for various common functions both using REST API and Client library. As far as listing blobs is concerned, if you use REST API you get raw XML back which you would need to parse in your SL app.
