Azure Blob Shared Access Signature without the api - silverlight

I'm trying to create a REST call to Azure to List Blobs within a container. The container is private so I need to access it through a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
I make that call in a Silverlight application so I cannot use the Client API.
I find a lot of examples with ClientAPI but nothing really clear and obvious for REST.
Anyone has a nice... clean and simple example on how to do that?

I wrote a blog post a few days ago about exactly the same: I've included samples for various common functions both using REST API and Client library. As far as listing blobs is concerned, if you use REST API you get raw XML back which you would need to parse in your SL app.


Twilio TwiML XML String instead of url

I want to call the twilio voice API without providing the URL.
Normally you would do it like this using python:
call = client.calls.create(url="",
Instead of providing the URL I want to provide the XML-String. Is that somehow possible?
I'm generating the XML via a google cloud endpoints api. The response is in JSON format and a variable contains the XML. I need to parse the JSON to get the XML.
Sounds like you could use the echo Twimlet.
Echo will just output whatever TwiML is passed into it via the URL. It is useful for building stateless, outbound apps, where arbitrarily complex content of the call is pre-generated and just passed into the REST API to initiate a call.
Twilio Evangelist here. I'm afraid you cannot do this, however there are a number of solutions. If your call doesn't require any dynamic XML, you can host it on S3, or a similar service (I use Dropbox public links quite a lot).
If you do need dynamic XML, then we have a whole bunch of tutorials that can help you get setup with a simple web application.
Hope this helps!

Mobile application backend

I'm currently developing a mobile application that will fetch data from server by request (page load) or by notification received (e.g. GCM).
Currently I'm starting to think about how to build the backend for that app.
I thought about using PHP to handle the http requests to my database (mySQL) and to return the response as JSON. As I see it there are many ways to implement such server and would like to hear to hear thoughts about my ideas for implementations:
1. create a single php page that will receive an Enum/Query, execute and send the results.
2. create a php page for every query needs to be made.
Which of my implementations should I use? if none please suggest another. Thank you.
P.S, this server will only use as a fetcher for SQL and push notifications. if you have any suggestion past experience about how to perform it (framework, language, anything that comes to mind) I'd be happy to learn.
You can use PHP REST Data services framework
I am also looking for information about how to power a web and mobile application that has to get and save data on the server.
I've been working with a PHP framework such as Yii Framework, and I know that this framework, and others, have the possibility to create a API/Web service.
APIS can be SOAP or REST, you should read about the differences of both to see wich is best for mobile. I think the main and most important one is that for SOAP, you need a Soap Client library on the device you are trying to connect, but for REST you just make a http request to the url.
I have built a SOAP API with Yii, is quite easy, and I have use it to communicate between two websites, to get and put data in the same database.
As for your question regarding to use one file or multiple files for every request, in the case of SOAP built on Yii, you have to normally define all the functions available to the API on the server side in only one file(controller) and to connect to that webservice you end up doing:
$client=new SoapClient("url/of/webservice);
$result=$client->methodName($param1, $param2, etc..);
So basically what you get is that from your client, you can run any method defined on the server side with the parameters that you wish.
Assuming that you use to work program php in the "classic way" I suggest you should start learning a framework, there are many reasons to do it but in the end, it is because the code will result more clean and stable, for example:
You shouldn't be writing manual queries (sometimes yes), but you can use the framework's models to handle data validation and storage into the database.
Here are some links:
As I said, I am also looking to learn how to better power a mobile application, I know this can be achieved with a API, but I don't know if that is the only way.
create a single php page that will receive an Enum/Query, execute and send the results.
I created a single PHP file named api.php that does exactly this, the project is named PHP-CRUD-API. It is quite popular.
It should take care of the boring part of the job and provides a sort of a framework to get started.
Talking about frameworks: you can integrate the script in Laravel, Symfony or SlimPHP to name a few.

simulating HTTP POST handling using Angular Tutorial web-server script

I'm trying to develop AngularJS applicatino using the Angular tutorial web-server script.
Is it possible or smart to use it for development only scenario ?
I want to be able to develop and test my Angular application without relying on the real server and real database, that's the reason I'm asking this.
I don't know much about the tutorial web-server script.
When it comes to your situation, though, your best bet is to abstract away your data managing processes. In other words, you can make a set of services that take care of loading and saving your data. You could have methods like or book.fetch().
Then in save() and fetch() you can return or insert an object literal or call for a JSON file.
Assuming that your product will be running on JSON data, you should be able to write another set of model services that call JSON data from the server rather any that you've hard written in the code or in a *.json file.

Using azure mobile services how do I download a blob from a private container?

I am using Azure Mobile Services to store images for a web application.
I have managed to successfully upload images to a private container. I've followed the logic in this introductory guide (, i.e. when uploading the file to the database an SAS is generated by a node script called when inserting a record into a table.
One of the reasons to use this approach from mobile apps is so that the storage key is not stored within the application source itself.
Conforming with that idea I am now struggling to find an example of how to download the images.
Perhaps I should update the read function for the same table and have that return an SAS which can be used to accessed the image.
Does this sound reasonable or are they better approaches?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
It sounds to me like you are on the right track. If you are storing the image in a private container and want the mobile device to read it back then yes, you will want to produce a SAS that allows reading and get that back to the device. The device code can then make a call directly against BLOB storage using that SAS URL to retrieve the image.
This applies only if you want the container private. If the container is public then just returning the URL (like they have in the article you link to) should be fine.
It also depends on how private you care the image to be. For example, let's say you have a container created per user. If the container has a Shared Access Signature Policy on it with a really far off expiration date then technically someone still needs the URL with the SAS to view it, but you can create that SAS and store it like the sample. The mobile app can then be given the URL when it reads data from your service and get to the BLOB directly without having it create an additional SAS. In my opinion this option only really works if the images aren't going to be around very long, or you don't really care that if someone sniffs the URL from the network traffic that they can access it.
If you want it fairly secure and do not know how long the images will be around, then you should go with your stated approach of getting a SAS for read when the app reads from the related table data. The SAS can have a fairly short expiry on it and the mobile device can cache the result.

Accessing FacesContext in Portal Application

We need to get certain information from PortletRequest in our Portal application. We do that using a utility method inside our Portlet Application. In this Utility method we access FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRequest() to get the PortletRequest. We access this Utility method in our DAO layer. We do not have access to request parameter here.
It works sometimes, but at times it gives me NullPointerException. I found a similar thread which explains about this. They have mentioned, if it is part of the same request, then you should get the Context. For me, it is part of the same request, but I'm not getting the context. Can you please help me.
If you are getting a null FaceContext from FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() then no FacesContext has been constructed for this Thread/Request.
Are the failing requests coming through a non-faces entry point? Such as an Event or Resource portlet request? If so there will be no FacesContext created.
Rather than relying on static methods and thread local storage to access data in you DAO you should consider extracting what you need from the PortletRequest, and passing it down your stack. It is bad practice to mix presentation layer artefacts such as the FaceContext or a PortletRequest with your DAO layer.
If your application is deployed in separate WAR/JAR files, it is likely that different classloaders are used. I had a similar problem, when I tried to access the FacesContext inside an hibernate HAR archive on JBOSS5. I came up with a successfull solution using reflection API. Take a look at this.
If you bundle your whole application into one EAR, you might be able to force the use of one classloader for the whole ear, but AFAIK that is application server specific.
