Accessing FacesContext in Portal Application - websphere-portal

We need to get certain information from PortletRequest in our Portal application. We do that using a utility method inside our Portlet Application. In this Utility method we access FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRequest() to get the PortletRequest. We access this Utility method in our DAO layer. We do not have access to request parameter here.
It works sometimes, but at times it gives me NullPointerException. I found a similar thread which explains about this. They have mentioned, if it is part of the same request, then you should get the Context. For me, it is part of the same request, but I'm not getting the context. Can you please help me.

If you are getting a null FaceContext from FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() then no FacesContext has been constructed for this Thread/Request.
Are the failing requests coming through a non-faces entry point? Such as an Event or Resource portlet request? If so there will be no FacesContext created.
Rather than relying on static methods and thread local storage to access data in you DAO you should consider extracting what you need from the PortletRequest, and passing it down your stack. It is bad practice to mix presentation layer artefacts such as the FaceContext or a PortletRequest with your DAO layer.

If your application is deployed in separate WAR/JAR files, it is likely that different classloaders are used. I had a similar problem, when I tried to access the FacesContext inside an hibernate HAR archive on JBOSS5. I came up with a successfull solution using reflection API. Take a look at this.
If you bundle your whole application into one EAR, you might be able to force the use of one classloader for the whole ear, but AFAIK that is application server specific.


Where to find the OSB Business service configuration details in the underlying database?

In OSB Layer when the endpoint uri is changed, I need to alert the core group that the endpoint has changed and to review it. I tried SLA Alert rules but it does not have options for it. My question is, the endpoint uri should be saved somewhere in the underlying database. If so what is the schema and the table name to query it.
URI or in fact any other part of OSB artifact is not stored in relational database but rather kept in memory in it's original XML structure. It can be only accessed thru dedicated session management API. Interfaces you will need to use are part o and packages. Unfortunately it is not as straightforward as it sounds, in short, to extract URI information you will need to:
Create session instance(SessionManagementMBean)
Obtain ALSBConfigurationMBean instance that operates on SessionManagementMBean
Create Query object instance(BusinessServiceQuery) an run it on ALSBConfigurationMBean to get ref object to osb artifact of your interest
Invoke getServiceDefinition on your ref object to get XML service
Extract URI from XML service definition with XPath
Downside of this approach is that you are basically pooling configuration each time you want to check if anything has changed.
More information including JAVA/WLST examples can be found in Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Service Bus
There is also a good blog post describing OSB customization with WLST ALSB/OSB customization using WLST
The information about services and all its properties can be obtained via Java API. The API documentation contains sample code, so you can get it up and running quite quickly, see the Querying resources paragraph when following the given link.
We use the API to read the service (both proxy and business) configuration and for simple management.
As long as you only read the properties you do not need to handle management sessions. Once you change the values, you need to start a session and activate it once you are done -- a very similar approach to Service bus console.

Azure Blob Shared Access Signature without the api

I'm trying to create a REST call to Azure to List Blobs within a container. The container is private so I need to access it through a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
I make that call in a Silverlight application so I cannot use the Client API.
I find a lot of examples with ClientAPI but nothing really clear and obvious for REST.
Anyone has a nice... clean and simple example on how to do that?
I wrote a blog post a few days ago about exactly the same: I've included samples for various common functions both using REST API and Client library. As far as listing blobs is concerned, if you use REST API you get raw XML back which you would need to parse in your SL app.

Initialize Database connection in Jersey REST webapp

I want to make database queries in my Jersey REST webapp. The ideal situation would be to find a way where the database connection is initialised once at the first app run. Afterwards I only get the instance of DAOFactory object in my REST class and make the queries in the methods. I am using mysql connector. Is there a way to find a way to do it in Jersey? In JSF it was possible - I just used an application-scoped bean when I run the code. Moreover it would be good if I could access the ServletContext object inside this method cause I would like to use it's getResourceAsStream() method to read the database connection parameters from WEB-INF/ file. But the 'only once per app initialisation' is the crucial part here.

SQL Session State Server dynamic connection string

I am using a SQL Server for ASP.Net session state. However, I am only able to retrieve the connection string at runtime and for that reason cannot store it in the web.config file. Usually it would be in:
sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=<username>;password=<strongpassword>"
How can I set that connection string at runtime? (i.e. after the web app spins up.)
Have you looked at doing it in the Application_Start event in Global.asax? This seems like the logical place to set something like that.
From MSDN's documentation:
Called when the first resource (such
as a page) in an ASP.NET application
is requested. The Application_Start
method is called only one time during
the life cycle of an application. You
can use this method to perform startup
tasks such as loading data into the
cache and initializing static values.
You should set only static data during
application start. Do not set any
instance data because it will be
available only to the first instance
of the HttpApplication class that is
I would think you can set that string somewhere within System.Web.SessionState, hopefully that will help you get to the right place. Sorry I can't give a better answer, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. If I do, I'll let you know. GL

Using ASP.NET session state with Silverlight (PRISM)

The scenario:
I have a PRISM application developed in Silverlight (4), and I'm using a ASP.NET server side application to host several web-services (which, in turn, accesses WCF-services, but that's not really important here). The Silverlight application must be able to call the web services cross-domain (meaning that the web services isn't necessarily on the same server hosting the silverlight application).
The Silverlight application consists of several modules, each accessing the ASP.NET web-services.
I do not have much experience with Silverlight and PRISM, but as far as I can see, this is not a very unusual scenario...
The problem:
My challange is, that when 2 different modules access the web-services, I get 2 new sessions on the web-server. I would have thought that since both modules live on the same HTML-page (and then also in the same browser session), they would get the same session on the web-server...?
I have tried to make the web-service Proxy-client globally available in the container (using Unity), by registering an instance (using Container.RegisterInstance), and then getting this instance whenever a module needs to make a web-service call (using Container.Resolve), but this doesn't seem to help.
However, any calls made within the same module always gets the same session on the server.
Can anyone see what I'm missing here...?
Looks like I found my own answer.
The problem was that my application was firing multiple web-service calls upon startup (the different PRISM-modules working independently). And when several calls were made before any responses was given from the web-server, no session (and hence no "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookie was provided) back to the client before subsequent calls were made.
My solution was to make sure I make one call (async as always), for example to a simple Ping-like web-service, then hold all other calls to the web-server until this response is back. Then, all subsequent calls are given the same Session on the server (because now they all contain the "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookie in the header).
In pratice, this call is made by the PRISM-shell, and no modules are beeing loaded before I receive the reponse. Then I'm absolutely sure that none of the other modules get trigger-happy before I have a session-state on hand.
Still, if anybody sees any other problems with this solution, I'm more than happy to hear from you.
