How does real-time collaborative applications saves the data? - database

I have previously done some very basic real-time applications using the help of sockets and have been reading more about it just for curiosity. One very interesting article I read was about Operational Transformation and I learned several new things. After reading it, I kept thinking of when or how this data is really saved to the database if I were to keep it. I have two assumptions/theories about what might be going on, but I'm not sure if they are correct and/or the best solutions to solve this issue. They are as follow:
(For this example lets assume it's a real-time collaborative whiteboard:)
For every edit that happens (ex. drawing a line), the socket will send a message to everyone collaborating. But at the same time, I will store the data in my database. The problem I see with this solution is the amount of time I would need to access the database. For every line a user draws, I would be required to access the database to store it.
Use polling. For this theory, I think of saving every data in temporal storage at the server, and then after 'x' amount of time, it will get all the data from the temporal storage and save them in the database. The issue for this theory is the possibility of a failure in the temporal storage (ex. electrical failure). If the temporal storage loses its data before it is saved in the database, then I would never be able to recover them again.
How do similar real-time collaborative applications like Google Doc, Slides, etc stores the data in their databases? Are they following one of the theories I mentioned or do they have a completely different way to store the data?

They prolly rely on logs of changes + latest document version + periodic snapshot (if they allow time traveling the document history).
It is similar to how most database's transaction system work. After validation the change is legit, the database writes the change in very fast data-structure on disk aka. the log that will only append the changed values. This log is replicated in-memory with a dedicated data-structure to speed up reads.
When a read comes in, the database will check the in-memory data-structure and merge the change with what is stored in the cache or on the disk.
Periodically, the changes that are present in memory and in the log, are merged with the data-structure on-disk.
So to summarize, in your case:
When an Operational Transformation comes to the server, two things happens:
It is stored in the database as is, to avoid any loss (equivalent of the log)
It updates an in-memory datastructure to be able to replay the change quickly in case an user request the latest version (equivalent of the memory datastructure)
When an user request the latest document, the server check the in-memory datastructre and replay the changes against the last stored consolidated document that might be lagging behind because of the following point
Periodically, the log is applied to the "last stored consolidated document" to reduce the amount of OT that must be replayed to produce the latest document.
Anyway, the best way to have a definitive answer is to look at open-source code that does what you are looking for, e.g. etherpad.


What are the major differences between snapshot, dump, mirror, backup, archive, and checkpoint?

I am new to the SDDC (software-defined data center), and I found these concepts over the Internet are at most vague.
Particularly, the last three concepts differ trivially, and to make things worse, people sometimes use them interchangeably. What are their major differences? I also read this post but the explanation seems still not enough to answer my question.
Archiving is the process of moving data that is no longer
actively used as a separate storage device for long-term retention.
Dumping is a major output of data that can help users either back up or duplicate a database.
Mirroring refers to the real-time operation of copying data, as an exact copy, from one location to a local or remote storage medium.
Snapshotting is the state of a system at a particular point in time.
Backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere so that it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.
Checkpoint is a test operation that verifies data retrieved from the database by comparing that data with the baseline copy stored in your project.

Problems and solutions when using a secondary datastore alongside the main database?

I am in the middle of an interview simulation and I got stock with one question. Can someone provide the answer for me please?
The question:
We use a secondary datastore (we use elasticsearch alongside our main database) for real time analytics and reporting. What problems might you anticipate with this sort of approach? Explain how would go about solving or mitigating them?
Thank you
There are several problems:
No transactional cover : If your main database is transactional (which it usually is), so you either commit or you don't. After the record is inserted into your main database, there is no guarentee that it will be committed to ES. In fact if you commit several records to your primary DB, you may have a situation where some of them are committed to ES, and few others are not. This is a MAJOR issue.
Refresh Interval : Elasticsearch by default refreshes every second. That means "Real-time" is generally 1 second later, or at least when the data is queried for. If you commit a record into your primary db, and immediately query for it via ES, it may not get found. THe only way around this is to GET the record using its ID.
Data-Duplication : Elasticsearch cannot do joins. You need to denormalize all data that is coming from a RDBMS. If one user has many posts, you cannot "join" to search. You have to add the user id an any other user specific details to every post object.
Hardware : Elasticsearch needs RAM (bare minimum of 1 gb) to work properly. This is assuming you don't use anything else from the ELK stack. THis is an important cost wise consideration.
One problem might be synchronization issues, where the elastic search store gets out of sync and starts service stale data. To avoid issues, you will have to implement monitoring on your data pipeline, elastic search and the primary database, to detect any problem by checking for update times, delay, number of records (within some level of error) in each of them and overall system operation status (up / down).
Another is disconnection and recovery - what happens if your data pipeline or elastic search loses connection to the rest of the system? You will need an automatic way to re-connect, when network is restored and start synchronising data again.
You also have to take into account sudden influx of data - how to scale ElasticSearch ingestion or your data processor (data pipeline) if there is large amount of updates and inserts in peak hours or after re-connection when there was network issues.

Can Flink State replace an external database

I have a Flink project that receives an events streams, and executes some logic to add a flag of this event, then it saves the flag and the eventID for a while to be reused or to be queried by other system.
in this case, the volume of data is not too many, and need to be good reliability, of course, better to be updated in time before being used.
Traditionally, we can use an external database to save this kind of data.
But after I learned the state, I saw it seems to be very useful, and has a good backends mechanism, and can be queryable.
So I am asking question to listen more to your arguments and evidence.
I am moving my last two comments to here as an answer since I realized I am essentially doing that.
Ok, It might have been the Uber keynote then. But the bottom line is that there are companies that are using extremely large state to hold data that you need to perform calculations against effectively.
For example, I made a program that took in messages that with an unique ID and a value field(int). I then had a stateful function that was keyed by the ID of the received message and every message I received for that ID would be added to a stateful value object, updating the the total for that ID. You could make a stateful list object to hold all the messages you received if you needed that. An alternative to that is to use a "new age" database that is designed for quick read/writes, like Cassandra, to store that. But that approach comes with its own limitations because of the I/O (long story short, Flink and Cassandra could handle lots of dat fast, the network bandwidth could not).
So keeping all that data in state in flink can be done and used well and has many benefits.
The one thing that I have to caveat this with is that I do not know if Flink's state has the same sort of failsafes like that of Cassandra or Kafka. Whereas they replicate their data across nodes so that if one goes down, then the others can handle everything and repopulate the other node when it is restarted. Flink's state can be stored on a remote backend like an s3 bucket or hdfs
(see:, but I do not know if there is replication of the state. So if the state is stored all on one node that goes down, if it is gone for good or is backed up on another node. That is something to look into more since that should be a big decision in your choice.
Hope that at least gave you some info and a brief idea of what questions to ask.

How often should I have my server sync to the database?

I am developing a web-app right now, where clients will frequently (every few seconds), send read/write requests on certain data. As of right now, I have my server immediately write to the database when a user changes something, and immediately read from the database when they want to view something. This is working fine for me, but I am guessing that it would be quite slow if there were thousands of users online.
Would it be more efficient to save write requests in an object on the server side, then do a bulk update at a certain time interval? This would help in situations where the same data is edited multiple times, since it would now only require one db insert. It would also mean that I would read from the object for any data that hasn't yet been synced, which could mean increased efficiency by avoiding db reads. At the same time though, I feel like this would be a liability for two reasons: 1. A server crash would erase all data that hasn't yet been synced. 2. A bulk insert has the possibility of creating sudden spikes of lag due to mass database calls.
How should I approach this? Is my current approach ok, or should I queue inserts for a later time?
If a user makes a change to data and takes an action that (s)he expects will save the data, you should do everything you can to ensure the data is actually saved. Example: Let's say you delay the write for a while. The user is in a hurry, makes a change then closes the browser. If you don't save right when they take an action that they expect saves the data, there would be a data loss.
Web stacks generally scale horizontally. Don't start to optimize this kind of thing unless there's evidence that you really have to.

Caching database table on a high-performance application

I have a high-performance application I'm considering making distributed (using rabbitMQ as the MQ). The application uses a database (currently SQLServer, but I can still switch to something else) and caches most of it in the RAM to increase performance.
This causes a problem because when one of the applications writes to the database, the others' cached database becomes out-of-date.
I figured it is something that happens a lot in the High-Availability community, however I couldn't find anything useful. I guess I'm not searching for the right thing.
Is there an out-of-the-box solution?
PS: I'm sorry if this belongs to serverfault - Since this a development issue I figured it belongs here
The application reads and writes to the database. Since I'm changing the application to be distributed - Now more than one application reads and writes to the database. The caching is done in each of the distributed applications, which are not aware to DB changes from another application.
I mean - How can one know if the DB was updated, if he wasn't the one to update it?
So you have one database and many applications on various servers. Each application has its own cache and all the applications are reading and writing to the database.
Look at a distributed cache instead of caching locally. Check out memcached or AppFabric. I've had success using AppFabric to cache things in a Microsoft stack. You can simply add new nodes to AppFabric and it will automatically distribute the objects for high availability.
If you move to a shared cache, then you can put expiration times on objects in the cache. Try to resist the temptation to proactively evict items when things change. It becomes a very difficult problem.
I would recommend isolating your critical items and only cache them once. As an example, when working on an auction site, we cached very aggressively. We only cached an auction listing's price once. That way when someone else bid on it, we only had to do one eviction. We didn't have to go through the entire cache and ask "Where does the price appear? Change it!"
For 95% of your data, the reads will expire on their own and writes won't affect them immediately. 5% of your data needs to be evicted when a new write comes in. This is what I called your "critical items". Things that always need to be up to date.
Hope that gives you ideas!
