How often should I have my server sync to the database? - database

I am developing a web-app right now, where clients will frequently (every few seconds), send read/write requests on certain data. As of right now, I have my server immediately write to the database when a user changes something, and immediately read from the database when they want to view something. This is working fine for me, but I am guessing that it would be quite slow if there were thousands of users online.
Would it be more efficient to save write requests in an object on the server side, then do a bulk update at a certain time interval? This would help in situations where the same data is edited multiple times, since it would now only require one db insert. It would also mean that I would read from the object for any data that hasn't yet been synced, which could mean increased efficiency by avoiding db reads. At the same time though, I feel like this would be a liability for two reasons: 1. A server crash would erase all data that hasn't yet been synced. 2. A bulk insert has the possibility of creating sudden spikes of lag due to mass database calls.
How should I approach this? Is my current approach ok, or should I queue inserts for a later time?

If a user makes a change to data and takes an action that (s)he expects will save the data, you should do everything you can to ensure the data is actually saved. Example: Let's say you delay the write for a while. The user is in a hurry, makes a change then closes the browser. If you don't save right when they take an action that they expect saves the data, there would be a data loss.
Web stacks generally scale horizontally. Don't start to optimize this kind of thing unless there's evidence that you really have to.


How does real-time collaborative applications saves the data?

I have previously done some very basic real-time applications using the help of sockets and have been reading more about it just for curiosity. One very interesting article I read was about Operational Transformation and I learned several new things. After reading it, I kept thinking of when or how this data is really saved to the database if I were to keep it. I have two assumptions/theories about what might be going on, but I'm not sure if they are correct and/or the best solutions to solve this issue. They are as follow:
(For this example lets assume it's a real-time collaborative whiteboard:)
For every edit that happens (ex. drawing a line), the socket will send a message to everyone collaborating. But at the same time, I will store the data in my database. The problem I see with this solution is the amount of time I would need to access the database. For every line a user draws, I would be required to access the database to store it.
Use polling. For this theory, I think of saving every data in temporal storage at the server, and then after 'x' amount of time, it will get all the data from the temporal storage and save them in the database. The issue for this theory is the possibility of a failure in the temporal storage (ex. electrical failure). If the temporal storage loses its data before it is saved in the database, then I would never be able to recover them again.
How do similar real-time collaborative applications like Google Doc, Slides, etc stores the data in their databases? Are they following one of the theories I mentioned or do they have a completely different way to store the data?
They prolly rely on logs of changes + latest document version + periodic snapshot (if they allow time traveling the document history).
It is similar to how most database's transaction system work. After validation the change is legit, the database writes the change in very fast data-structure on disk aka. the log that will only append the changed values. This log is replicated in-memory with a dedicated data-structure to speed up reads.
When a read comes in, the database will check the in-memory data-structure and merge the change with what is stored in the cache or on the disk.
Periodically, the changes that are present in memory and in the log, are merged with the data-structure on-disk.
So to summarize, in your case:
When an Operational Transformation comes to the server, two things happens:
It is stored in the database as is, to avoid any loss (equivalent of the log)
It updates an in-memory datastructure to be able to replay the change quickly in case an user request the latest version (equivalent of the memory datastructure)
When an user request the latest document, the server check the in-memory datastructre and replay the changes against the last stored consolidated document that might be lagging behind because of the following point
Periodically, the log is applied to the "last stored consolidated document" to reduce the amount of OT that must be replayed to produce the latest document.
Anyway, the best way to have a definitive answer is to look at open-source code that does what you are looking for, e.g. etherpad.

Message queue like RabbitMQ for high volume writes to SQL database?

The scenario is needing to write high volume data, like tracking clicks or mouse movements, from a web application to a SQL database. The data doesn't need to be written right away because the analysis on the data happens on some recurring basis, like daily or weekly.
I want some feedback on a solution that comes to mind:
The click and mouse data is published to a message queue. This stores the queue items in memory so it should be fast and faster than SQL. Then on some other server a job plugs away on retrieving the next queue item and writing the data to SQL.
Does anyone know of implementations like this? What pitfalls am I failing to see? If this solution is not a good one are there other alternatives?
RabbitMQ is meant for real time message exchange and not for temporary buffering data. If you are able to consume all data as soon as it arrives in your queues, then this solution will work for you. Otherwise RabbitMQ will grow in memory and eventually die. Then you will have to configure it to throw some data away (there are a lot of options to choose rules for this).
You could possibly store data in Redis cache, you can do it as fast as you publish your events to RabbitMQ. Then you can listen to the new changes in Redis from remote server and fill up whatever database storage you use, or even use it as your data storage.
To solve a very similar problem I was considering doing exactly this. In the end we decided not to go for it because we did need access to the data very quickly. However I still like the idea.
Ive also recently learnt that under the hood this is exactly the way that Microsofft Dynamics CRM does its database updates, using message passing.
Things I think you would need to pay careful attention to.
Make sure that if your RabbitMQ instance disappeared it wouldnt have any affect on your client. Rabbit dying is bad enough, your client erroring because Rabbit is down would be terrible.
If it's truly very high volume (and its good practice for reliability anyway) clustering is something worth looking at.
Obviously paying attention to your deadletter queues is a must. But the ability to play back messages which failed for some reason is awesome, in theory at least your data should eventually always get to you database. Even if it went down for a period of time.
Make sure you can keep up with the number of messages being passed in. Of course, this should be solvable by adding more consumer to a given queue. Which leads to...
Idempotency of messages. Given that your messages relate directly to a DB write, they HAVE to be idempotent.

Database time acces in Heroku with Play Framework

I am having a problem and I need your help.
I am working with Play Framework v1.2.4 in java, and my server is uploaded in the Heroku servers.
All works fine, I can access to my databases and all is ok, but I am experiment troubles when I do a couple of saves to the database.
I have a method who store data many times in the database and return a notification to a mobile phone. My problem is that the notification arrives before the database finish to save the data, because when it arrives I request for the update data to the server, and it returns the data without the last update. After a few seconds I have trying to update again, and the data shows correctly, therefore I think there is a time-access problem.
The idea would be that when the databases end to save the data, the server send the notification.
I dont know if this is caused because I am using the free version of the Heroku Servers, but I want to be sure before purchasing it.
In general all requests to cloud databases are always slower than the same working on your local machine. Even simply query that on your computer needs just 0.0001 sec can be as slow as 0.5 sec in the cloud. Reason is simple clouds providers uses shared databases + (geo) replications, which just... cannot be compared to the database accessed only by one program on the same machine.
Also keep in mind that free Heroku DB plans doesn't offer ANY database cache, which means that every query is fetched from the cloud directly.
As we don't know your application it's hard to say what is the bottleneck anyway almost for sure you have at least 3 ways to solve your problem. They are not an alternatives, probably you will need to use (or at least check) all of them.
You need to risk some basic plan and see how things changed with paid version, maybe it will be good enough for you, maybe not.
Redesign your application to make less queries. For an example instead sending 10 queries to select 10 different rows, you will need to send one query, which selects all 10 records at once.
Use Play's cache API to avoid repeating selecting the same set of data again and again. For an example, if you have some categories, which changes rarely, but you need category tree for each article, you don't need to fetch categories from DB every time, instead you can store a List of categories in cache, so you will need to use only one request to fetch article's content (which can be cached for some short time as well...)

Message Queue or DataBase insert and select

I am designing an application and I have two ideas in mind (below). I have a process that collects data appx. 30 KB and this data will be collected every 5 minutes and needs to be updated on client (web side-- 100 users at any given time). Information collected does not need to be stored for future usage.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
Collect data and put it into Topic or Queue. Now multiple clients (consumers) can go to Queue and obtain data.
I am looking for option 2 as better solution because it is faster (no DB calls) and no redundancy of storage.
Can anyone suggest which would be ideal solution and why ?
I don't really understand the difference. The data has to be temporarily stored somewhere until the next update, right.
But all users can see it, not just the first person to get there, right? So a queue is not really an appropriate data structure from my interpretation of your system.
Whether the data is written to something persistent like a database or something less persistent like part of the web server or application server may be relevant here.
Also, you have tagged this as real-time, but I don't see how the web-clients are getting updates real-time without some kind of push/long-pull or whatever.
Seems to me that you need to use a queue and publisher/subscriber pattern.
This is an article about RabitMQ and Publish/Subscribe pattern.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
You can program your application to be event oriented. For ie, raise domain events and publish your message for your subscribers.
When you use a queue, the subscriber will dequeue the message addressed to him and, ofc, obeying the order (FIFO). In addition, there will be a guarantee of delivery, different from a database where the record can be delete, and yet not every 'subscriber' have gotten the message.
The pitfalls of using the database to accomplish this is:
Creation of indexes makes querying faster, but inserts slower;
Will have to control the delivery guarantee for every subscriber;
You'll need TTL (Time to Live) strategy for the records purge (considering delivery guarantee);

Can SQL Server database time be used for synchronizing multiple clients?

This is an alternative approach to solving this problem, not a duplicate.
I want my Azure role to reprocess data in case of sudden failures. I consider the following option.
For every block of data to process I have a database table row and I could add a column meaning "time of last ping from a processing node". So when a node grabs a data block for processing it sets "processing" state and that time to "current time" and then it's the node responsibility to update that time say every one minute. Then periodically some node will ask for "all blocks that have processing state and ping time larger than ten minutes" and consider those blocks as abandoned and somehow queue them for reprocessing.
I have one very serious concern. The above approach requires that nodes have more or less the same time. Looks like I should not make assumptions about global time.
But all nodes talk to the very same database. What if I use that database time - with functions like GETUTCDATE() in SQL requests I will do exactly the same thing as I planned, but not I seem to not care whether nodes time is in sync - they will all use the database time.
Will this approach work reliably if I use the database time functions?
As a general rule this approach should work. If there is only one source for the current time then time synchronisation issues are not going to affect you.
But you have to consider what happens if your database server goes down. Azure will switch you over to another copy, on another server, in another rack and this database server is not guaranteed to be synchronised at least with regard to time with the original one.
Also this approach will undoubtably get you in trouble if ever you have to scale out your database.
I think i still prefer the Queue based approach.
