How to modify fields in specific sub-documents in an array? - arrays

I have a collection where each document has an array of sub-documents, containing several fields. I need to update specific sub-documents based on their fields, but every attempt I've done so far changes the field in all of the arrayed sub-documents
Here is some sample data:
'_id' : ObjectId('0001'),
'Region' : 'Northern',
"Items" : [
"ItemId" : NumberInt(25),
"Name" : "Widget",
"ProductType" : "15",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000037"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(30),
"Name" : "Gizmo",
"ProductType" : "15",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000038"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(35),
"Name" : "Thingy",
"ProductType" : "15",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000039"
When I try to use update() with the following query, it updates the ProductType on all array items, not just the one I'm trying to change.
To clarify, I want to change the array item with ItemIdLegacy: "ca-000038" to have ProductType: 20. All other Array items should remain unchanged. Query that I have tried:
db.Collection.update({"Items.ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000038"},[{$set: { "Items.ProductType" : "20"} }],{multi: false});
This is the desired output:
'_id' : ObjectId('0001'),
'Region' : 'Northern',
"Items" : [
"ItemId" : NumberInt(25),
"Name" : "Widget",
"ProductType" : "15",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000037"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(30),
"Name" : "Gizmo",
"ProductType" : "20",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000038"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(35),
"Name" : "Thingy",
"ProductType" : "15",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000039"
But this is the actual output of running that query:
'_id' : ObjectId('0001'),
'Region' : 'Northern',
"Items" : [
"ItemId" : NumberInt(25),
"Name" : "Widget",
"ProductType" : "20",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000037"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(30),
"Name" : "Gizmo",
"ProductType" : "20",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000038"
"ItemId" : NumberInt(35),
"Name" : "Thingy",
"ProductType" : "20",
"ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000039"
I feel like I'm missing something simple...
EDIT: I have q uery that will allow me to update a single matching element in the array, but I have thousands that would need to be done so one offs don't necessarily work (sure I could parse them all out and spam them to the shell, but I want something more elegant)
Single Element Update:
db.Collection.updateOne({"Items.ItemIdLegacy" : "ca-000038"},{ $set: { "Items.$.ProductType" : "20" } } );

Try this :-
"Items.ItemIdLegacy": "ca-000038"
$set: {
"Items.$.ProductType": 20
multi: true
Here is Working Example


MongoDB Transform element fields into array of values only

I need help with following thing in MongoDB, what I'm trying to do is to get only marks in reviews into it's own array of values only.
Code i got so far:
{$unwind: "$reviews"},
JSON Example:
"host" : {
"name" : "Grimes",
"surname" : "Terrell",
"gender" : "male",
"age" : NumberInt(55),
"picture" : "",
"reviews" : [
"reviewer" : "Mae Ryan",
"date" : "2015-06-01T02:41:46 -02:00",
"helpful" : NumberInt(8),
"kind" : NumberInt(1),
"responsive" : NumberInt(5)
"reviewer" : "Nixon Johnson",
"date" : "2016-02-08T10:35:12 -01:00",
"helpful" : NumberInt(1),
"kind" : NumberInt(1),
"responsive" : NumberInt(9)
This is what im trying to achieve:
"host" : {
"name" : "Grimes",
"surname" : "Terrell",
"gender" : "male",
"age" : NumberInt(55),
"picture" : "",
"reviews" : [
"marks" : [8,1,5],
"marks" : [1,1,9],
Assuming your marks' field names are always helpful, kind, responsive, you can use $map.
Here is a mongo playground for you reference

Remove objects within array in MongoDB

I need to remove all the objects within array who meet the conditions i will show down below. I'll let here the documents and an example of what i've done.
//document 1
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec73abebd7e4d618a057350"),
"code" : "X20",
"title" : "Full stack developer",
"location" : "Paris",
"date" : ISODate("2020-05-22T02:36:46.272Z"),
"candidates" : [
"name" : "David",
"last_name" : "Broncano",
"telephone" : "642025552",
"email" : ""
"name" : "Pablo",
"last_name" : "Claros",
"telephone" : "628721784",
"email" : ""
// document 2
"_id" : ObjectId("4ec73abebd7e4d618a057350"),
"code" : "X50",
"title" : "Full stack developer",
"location" : "Madrid",
"date" : ISODate("2020-05-22T02:36:46.272Z"),
"candidates" : [
"name" : "Maria",
"last_name" : "Mars",
"telephone" : "642024582",
"email" : ""
"name" : "Pablo",
"last_name" : "Claros",
"telephone" : "628721784",
"email" : ""
So i need to remove all the candidates where location is Madrid.I have done this but it removes the field. Is it possible to just remove the content of it using $pull or something?
{ location : "Madrid"},
} } ,
multi : true
According to my understanding, you need to just clear the candidates array and maintain that as candidates: []. For this, you can use use $set operator to set candidates to [] based on your condition
db.offers.update({ location : "Madrid"}, { $set:{ "candidates": [] } } , { multi : true })

Get index of an element mongodb aggregation

Here is my collection
"_id" : ObjectId("5c225f9a66d39d55c036fa66"),
"name" : "Sherlock",
"mobile" : "999999",
"adress" : [
"street" : "221b baker street",
"city" : "london"
"street" : "ben street",
"city" : "london"
"tags" : [
Now I want to get the first or second value inside address array.
for that I'm using this command.
> db.agents.findOne({"name" : "Sherlock"},{"adress" : 1})
but instead of giving a single result it is giving the entire array like
"_id" : ObjectId("5c225f9a66d39d55c036fa66"),
"adress" : [
"street" : "221b baker street",
"city" : "london"
"street" : "ben street",
"city" : "london"
It can be done by comparing array value like
db.agents.find({"adress.street": "ben street"}, {_id: 0, 'adress.$': 1});
But I don't want to compare just to print the array indexes. How can I get the single result?
Any help is appreciated..
You can use $arrayElemAt to get the specific element from the array
{ $addFields: { "$arrayElemAt": ["$adress", 0] }} //index
and if you want to get the sliced element then you can use $slice projection
db.collection.find({}, { adress: { $slice: [2, 1] }}) // 2 index and 1 number of element
You can $unwind with includeArrayIndex to get the index of address array
{$match : {"adress.street" : "ben street"}},
{$unwind : {path : "$adress", includeArrayIndex : "idx"}},
{$match : {"adress.street" : "ben street"}}
you can add $project to filter the fields not required
> db.t11.aggregate([{$match : {"adress.street" : "ben street"}},{$unwind : {path : "$adress", includeArrayIndex : "idx"}},{$match : {"adress.street" : "ben street"}}]).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("5c225f9a66d39d55c036fa66"),
"name" : "Sherlock",
"mobile" : "999999",
"adress" : {
"street" : "ben street",
"city" : "london"
"tags" : [
"idx" : NumberLong(1)

Aggregate from one document array to another

I am trying to do a transformation from one data structure to another and am using NoSQL Booster as I feel more comfortable using SQL queries than I do using Mongo script, a little lazy but its worked for me thus far.
I have a document which has a an array of line items which represents a sales receipt. The line items are the items sold.
I have used the following SQL query to generate Mongo script to select and then rename values from one document to create another. Where I'm stuck is in selecting from an array some fields and renaming them into a new document within a new array.
SELECT object_origin,
party_uuid AS company,
connection_uuid AS connection,
object_created AS object_creation_date,
"object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.sale_date" AS transaction_date,
+ "object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.total_tax" AS transaction_gross_value,
"object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.total_price" AS transaction_net_value,
'goods-service-transaction' AS object_class,
'point-of-sale' AS object_origin_category,
'offline' AS object_origin_type,
object_origin AS object_origin,
"object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.invoice_number" AS transaction_reference,
"object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.status" AS transaction_status,
'GBP' AS transaction_currency,
"" AS 'line_items.item_name'
FROM Vend_raw_transactions
The query above works all except the last line which creates an object in the document called line_items but it isn't an array. The source is also an array.
Below is the Mongo script it creates for me:
"$project": {
"object_origin": "$object_origin",
"company": "$party_uuid",
"connection": "$connection_uuid",
"object_creation_date": "$object_created",
"transaction_date": "$object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.sale_date",
"transaction_gross_value": {
"$add": [
"object_class": "goods-service-transaction",
"object_origin_category": "point-of-sale",
"object_origin_type": "offline",
"transaction_status": "$object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.status",
"transaction_currency": "GBP",
Does anyone know why the last line isn't working for me?
"line_items.item_name": "$"
I'm pretty sure I'm missing an [*] somewhere. Thanks, Matt
EDITED TO ADD example of Vend Transaction
"object_category" : "application",
"object_type" : "register-sales-24-months",
"object_origin" : "vend",
"tenant_uuid" : "00000000-0000-0009-9999-999999999999",
"party_uuid" : "8d519765-05d2-469f-ad35-d7a22fa9df2f",
"subscription_uuid" : "0",
"connection_uuid" : "6ed9bd79-d9c5-4296-a821-7e15b1c69e6c",
"status" : "",
"object_created" : ISODate("2018-03-15T21:40:57.158+0000"),
"object_raw_origin_data" : {
"pagination" : {
"results" : NumberInt(75964),
"page" : NumberInt(1),
"page_size" : NumberInt(200),
"pages" : NumberInt(380)
"register_sales" : {
"id" : "776a66f2-993c-b372-11e8-26f9bbe253f4",
"source" : "USER",
"source_id" : "",
"register_id" : "02dcd191-ae55-11e6-edd8-ec8dce1d9e1c",
"market_id" : "3",
"customer_id" : "02d59481-b67d-11e5-f667-b08185e8f6d5",
"customer_name" : "",
"customer" : {
"id" : "02d59481-b67d-11e5-f667-b08185e8f6d5",
"name" : "",
"customer_code" : "WALKIN",
"customer_group_id" : "02d59481-b67d-11e5-f667-b08185e893f8",
"customer_group_name" : "All Customers",
"updated_at" : "2016-01-01 12:16:44",
"deleted_at" : "",
"balance" : "0",
"year_to_date" : "0",
"date_of_birth" : "",
"sex" : "",
"custom_field_1" : "",
"custom_field_2" : "",
"custom_field_3" : "",
"custom_field_4" : "",
"note" : "",
"contact" : {
"user_id" : "02d59481-b655-11e5-f667-dca974edc4ea",
"user_name" : "Alvaro Velosa",
"sale_date" : "2018-03-13 20:04:57",
"created_at" : "2018-03-13 20:05:08",
"updated_at" : "2018-03-13 20:05:08",
"total_price" : 3.5,
"total_cost" : 2.74,
"total_tax" : NumberInt(0),
"tax_name" : "No Tax",
"note" : "",
"status" : "CLOSED",
"short_code" : "newa6f",
"invoice_number" : "Masonic2107Temple",
"accounts_transaction_id" : "",
"return_for" : "",
"register_sale_products" : [
"id" : "776a66f2-993c-b372-11e8-26f9cbf10f10",
"product_id" : "02dcd191-ae55-11e7-f130-9d4f4bcd91b1",
"register_id" : "02dcd191-ae55-11e6-edd8-ec8dce1d9e1c",
"sequence" : "0",
"handle" : "LAGERDRAUGHT300",
"sku" : "10287",
"name" : "LAGER DRAUGHT £3.00",
"quantity" : NumberInt(1),
"price" : 3.5,
"cost" : 2.74,
"price_set" : NumberInt(0),
"discount" : NumberInt(0),
"loyalty_value" : NumberInt(0),
"tax" : NumberInt(0),
"tax_id" : "02d59481-b67d-11e5-f667-b08185ec2871",
"tax_name" : "No Tax",
"tax_rate" : NumberInt(0),
"tax_total" : NumberInt(0),
"price_total" : 3.5,
"display_retail_price_tax_inclusive" : "0",
"status" : "CONFIRMED",
"attributes" : [
"name" : "line_note",
"value" : ""
"totals" : {
"total_tax" : NumberInt(0),
"total_price" : 3.5,
"total_payment" : 3.5,
"total_to_pay" : NumberInt(0)
"register_sale_payments" : [
"id" : "776a66f2-993c-b372-11e8-26f9cd75e9aa",
"payment_type_id" : "1",
"register_id" : "02dcd191-ae55-11e6-edd8-ec8dce1d9e1c",
"retailer_payment_type_id" : "02d59481-b655-11e5-f667-b0a23bc0e7bc",
"name" : "Cash",
"label" : "Account Customer",
"payment_date" : "2018-03-13 20:04:57",
"amount" : NumberInt(10)
"id" : "776a66f2-993c-b372-11e8-26f9cd7a3096",
"payment_type_id" : "1",
"register_id" : "02dcd191-ae55-11e6-edd8-ec8dce1d9e1c",
"retailer_payment_type_id" : "02d59481-b655-11e5-f667-b0a23bc0e7bc",
"name" : "Cash",
"label" : "Account Customer",
"payment_date" : "2018-03-13 20:04:57",
"amount" : -6.5
Use the $map operator to shape the field to an array by mapping the array elements to the item_name key:
"line_items": {
"$map": {
"input": "$object_raw_origin_data.register_sales.register_sale_products",
"as": "product",
"in": { "item_name": "$$" }
"line_items" : [
"item_name" : "LAGER DRAUGHT £3.00"

Reformat MongoDB results from aggregate

I'm coming from SQL world and starting with MongoDB, I'm still a bit confused...
I have a collection with this structure
"_id" : ObjectId("5769b51f675e6190119935ec"),
"city" : "City1",
"company" : "Company1",
"country" : "Country1",
"zip" : "23345",
"_id" : ObjectId("5769b51f675e6190119935ed"),
"city" : "City1",
"company" : "Company2",
"country" : "Country1",
"zip" : "1245",
"_id" : ObjectId("5769b51f675e6190119935ee"),
"city" : "City2",
"company" : "Company1",
"country" : "Country1",
"zip" : "123445",
"_id" : ObjectId("5769b51f675e6190119935ef"),
"city" : "City1",
"company" : "Company2",
"country" : "Country1",
"zip" : "1235445",
and my query,
db.getCollection('stores').aggregate([{"$group":{"_id" : {city :"$city", company : "$company"}}}])
I'm using angular and NodejS+Express to get the data from de database and I get the data with this format
So I'm wondering if there's a way to get this query result without the _id key,
like this:
Just use $project as aggregation pipeline operator in the next pipeline stage:
{"$group":{"_id" : {city :"$city", company : "$company"}}},
{"$project": {"city": "$", "company": "$", "_id": 0}}
