How to configure consumer-level transactional redelivery with Camel and IBM MQ - apache-camel

I am trying to accomplish a transactional JMS client in Java Spring Boot using Apache Camel, which connects to IBM MQ. Furthermore, the client needs to apply an exponential back-off redelivery behavior when processing of messages fails. Reason: Messages from MQ need to be processed and forwarded to external systems that may be down for maintenance for many hours. Using transactions to guarantee at-least once processing guarantees seems the appropriate solution to me.
I have researched this topic for many hours and have not been able to find a solution. I will start with what I currently have:
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter uccConnectionFactoryAdapter ()
throws IOException {
MQConnectionFactory factory = new MQConnectionFactory();
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter adapter =
new UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter();
return adapter;
PlatformTransactionManager jmsTransactionManager(#Autowired UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter uccConnectionFactoryAdapter) {
JmsTransactionManager txMgr = new JmsTransactionManager(uccConnectionFactoryAdapter);
return txMgr;
CamelContextConfiguration contextConfiguration(#Autowired UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter uccConnectionFactoryAdapter,
#Qualifier("jmsTransactionManager") #Autowired PlatformTransactionManager txMgr) {
return new CamelContextConfiguration() {
public void beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext context) {
JmsComponent jmsComponent = JmsComponent.jmsComponentTransacted(uccConnectionFactoryAdapter, txMgr);
// required for consumer-level redelivery after rollback
context.addComponent("jms", jmsComponent);
public void afterApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
// Do nothing
// in a route builder
from("jms:topic:INPUT_TOPIC?clientId=" + CLIENT_ID + "&subscriptionDurable=true&durableSubscriptionName="+ SUBSCRIPTION_NAME)
I was able to verify the transactional behavior through integration tests. If an unhandled exception occurs during message processing, the transaction gets rolled back and retried. The problem is, it gets immediately retried, several times per second, causing possibly significant load on the IBM MQ manager and external system.
For ActiveMQ, redelivery policies are easy to do, with plenty of examples on the net. The ActiveMQConnectionFactory has a setRedeliveryPolicy method, meaning, the ActiveMQ client library has redelivery logic built in. This from all I can tell in line with the documentation of Camel's Transactional Client EIP, which states:
The redelivery in transacted mode is not handled by Camel but by the backing system (the transaction manager). In such cases you should resort to the backing system how to configure the redelivery.
What I absolutely can't figure out is how to achieve the same thing for IBM MQ. IBM's MQConnectionFactory does not have any support for redelivery policies. In fact, searching for redeliverypolicy in the MQ Knowledge Center brings up exactly... drumroll... 0 hits. I even looked a bit through the implementation of the MQConnectionFactory and didn't discover anything either.
Another backing system I looked into was the JmsTransactionManager. Searches for "jmstransactionmanager redelivery policy" or "jmstransactionmanager exponential backoff" did not turn up anything useful either. There was some talk about TransactionTemplate and AbstractMessageListenerContainer but 1) I didn't see any connection to redelivery policies, and 2) I could not figure out how those interact with Camel and JMS.
Sooo, does anybody have any idea how to implement exponential backoff redelivery policies with Apache Camel and IBM MQ?
Closing note: Camel supports redelivery policies on errorHandler and onException are not the same as redelivery policies in the transaction/connection backing system. Those handlers retry at the point of failure using the 'Exchange' object in whichever state it is, without rolling back and reprocessing the message from the start of the route. The transaction remains active during entire rety period, and a rollback only occurs when the errorHandler or onException gives up. This is not what I want for retries that may go on for many hours.

Looks like #JoshMc pointed me in the right direction. I managed to implement a RoutePolicy that delays redeliveries with increasing delays. I have run a test session for a few hours and several thousand redeliveries of the same message to see if there are any problems like memory leak, MQ connection exhaustion or so. I did not observe any problems. There were two stable TCP connections to the MQ manager, and memory usage of the Java process moved within a close range.
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import javax.jms.Session;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.apache.camel.Route;
import org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsMessage;
public class ExponentialBackoffPolicy extends RoutePolicySupport implements CamelContextAware {
final static String JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT = "JMSXDeliveryCount";
private CamelContext camelContext;
public void setCamelContext(CamelContext camelContext) {
this.camelContext = camelContext;
public CamelContext getCamelContext() {
return this.camelContext;
public void onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange) {
try {
// ideally we would check if the exchange is transacted but onExchangeDone is called after the
// transaction is already rolled back, and the transaction context has already been removed.
if (exchange.getException() == null)
log.debug("No exception occurred, skipping route suspension.");
int deliveryCount = getRetryCount(exchange);
int redeliveryDelay = getRedeliveryDelay(deliveryCount);"Suspending route {} for {}ms after exception. Current delivery count {}.",
route.getId(), redeliveryDelay, deliveryCount);
scheduleWakeup(route, redeliveryDelay);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// only log exception and let Camel continue as of this policy didn't exist.
log.error("Exception while suspending route", ex);
void scheduleWakeup(Route route, int redeliveryDelay) {
Timer timer = new Timer();
new TimerTask() {
public void run() {"Resuming route {} after redelivery delay of {}ms.", route.getId(), redeliveryDelay);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// only log exception and let Camel continue as of this policy didn't exist.
log.error("Exception while resuming route", ex);
int getRetryCount(Exchange exchange) {
Message msg = exchange.getIn();
return (int) msg.getHeader(JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT, 1);
int getRedeliveryDelay(int deliveryCount) {
// very crude backoff strategy for now, will need to refine later
if (deliveryCount < 10) return 1000;
if (deliveryCount < 20) return 5000;
if (deliveryCount < 30) return 20000;
return 60000;
And this is how it being used in route definitions:
.routePolicy(new ExponentialBackoffPolicy())
// and if you want to distinguish between retriable and non-retriable situations, apply the following two exception handlers
.log(LoggingLevel.WARN, "Non-retriable exception occurred, discard message.");
.log(LoggingLevel.WARN, "Retriable exception occurred, retry message.");
One thing to note is that the JMSXDeliveryCount header comes from the MQ manager, and the redelivery delay is calculated from that. When you restart an application using the ExponentialBackoff policy while a message permanently fails, upon restart it will immediately attempt to reprocess that message but in case of another failure apply a delay corresponding to the total number of redeliveries, and not start over with the initial short delay.


Transactional Camel route marking exchange as handled based on expression not working

My camel route is consuming and producing from/to JMS in a transactional way. Our requirement is to discard a poison message if failing to process a number of times. I know that a much better option would be to move the message to a dead letter queue but for the purpose of this exercise discarding it is just good.
Below is the route definition to simulate the issue:
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() {
.process(new Processor() {
private int failureCounter = 0;
public void process(Exchange exchange) {
exchange.getIn().setHeader("failureCounter", ++failureCounter);
.log("failureCounter = ${header.failureCounter}")
.process(exchange -> {
throw new RuntimeException("No good Pal!");
So what I am trying to do is to keep a counter of the failures and if that counter is greater than a certain number mark the exception as handled and commit the transaction.
Note the two lines of code at the end of the exception handling:
When I run my route with the header("failureCounter").isGreaterThan(3) handled condition the message rollbacks again and again forever, and I can see in the logs the failureCounter correctly being increased:
[mer[test.queue]] test-route : failureCounter = 402
[mer[test.queue]] o.a.c.p.e.DefaultErrorHandler : Failed delivery for (MessageId: ...
[mer[test.queue]] test-route : failureCounter = 403
[mer[test.queue]] test-route : failureCounter = 404
However when I run the route with the true handled condition the transaction gets committed straight away after the first failure as shown below:
[mer[test.queue]] test-route : failureCounter = 1
[mer[test.queue]] o.a.c.s.spi.TransactionErrorHandler : Transaction commit (0x52b2f795) redelivered(true)
So my question is: Am I doing something wrong or is my understanding about how to use handled exception incorrect? If so what would be the correct way?
I have no idea if this is by design or a bug.
When I debug your case I see that the predicate in handled() is evaluated against the Camel Exchange.
However, your failureCounter header is not present in the Exchange. Therefore the expression header("failureCounter") evaluates to null and your predicate is always false.
In a short test I saw that headers set before the exception are present, but headers set after the exception (i.e. set inside the error handler), are not present on the Exchange that is used to evaluate the predicate.
Burki's comments were good observations which helped me identify the root cause.
Despite the fact that camel DSL suggests the .handled(header("failureCounter").isGreaterThan(3)) check would happen after running the failure counter increase processor and the log output in reality the .handled is the first thing to be evaluated in that onException(...) branch. It seems a bit misleading and I must admit I feel a bit disappointed with this approach. It must be a reason though.
Given camel will create a new Exchange for every message delivery no surprise this will rollback forever.
To address this there are two solutions that came immediately in my mind.
Solution 1:
It is based on the fact that the message broker will set the JMSRedelivered message header so it is OK to increase message counter based on that. So the new route config will look like below:
public void configure() {
.process(new Processor() {
private int failureCounter = 0;
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
if (exchange.getIn().getHeader("JMSRedelivered", Boolean.class)) {
exchange.getIn().setHeader("failureCounter", ++failureCounter);
.log("failureCounter = ${header.failureCounter}")
.process(exchange -> {
throw new RuntimeException("No good Pal!");
After applying this change the message will be discarded after more than three consecutive failures to deliver the message as shown in the logs below:
46849 --- [mer[test.queue]] test-route : failureCounter = 4
46849 --- [mer[test.queue]] o.a.c.s.spi.TransactionErrorHandler : Transaction commit (0x31b273b2) redelivered(true) for (MessageId: ID:414d5120514d31202020202020202020c083da5f02bd1d22 on ExchangeId: ID-C02XN27DJG5H-1608604365426-0-4))
Solution 2: This is even easier but it is message broker specific in this case IBM MQ.
public void configure() {
.log("failureCounter = ${header.JMSXDeliveryCount}")
.process(exchange -> {
throw new RuntimeException("No good Pal!");
And the logs will show again that the message gets delivered four times before giving up.

Code after Splitter with aggregation strategy is not executed if exception in inner route were handled (Apache Camel)

I've faced with behavior that I can't understand. This issue happens when Split with AggregationStrategy is executed and during one of the iterations, an exception occurs. An exception occurs inside of Splitter in another route (direct endpoint which is called for each iteration). Seems like route execution stops just after Splitter.
Here is sample code.
This is a route that builds one report per each client and collects names of files for internal statistics.
#FieldDefaults(level = PRIVATE, makeFinal = true)
public class ReportRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
ClientRepository clientRepository;
public void configure() throws Exception {
errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("direct:handleError")); //handles an error, adds error message to internal error collector for statistic and writes log
.setProperty("reportTask", body()) //at this point there is in the body an object of type ReportTask, containig all data required for building report
.bean(clientRepository, "getAllClients") // Body is a List<Client>
.aggregationStrategy(new FileNamesListAggregationStrategy())
.to("direct:generateReportForClient") // creates report which is saved in the file system. uses the same error handler
//when an exception occurs during split then code after splitter is not executed
.log("Finished generating reports. Files created ${body}"); // Body has to be List<String> with file names.
AggregationStrategy is pretty simple - it just extracts the name of the file. If the header is absent it returns NULL.
public class FileNamesListAggregationStrategy extends AbstractListAggregationStrategy<String> {
public String getValue(Exchange exchange) {
Message inMessage = exchange.getIn();
return inMessage.getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
When everything goes smoothly after splitting there is in the Body List with all file names. But when in the route "direct:generateReportForClient" some exception occurred (I've added error simulation for one client) than aggregated body just contains one less file name -it's OK (everything was aggregated correctly).
BUT just after Split after route execution stops and result that is in the body at this point (List with file names) is returned to the client (FluentProducer) which expects ReportTask as a response body.
and it tries to convert value - List (aggregated result) to ReportTask and it causes org.apache.camel.NoTypeConversionAvailableException: No type converter available to convert from type
Why route breaks after split? All errors were handled and aggregation finished correctly.
PS I've read Camel In Action book and Documentation about Splitter but I haven't found the answer.
PPS project runs on Spring Boot 2.3.1 and Camel 3.3.0
This route is started by FluentProducerTemplate
ReportTask processedReportTask ="direct:generateReports")
The problem is error handler + custom aggregation strategy in the split.
From Camel in Action book (5.3.5):
WARNING When using a custom AggregationStrategy with the Splitter,
it’s important to know that you’re responsible for handling
exceptions. If you don’t propagate the exception back, the Splitter
will assume you’ve handled the exception and will ignore it.
In your code, you use the aggregation strategy extended from AbstractListAggregationStrategy. Let's look to aggregate method in AbstractListAggregationStrategy:
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
List<V> list;
if (oldExchange == null) {
list = getList(newExchange);
} else {
list = getList(oldExchange);
if (newExchange != null) {
V value = getValue(newExchange);
if (value != null) {
return oldExchange != null ? oldExchange : newExchange;
If a first exchange is handled by error handler we will have in result exchange (newExchange) number of properties set by Error Handler (Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exchange.FAILURE_ENDPOINT, Exchange.ERRORHANDLER_HANDLED and Exchange.FAILURE_HANDLED) and exchange.errorHandlerHandled=true. Methods getErrorHandlerHandled()/setErrorHandlerHandled(Boolean errorHandlerHandled) are available in ExtendedExchange interface.
In this case, your split finishes with an exchange with errorHandlerHandled=true and it breaks the route.
The reason is described in camel exception clause manual
If handled is true, then the thrown exception will be handled and
Camel will not continue routing in the original route, but break out.
To prevent this behaviour you can cast your exchange to ExtendedExchange and set errorHandlerHandled=false in the aggregation strategy aggregate method. And your route won't be broken but will be continued.
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
Exchange aggregatedExchange = super.aggregate(oldExchange, newExchange);
((ExtendedExchange) aggregatedExchange).setErrorHandlerHandled(false);
return aggregatedExchange;
The tricky situation is that if you have exchange handled by Error Handler as not a first one in your aggregation strategy you won't face any issue. Because camel will use the first exchange(without errorHandlerHandled=true) as a base for aggregation.

SJMS2 vs JMS components for transfer messages from and to ActiveMQ Artemis

I am trying to find the fastest way using Camel to transfer messages from one ActiveMQ Artemis queue to another. I thought that Camel's SJMS2 component would be faster than Camel's traditional JMS component, but routing with the JMS component is 2.5 times faster (20,000 vs 8,000 msg/s). I use Camel version 2.20.2 and Artemis version 2.11.0.
Route with JMS
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.impl.JndiRegistry;
import org.apache.camel.test.junit4.CamelTestSupport;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.messaginghub.pooled.jms.JmsPoolConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class JMSTransferTest extends CamelTestSupport {
public void testArtemis() throws Exception {
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
protected JndiRegistry createRegistry() throws Exception {
JndiRegistry registry = super.createRegistry();
final ConnectionFactory connFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61622");
final ConnectionFactory connFactoryDeadLeatter = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61622");
JmsPoolConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = new JmsPoolConnectionFactory();
registry.bind("artemisCF", pooledConnectionFactory);
registry.bind("deadLetterCF", connFactoryDeadLeatter);
return registry;
Route with SJMS2, other settings as in the code above
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
How can I use the SJMS2 component to get the same speeds as JMS component?
Claus Ibsen replied on the mailing list as follows
200 consumers is too much. That instead makes it slower as you have
200 consumers racing for messages. Instead try to find a lower balance
that is closer to cpu cores etc.
Also often a JMS client has a prefetch buffer (or some concept like
this) which means a consumer may pre-download 1000 messages and then
the other 199 consumers cant process these messages. So you need to
tweak this option too.
Also if you have too many consumers and remote network connections
then you get too chatty over IO etc. So its all about tuning depending
on use-cases.
spring-jms has a thread pool built in that can automatic grow/shrink
depending on load, and this can explain why its out of the box without
tuning can appear to be faster.
Writing such logic is a bit more complex and this hasnt been added to
sjms. I created a ticket about this
You can get in touch with commercial Camel supports as there are
companies and consultants that has great experience with JMS brokers
and Camel and to get them tuned to very high performance. The settings
for JVM and OS and hardware can all make a big difference.
And I also found a good article on this topic

Apache Camel Main-Class and its methods start, stop, run, suspend and resume

I am writing my first camel application. it is a standalone application with a main method. As starting point i used the maven camel java archetype. It provides a simple main method that calls
Now i re-factored it a little bit and pulled the out in a new class (and method) that will be my main-control of all camel stuff.
Now i want to create the "opposite" method of run(). At the moment i want to implement tests for single routs that start (run()) the context then wait (at the moment i am unsure how to wait 'til a route is finished) and the stop the context.
But now i discovered many method that could start and stop stuff all in Main class. The Jvadoc didn't help - that some methods are inherited doesn't make it easier ;-). So someone please tell me the exact meaning (or use case) for:
Thanks in advance.
See this page about the lifecycle of the various Camel services
And for waiting until a route is finished, then you can check the inflight registry if there is any current in-flight exchanges to know if a route is finished.
We must separate the methods into 2 groups.
The first is the one described in the life cycle
The second is composed of run and shutdown.
run runs indefinitely and can be stopped when invoking shutdown, the latter must be invoked in a different thread and sent before the run invocation.
import org.apache.camel.main.Main;
public class ShutdownTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Main camel = new Main();
camel.addRouteBuilder( new MyRouteBuilder() );
// In this case the thread will wait a certain time and then invoke shutdown.
MyRunnable r = new MyRunnable(5000, camel);
Simple Runnable class
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
long waitingFor = -1;
Main camel;
public MyRunnable(long waitingFor, Main camel){
this.waitingFor = waitingFor;
this.camel = camel;
public void excecute(){
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
public void run() {
try {
synchronized (this) {
this.wait( waitingFor );
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

EJB 3.1 and NIO2: Monitoring the file system

I guess most of us agree, that NIO2 is a fine thing to make use of. Presumed you want to monitor some part of the file system for incoming xml - files it is an easy task now. But what if I want to integrate the things into an existing Java EE application so I don't have to start another service (app-server AND the one which monitors the file system)?
So I have the heavy weight app-server with all the EJB 3.1 stuff and some kind of service monitoring the file system and take appropriate action once a file shows up. Interestingly the appropriate action is to create a Message and send it by JMS and it might be nice to integrate both into the app server.
I tried #Startup but deployment freezes (and I know that I shouldn't make use of I/O in there, was just a try). Anyhow ... any suggestions?
You could create a singleton that loads at startup and delegates the monitoring to an Asynchronous bean
public class Initialiser {
private FileSystemMonitor fileSystemMonitor;
public void init() {
String fileSystemPath = ....;
Then the Asynchronous bean looks something like this
public class FileSystemMonitor {
public void poll(String fileSystemPath) {
WatchService watcher = ....;
for (;;) {
WatchKey key = null;
try {
key = watcher.take();
for (WatchEvent<?> event: key.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
if (kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW) {
continue; // If events are lost or discarded
WatchEvent<Path> watchEvent = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
//Process files....
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
if (key != null) {
boolean valid = key.reset();
if (!valid) break; // If the key is no longer valid, the directory is inaccessible so exit the loop.
Might help if you specified what server you're using, but have you considered implementing a JMX based service ? It's a bit more "neutral" than EJB, is more appropriate for a background service and has fewer restrictions.
