react-spring deck example not working with NextJS - reactjs

I'm trying to replicate this example with NextJS.
The component gets rendered, but the content doesn't. Is SSR simply a limitation for this particular example?


React component not functioning when inserting it using render function of "react-dom/client"

I'm working with a Chrome extension and embedding UI component on a user's site.
I wrote React component with Typescript (.tsx files)
The thing is, when I'm trying to embed the react component inside the site, the component just wont function - drop-downs wont open, buttons click wont do anything, components wont re-render on state change, etc... sometimes the components even lose all of it styles, like the css doesn't exist.
The only thing I could notice is that I'm embedding the components inside an iframe, idk if it has something to do with that or not - but if i put them outside the iframe - all works perfectly.
Im using render function to render the component on the site:
const element = ReactDOM.createRoot(#selector to create root#);
element.render(<MyComponent prop1="prop1" prop2="prop2"></MyComponent>);
Anyone had any experience with the type of issue?
As I mentioned - I already tried to embed the component outside an iframe and it worked

How to pass data from stencil component to other component in react

I have created one search component using stencil and I'm integrating this stencil codebase with my react application via cdn link. I'm displaying the search component(which was created in stencil) as below in my react codebase :
<custom-search placeholder="Search"></custom-search>
The search component contains a search icon. I need to pass the text in search input field to my react code on click of this icon. How can this be achieved?
Unfortunately I haven't integrate Stencil JS component with React, but passing string data to web component should be working without too much hassle. Do you know if your React app can properly recognize your custom-search component? If not, then you might want to take a look at a link to Stencil JS official document of integrating Stencil JS component to React and make sure component get properly loaded and integrated.
If you know for sure you load the component then not sure why your placeholder is not set within your component - it is just a string after all. Maybe post the custom-search component code, as there might be issue with that (i.e. component lifecycle event you are using might not be doing what you expect to do)
Could you clarify the actual problem, please? :)
Does the component not get rendered, or are you unable to achieve communication from custom-search to the React app?
If the latter is the case, you might want to implement a Custom Event on the Stencil component, to communicate changes back to the consuming app.
As #tomokat mentioned, you should follow the official Stencil React integration docs. This is required, since React cannot handle Custom Events natively, and requires some help from the dev.
Edit: Sorry, I got confused by the first answer. Your title is quite clear, though. If you can show some example code of the component and the React integration, we could probably help in a better way.

Make next js Page Component persisten / Render multiple Pages at same time

I am trying to build an App that takes advantage of the SSG functionality of next js and shows multiple Page components at the same time. Each of the components should be static and come with their own data.
The problem is that I don't know how to persist the first Page component when the route for the second Page component is called. Putting it into state works, but according to the react docs this is not a good idea. Of course I could simply get the data out of the props for the Pages and make the client render the component but this solution doesn't exactly take advante of SSG.
I made a codesandbox that shows what I'm trying to achieve by putting the pages into the state of the Layout component:
Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do whithout using state?
Or is using state in this way a feasible exception?
Or am I on the wrong track entirely?
Any help would be highly appreciated!

Next.js SSR also render page props

Im trying to do SSR to my React + Next.js application. I have a proble with rendering dynamic modules. In _app.js I'm loading data and put them to my redux-saga. This is working fine but my SSR does not works for that data, because Im trying to render component with redux data instead of component props.
SSR only works, when I do api call inside getInitialProps, and put those requests via getInitialProps to my component. This is weird behaviour for me but let it be. It works by this but now I got another problem.
All those data that is responsible for my content are also listed in page view source. WTF - why there are in html content. Also because of that my page source view is loading few minutes.
Is there any option to not put those props into page source view ?

React-Redux-Form nested component testing

I am using React-Redux-Form and React-Bootstrap on client side of application.
I'm stuck on how to testing my components. I have made a small project on github with one of my components named LoginModal:
To start testing, I am following this tutorial
But when I try to .find() button in my rendered component, the result is an array of length zero. So I can't simulate its behaviour. I try find it (button) several different way but unsuccessful. Please, your suggestion.
This issue is with the rendering of Modal component that is part of #react-bootstrap. There is a discussion about it on
The alternative is to use ReactModal from react-modal. Testing it is described on
