Discord js bot caching issues - discord.js

Trying to fetch the list of users on a discord guild(server) but whenever I fetch the list it always returns 1 user that is the bot itself. Tried to execute
The first line returns 1 and second-line returns 420(number of users on discord server). I am not able to update the client's cache. Any help would be appreciated

Your first line is returning 1 since your bot is the only cached user on the server. Your second line returns the correct amount because Guild.memberCount doesn't need any users to be cached, it takes the data directly from the guild.
If you want to cache every member of a guild, you can use GuildMemberManager.fetch().
.then((members) => {
console.log(members.size); // 420
// code...


Avoid rate limit for changing voice channel name discord js 13

I'm trying to create a slash command using discord.js v13 to change the names of voice channels. I am using this code to do this :
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Set name for your voice channel')
.addStringOption(option => option.setName('name').setDescription('Enter your name').setRequired(true)),
async execute(interaction) {
const name = interaction.options.getString('name');
if (!interaction.member.voice.channel) await interaction.reply('Error not in a voice channel!');
else {
await interaction.member.voice.channel.setName(name);
await interaction.reply('Done!');
This code is fine and makes the job done. But as you know I can change the voice channel's name only 2 times per 10 minutes because of the limit rate. So if a user tries to change the voice channel's name for the third time, I won't get any error on the console, and discord js will queue this request for later and will do it after 10 minutes. But the user gets this error on discord: This interaction failed.
I want to check if there was a rate limit for my request, and if is, don't send the request and just reply to the user. Is this possible?
There is no inherent functionality that is able to handle the situation in the way you want it to, but the problem is soluble using regular old JavaScript. For example, you could use an integer to indicate how many times the command has been used and use setTimeout() to decrement it 10 minutes after the command was called. That way you can check if the int is equal to 2 in which case you skip the .setName().
There are undoubtedly other ways to implement the same or similar behavior, but, to answer your question, unfortunately the discordjs/voice library does not provide any simple way to do it.

Only Showing one person for a specific role, discord.js

I'm having trouble listing everyone in the discord server that has a certain role.
Even if there are multiple people with the same role, it only lists one of them, regardless of how many are in the same channel.
I'm pretty new to discord.js and I'm having trouble understanding the docs
var CSCid = "496507412300300288";
var CSCmembers = interaction.guild.roles.cache.get(CSCid).members.map(m=>m.user.tag);
The output only shows one person out of many who have the role.
Try fetching all of the GuildMembers first. A cached element is an object that it's saved in memory and can be easily accessed (By using .get()). An uncached element is an element that isnt stored in memory and requires an API call to Discord in order to retrieve and then cache it (By using .fetch())
var CSCid = "496507412300300288";
interaction.guild.members.fetch().then(members => {
var CSCmembers = interaction.guild.roles.cache
.join(', ');
Ensure you have the Guild Member's Intent enabled

Discord JS v12: How do you get a message's content by it's ID?

I'm relatively new to discord.js, and I've started building a bot project that allows a user to create a message via command, have that message stored in a hidden channel on my private server, and then said message can be extracted through the message ID.
I have the write working and it returns the message ID of the message sent in the hidden channel, but I'm completely stumped on the get command. I've tried searching around online but every method I tried would return errors like "Cannot read property 'fetch' of undefined" or "'channel' is not defined". Here are some examples of what I tried, any help would be appreciated. Note that my args is already accurate, and "args[0]" is the first argument after the command. "COMMAND_CHANNEL" is the channel where the command is being executed while "MESSAGE_DATABASE" is the channel where the targeted message is stored.
let msgValue = channel.messages.cache.get(args[0])
let msgValue = msg.channel.message.fetch(args[0])
.then(message => client.channels.cache.get(COMMAND_CHANNEL).send(msgValue.content))
I even tried using node-fetch to call the discord API itself
const api = require("node-fetch")
let msgValue = api(`https://discordapp.com/api/v8/channels/${MESSAGE_DATABASE}/messages/${args[0]}`)
.then(message => client.channels.cache.get(COMMAND_CHANNEL).send(msgValue.content))
Am I missing something or am I making some sort of mistake?
Edit: Thanks for the help! I finished my bot, it's just a little experimental bot that allows you to create secret messages that can only be viewed through their ID upon executing the command :get_secret_message <message_id>. I posted it on top.gg but it hasn't been approved yet, so in the meantime if anyone wants to mess around with it here is the link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=800368784484466698&permissions=76800&scope=bot
List of commands:
:write_secret_message - Write a secret message, upon execution the bot will DM you the message ID.
:get_secret_message <message_id> - Get a secret message by its ID, upon execution the bot will DM you the message content.
:invite - Get the bot invite link.
NOTE: Your DMs must be turned on or the bot won't be able to DM any of the info.
My test message ID: 800372849155637290
fetch returns the result as promise so you need to use the then to access that value instead of assigning it to a variable (msgValue). Also you made a typo (channel.message -> channel.messages).
I would recommend using something like this:
.then(message => {
.then(channel => channel.send(message.content))
I think you were quite close with the second attempt you posted, but you made one typo and the way you store the fetched message is off.
The typo is you wrote msg.channel.message.fetch(args[0]) but it should be msg.channel.messages.fetch(args[0]) (the typo being the missing s after message). See the messages property of a TextChannel.
Secondly, but this is only a guess really as I can't be sure since you didn't provide much of your code, when you try to fetch the message, you are doing so from the wrong channel. You are trying to fetch the message with a given ID from in the channel the command was executed from (the msg.channel). Unless this command was executed from the "MESSAGE_DATABASE" channel, you would need to fetch the message by ID from the "MESSAGE_DATABASE" channel instead of the msg.channel.
Thirdly, if you fetch a message, the response from the Promise can be used in the .then method. You tried to assign the response to a variable msgValue with let msgValue = msg.channel.message.fetch(args[0]) but that won't do what you'll expect it to do. This will actual assign the entire Promise to the variable. What I think you want to do is just use the respone from the Promise directly in the .then method.
So taking all that, please look at the snippet of code below, with inspiration taken from the MessageManager .fetch examples. Give it a try and see if it works.
// We no longer need to store the value of the fetch in a variable since that won't work as you expect it would.
// Also we're now fetching the message from the MESSAGE_DATABASE channel.
// The fetched message will be given as a parameter to the .then method.
.then(fetchedMessage => client.channels.cache.get(COMMAND_CHANNEL).send(fetchedMessage.content))

Discord.js, message.guild.owner returns null

I'm coding a server-info command for my discord bot, and I want to get the owner username or tag from the actual guild. I found a way to do it in discord js 11, but it's not working anymore under 12th version :
const guild = client.guilds.get(message.guild.id);
message.channel.send(message.guild.member(guild.owner) ? guild.owner.toString() : guild.owner.user.tag);
// if the user is in that guild it will mention him, otherwise it will use .tag
So in discord js 12, client.guilds.get isn't a function, and guild.owner returns null.
message.guild.owner.user.usernameis also returning Cannot read property 'user' of null.
I took a look at the documentation, and message.guild.owner seems to be a real property (https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/Guild?scrollTo=owner). So I don't know why it's returning null.
I'd recommend that you first get the guild and make sure that it's available before trying to modify or access it. Therefore, your bot won't hit any errors. Additionally, as far as I know, guild.owner returns null but there is a way around this. You can get the guild owner ID through guild.ownerID and fetch the member as a guildMember. Here is the code:
const guild = message.guild; // Gets guild from the Message object
if(!guild.available) return; // Stops if unavailable
await message.guild.members.fetch(message.guild.ownerID) // Fetches owner
.then(guildMember => sOwner = guildMember) // sOwner is the owner
message.channel.send(guild.member(sOwner) ? sOwner.toString() : guild.owner.user.tag);
This is how you would get the owner's tag when you have the guild. This also does not rely on the cache, so if your bot restarts or the cache is cleared, it will work regardless.
let ownerTag = undefined;
<client>.users.fetch(<guild>.ownerID).then(user => ownerTag = user.tag);
.fetch() returns a promise, which is why I declared a variable and then assigned the value to it.
Make sure you enable these intents in your discord developer portal so your bot could access your server
After that, you could access your user owner tag.

Using guilds and channels without needing to read a message

I'm hosting my bot on glitch.com, but it restarts every night.
When my bot gets started, it reads a message from a specific channel and then writes in the others. The problem with this is that I can't use any guild or channel until the bot receives a message.
How can I avoid doing this?
You can use guild and channel IDs. Every element in Discord has a unique ID (called Snowflake) that identifies it.
If you want to get a specific guild or channel, you can save its ID and use it in the code. IDs are public, so there's no risk using them (they're not like passwords or tokens).
Guilds and channels are stored in Collections and mapped by their IDs, so you can use them like this:
let guild = client.guilds.get('guild id as a string');
let channel = guild.channels.get('channel id as a string');
To get your guild's ID (or the ID of pretty much any element in Discord) you can enable the Developer mode in the settings, then right-click on the guild and select "Copy ID".
