How does one create a native X11 window that works in EGL? Going through the eglIntro there is little documentation on the matter. Alternatively, is there a way to create native windows through EGL itself? There is an EGLNativeWindowType that I assume can be used instead of whatever X11's native window types are.
No, EGL itself does not provide an Xlib wrapper. You have to create the window by yourself.
Here is a minimal sample to get you started. It refers to GLES2, but it should work with GLES1 also.
First, you declare the Xlib objects(display and window).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
// Native handles for window and display
Window win;
Display* xdisplay;
// EGL-related objects
EGLDisplay egl_display;
EGLConfig egl_conf;
EGLContext egl_context;
EGLSurface egl_surface;
int init_egl()
EGLint attr[] = {
EGLint num_config;
EGLint major, minor;
EGLint ctxattr[] = {
egl_display = eglGetDisplay( (EGLNativeDisplayType) xdisplay );
if ( egl_display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY ) {
printf("Error getting EGL display\n");
return 0;
if ( !eglInitialize( egl_display, &major, &minor ) ) {
printf("Error initializing EGL\n");
return 0;
printf("EGL major: %d, minor %d\n", major, minor);
/* create EGL rendering context */
if ( !eglChooseConfig( shell->egl_display, attr, &shell->egl_conf, 1, &num_config ) ) {
printf("Failed to choose config (eglError: %x)\n", eglGetError());
return 0;
if ( num_config != 1 ) {
return 0;
egl_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface ( egl_display, egl_conf, win, NULL );
if (egl_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE ) {
printf("CreateWindowSurface, EGL eglError: %d\n", eglGetError() );
return 0;
egl_context = eglCreateContext ( egl_display, egl_conf, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, ctxattr );
if ( egl_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) {
printf("CreateContext, EGL eglError: %d\n", eglGetError() );
return 0;
return 1;
From the main function you will call the X event handler procedure. I have left commented printf calls to show how the event values are named, so there's no need to lookup the documentation. If the concept of "Event loop" is not clear, then I recommend reading about general UI event processing.
void process_xevent(XEvent xev) {
// XNextEvent( xdisplay, &xev );
switch (xev.type)
case MotionNotify:
// printf("motion: %d %d\n", xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y);
case KeyRelease:
// printf("rel (%d)\n", XLookupKeysym (&xev.xkey, 0));
case KeyPress:
// printf("keypress (%d)\n", XLookupKeysym (&xev.xkey, 0));
case ButtonPress:
// printf("BPress: state = %d, button = %d, x = %d, y = %d\n", xev.xbutton.state, xev.xbutton.button, xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y);
// printf("Type=%d\n", (int)xev.xbutton.type);
case ButtonRelease:
// printf("BRelease: state = %d, button = %d, x = %d, y = %d\n", xev.xbutton.state, xev.xbutton.button, xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y);
// printf("Type=%d\n", (int)xev.xbutton.type);
Finally, in the main() routine you create and open display/Xwindow.
int main()
int egl_error;
Window root;
XSetWindowAttributes swa;
/* open standard display (primary screen) */
xdisplay = XOpenDisplay ( NULL );
if ( xdisplay == NULL ) {
printf("Error opening X display\n");
return 0;
The window is created and shown once you have the Display opened.
Finally, in the main() routine you create and open display/Xwindow.
// get the root window (usually the whole screen)
root = DefaultRootWindow( shell->xdisplay );
// list all events this window accepts
swa.event_mask =
StructureNotifyMask |
ExposureMask |
PointerMotionMask |
KeyPressMask |
KeyReleaseMask |
ButtonPressMask |
// Xlib's window creation
win = XCreateWindow (
xdisplay, root, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0,
CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWEventMask,
&swa );
XMapWindow ( xdisplay , win ); // make window visible
XStoreName ( xdisplay , win , "EGL" );
When you have the window, intialise the EGL.
egl_error = init_egl();
if (!egl_error) {
return 1;
Once you have the EGL & Xlib objects, you can start the event processing loop.
while (1) {
int keycode;
XEvent xev;
if ( XPending ( xdisplay ) )
if (XCheckWindowEvent(shell->xdisplay, shell->win, global_event_mask, &xev))
process_xevent(shell, xev);
/* if (should_exit) { break; } // set some global flag if you want to exit */
eglMakeCurrent( egl_display, egl_surface, egl_surface, egl_context );
/* Call OpenGL as you see fit */
/* get rendered buffer to the screen */
eglSwapBuffers ( egl_display, egl_surface );
// deinitialize
This should get you started. The code is extracted from a larger project, so there might have be typos introduced while removing irrelevant things.
To conclude the answer and to be more precise, here EGLNativeWindowType is specialized to Window from X11/Xlib.h header and EGLNativeDisplayType is Display*.
An easier way might be to use libxcb, but I do not have any tested sample code. The GLFW library can be a useful source of OS-dependant OpenGL context creation routines.
I want to record simultaneous key presses and test a function in x11 using C. For example, I was able to set something like,
if 'Q' is pressed,
let the window resize.
But I could not find a method for doing the same with a key combination such as Ctrl+Enter, etc, so that when 'Ctrl+Enter' is pressed, the window resizes.
Is there any event type or mask or function in x11 for recording these simultaneous key events ?
The code below is what I have written so far for recording single keys and performing specified action.
// Compile : gcc -o go key_and_win.c -lX11
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
Display *d;
Window window;
XEvent event, ev;
int s;
/* open connection with the server */
d = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (d == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open d\n");
s = DefaultScreen(d);
/* create window */
window = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, RootWindow(d, s), 10, 10, 200, 200, 1,
BlackPixel(d, s), BlackPixel(d, s));
/* select kind of events we are interested in */
XSelectInput(d, window, StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask );
/* map (show) the window */
XMapWindow(d, window);
/* event loop */
while (1)
XNextEvent(d, &event);
/* keyboard events */
if (event.type == KeyPress)
printf( "KeyPress: %x\n", event.xkey.keycode );
if(event.xkey.keycode == 0x18) // Resize on pressing Q as, key Q => 0x18
printf("Here in Q\n");
int r = XResizeWindow(d, window, 100, 200); // Resizing the window through Q keypress
if(r==BadValue || r==BadWindow)
printf("Error in resizing\n");
XNextEvent(d, &event); // To get ConfigureNotify event
if(event.type == ConfigureNotify)
printf("Not resized\n");
//XMapWindow(d, window); // Map the resized window (not necessary)
/* exit on ESC key press */
if ( event.xkey.keycode == 0x09 )
/* close connection to server */
return 0;
you have to look at event.xkey.state
from 10.5.2 Keyboard and Pointer Events :
The state member is set to indicate the logical state of the pointer buttons and modifier keys just prior to the event, which is the bitwise inclusive OR of one or more of the button or modifier key masks: Button1Mask, Button2Mask, Button3Mask, Button4Mask, Button5Mask, ShiftMask, LockMask, ControlMask, Mod1Mask, Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, and Mod5Mask.
I came across this error when running my SDL program. It compiled just fine, but the window opened up for a brief moment then closed.
Here's my code:
//Using SDL and standard IO
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// SDL Main Resources
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;
SDL_Window* Window = NULL;
SDL_Texture* Canvas = NULL;
SDL_Renderer* Graphic_Renderer = NULL;
SDL_Event Event;
// Initialize SDL resources
int InitSDL_Environment(){
// Window
if(Window == NULL){
printf( "Window could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
return 0;
// Video Engine
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0){
printf( "SDL Video Engine could not be initialized! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
return 0;
// Image Formats
int imgFlags = IMG_INIT_PNG;
if(!(IMG_Init(imgFlags) & imgFlags)){
printf("SDL Image Formats could not be initialized! SDL_image Error: %s\n", IMG_GetError());
return 0;
// Graphics Renderer
Graphic_Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(Window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
if(Graphic_Renderer == NULL){
printf("Graphics renderer could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 0;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Graphic_Renderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// Return Success
return 1;
// Load image from file
SDL_Texture* SDL_LoadTexture(char* src){
SDL_Texture* texture = NULL;
SDL_Surface* loadData = IMG_Load(src);
printf("Image \"%s\" could not be loaded! SDL_image ERROR: %s\n", src, IMG_GetError());
return NULL;
texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Graphic_Renderer, loadData);
printf("Image \"%s!\" could not be processed! SDL Error: %s\n", src, SDL_GetError());
return texture;
int main( int argc, char* args[] )
// Load SDL Resources
if(!InitSDL_Environment()){return 1;}
SDL_Texture* image = SDL_LoadTexture("Duck.png");
if(image == NULL){
printf("Image could not be found! SDL_Error: $s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 2;
SDL_Rect sign;
sign.x = 40;
sign.y = 31;
sign.w = 300;
sign.h = 300;
// Main loop
// Update screen
SDL_RenderCopy(Graphic_Renderer, image, NULL, NULL);
// Event handling
if(Event.type == SDL_QUIT){
return 0;
When I adjusted the batch file to post program errors to the console window, it read Graphics renderer could not be created! SDL Error: Couldn't find matching render driver, pointing right to the Graphic_Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer... line in my InitSDL_Environment() function.
As you can see, the first bit of that error is my own making, and the last bit was generated by SDL_GetError(), so it's an issue that SDL recognizes.
I found this forum post about the same basic issue where everyone suggested downloading OpenGL libraries. From there, I searched and found this link. No links on that page seemed to lead to anything I could download, and it became progressively ambiguous what OpenGL libraries to download, search for, or if it will even solve the issue. That forum post is four years old after all.
If it's an OpenGL problem with the SDL libraries, where exactly would I get the OpenGL libraries, and which ones should I download? Did I just do something dumb with my code?
So I did something dumb with my code! Of course <_<
I changed my InitSDL_Environment() function around, and it worked. I moved the SDL_CreateWindow function down below the SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) portion. So Initialize SDL Video, then create the window. Awesome!
// Initialize SDL resources
int InitSDL_Environment(){
// Video Engine
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0){
printf( "SDL Video Engine could not be initialized! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
return 0;
// Image Formats
int imgFlags = IMG_INIT_PNG;
if(!(IMG_Init(imgFlags) & imgFlags)){
printf("SDL Image Formats could not be initialized! SDL_image Error: %s\n", IMG_GetError());
return 0;
// Window
if(Window == NULL){
printf( "Window could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
return 0;
// Graphics Renderer
Graphic_Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(Window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
if(Graphic_Renderer == NULL){
printf("Graphics renderer could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 0;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Graphic_Renderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// Return Success
return 1;
The comments brought up three main points:
SDL Textures require computers to have a graphics card & up-to-date drivers for them, which may need to be updated manually.
SDL Video needs to be initialized before a window can be created
The functions SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers() and SDL_GetRendererInfo() can be used to find out information about available cards and trouble-shoot this error.
Thanks commentators! This was a huge help.
When creating an X window using either Xlib or xcb, I have found that I must provide the border pixel attribute if I want to provide a colormap. This requirement seems strange to me as I'm note sure how these two attributes relate and I wondered if anyone could share some insight as to why this is the case.
The two examples below create an X window with a depth of 32 and a True Color visual class. In both examples, if the mask for the color map is removed along with the corresponding value, I get unexpected behaviour in the program.
In xcb I get a BadMatch error when the cookie is checked, whereas in the Xlib example the window creates successfully but is not mapped.
Can someone explain why neither Xlib or xcb work without specifying the Border Pixel attribute and also why each library manifests the error in different ways?
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (!display) {
/* TODO(djr): Logging */
fputs("X11: Unable to create connection to display server", stderr);
return -1;
int screen = DefaultScreen(display);
Window root = RootWindow(display, screen);
XVisualInfo vinfo = {0};
if (!XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, 32, TrueColor, &vinfo)) {
/* TODO(djr): Logging */
fputs("X11: Unable to find supported visual info", stderr);
return -1;
Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(
display, root, vinfo.visual, AllocNone);
const unsigned long wamask = CWColormap | CWBorderPixel;
XSetWindowAttributes wa;
wa.colormap = colormap;
wa.border_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen);
Window window = XCreateWindow(
0, 0,
1600, 900,
1, /* border width */
if (!window) {
/* TODO(djr): Logging */
fputs("X11: Unable to create window", stderr);
return -1;
XMapWindow(display, window);
return 0;
int main()
xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL);
if (xcb_connection_has_error(connection)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to connection to X server\n");
return -1;
const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup(connection);
xcb_screen_t *screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup).data;
xcb_depth_iterator_t depth_iter = xcb_screen_allowed_depths_iterator(screen);
xcb_depth_t *depth = NULL;
while (depth_iter.rem) {
if (>depth == 32 &&>visuals_len) {
depth =;
if (!depth) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: screen does not support 32 bit color depth\n");
return -1;
xcb_visualtype_iterator_t visual_iter = xcb_depth_visuals_iterator(depth);
xcb_visualtype_t *visual = NULL;
while (visual_iter.rem) {
visual =;
if (!visual) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: screen does not support True Color\n");
return -1;
xcb_colormap_t colormap = xcb_generate_id(connection);
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie = xcb_create_colormap_checked(
xcb_generic_error_t *error = xcb_request_check(connection, cookie);
if (error) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to create colormap: %s\n", xcb_errors[error->error_code]);
return -1;
unsigned int cw_mask = XCB_CW_COLORMAP | XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL;
unsigned int cw_values[] = { screen->white_pixel, colormap };
xcb_window_t window = xcb_generate_id(connection);
cookie = xcb_create_window_checked(
0, 0,
1600, 900,
error = xcb_request_check(connection, cookie);
if (error) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to create window: %s\n", xcb_errors[error->error_code]);
return -1;
xcb_map_window(connection, window);
return 0;
I just tried your program and it fails even if I don't specify the colormap, so I think that the colormap is unrelated to your problem.
I'm not totally sure, but my guess is that the default border pixmap is XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, and that must match the window visual and depth. But you are setting the visual and depth (different than those of the parent). Now, the border visual or depth is different than that of the window, so you get a BadMatch.
By specifying a border pixel color, X creates a pixmap of appropriate attributes and sets it as the border pixmap and everything works again.
My GTK+2/C application uses Opencv library to grab frames continuously from the web camera feed and there's a UI button, which should calculate some information by grabbing a frames upon clicking.
This button click calculation takes 1-2 seconds and depend on the system resources. (on Raspberry pi, it takes 3-5 seconds)
Previously all functionalities (viewing + calculations) were inside the same main process. However when doing the calculation, whole app (video feed) used to freeze until the completion if the calculation.
I have implemented fork()to make child processes and keep the interprocess communications via pipe() to update the UI with calculated data.
However now the lagging time got lot bigger like 5-6 seconds.
below shows the sample code.
Is there any particular way to avoid this kind of lagging of the main process?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <diamond_calcs.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/videodev.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include "highgui.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
/* declaring the opencv capture variable */
CvCapture* capture, *fm_capture;
GdkPixbuf* pix;
IplImage* frame, *frame_sized;
gboolean expose_event_callback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data);
gboolean timeout(gpointer data);
gboolean autoon_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data[]);
// This function grabs a frame and recording some values. also this is the function called by the child process also.
gboolean frame_grabber(void)
/* setting up the edge ditection */
IplImage *frame_bgr;
//frame_bgr = cvQueryFrame( capture );
frame_bgr = frame_sized;
frame_bgr = cvLoadImage("./data/media/novideo.png", 1);
/* Converting Color SPACE to greyscale */
int y_pos, x_pos;
int counter=0;
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
bool col_break = false;
for(int y=0;y<frame_bgr->height;y++)
for(int x=0;x<frame_bgr->width;x++)
CvScalar color = cvGet2D(frame_bgr, y, x);
if (y_pos == y){
x_pos = x;
y_pos = y;
if (counter > 2){
//printf("top: %i, %i \n", x_pos, y_pos);
col_break = true;
if (col_break){
ruler_top_cal_preset = y_pos;
/* bottom ruler - scanning backwards*/
int y_pos_bot, x_pos_bot;
int counter_bot=0;
bool col_break2 = false;
for(int y_b=frame_bgr->height-1;y_b>0;y_b--)
for(int x_b=frame_bgr->width-1;x_b>0;x_b--)
CvScalar color_bot = cvGet2D(frame_bgr, y_b, x_b);
if (y_pos_bot == y_b){
x_pos_bot = x_b;
y_pos_bot = y_b;
if (counter_bot > 2){
//printf("bottom: %i, %i \n", x_pos_bot, y_pos_bot);
col_break2 = true;
if (col_break2){
ruler_bottom_cal_preset = y_pos_bot;
dfactor_preset = ruler_bottom_cal_preset - ruler_top_cal_preset;
* main
* Program begins here
//####### Lot of processes going inside main, ignore it, just focus on the program flow
int main( int argc, char **argv )
/* variables structs to load the gtk_ based widgets and windows */
GtkBuilder *builder;
GtkWidget *window, *event_box, *drawing_area;
GError *error = NULL;
GError *error_settings = NULL;
GtkButton *button;
GtkLabel *label;
/* Init GTK+ */
gtk_init( &argc, &argv );
/* Create new GtkBuilder object */
builder = gtk_builder_new();
/* Load UI from file. If error occurs, report it and quit application. */
if( ! gtk_builder_add_from_file( builder, "", &error ) )
g_warning( "%s", error->message );
g_free( error );
return( 1 );
/* Get main window pointer from UI */
window = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object( builder, "window1" ) );
/* creating the drawing area */
drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER(event_box), drawing_area);
gtk_widget_show (drawing_area);
/* connects the draw (expose-event) with the handler */
g_signal_connect (drawing_area, "expose-event",
G_CALLBACK (expose_event_callback), NULL);
gtk_label_set(labels[0], "Min :");
//####### Here goes the calculation clicking
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (gtk_builder_get_object( builder, "autoon_button" )), "clicked",
GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (autoon_clicked_cb), labels);
/* Show window. All other widgets are automatically shown by GtkBuilder */
gtk_widget_show( window );
/* load last saved values */
file_load( spinners );
int fd;
if((fd = open("/dev/video0", O_RDONLY)) == -1){
printf("NO CAP\n");
capture = NULL;
capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS, brght);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_CONTRAST,contra);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_SATURATION, satu);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 800);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 600);
// ## remove the forking from here and add that to the expose function
pid_t pID1 = vfork();
if (pID1 == 0) // child process
g_timeout_add (15, timeout, drawing_area);
else if ( pID1 < 0 ){
printf("Failed to fork video overlay child process \n");
/* Destroy builder, since we don't need it anymore */
g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( builder ) );
//g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( settings_builder ) );
//g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( about_builder ) );
/* Start main loop */
return( 0 );
/* This function runs every x seconds and making the video feed */
* Function: expose_event_callback
* --------------------
* When the widget is exposed of force to expose ths function handler will run to generate the video feed
* returns: none
expose_event_callback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)
/* Capture a single frame from the video stream */
if (capture){
frame = cvQueryFrame( capture );
frame_sized = frame;
pix = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data((guchar*) frame->imageData,
GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, frame->depth, frame->width,
frame->height, (frame->widthStep), NULL, NULL);
printf("You've done it\n");
pix = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file("./data/media/novideo.png", NULL);
/* putting the generated pix buff to the correct layout (GTK widget) */
widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)], pix, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, -1, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0); /* Other possible values are GDK_RGB_DITHER_MAX, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL */
return TRUE;
* Function: timeout
* --------------------
* This function runs inbetween given time period. It calls the required functions to generate video and drawing
* returns: none
gboolean timeout(gpointer data)
/* DEBUG print */
//printf("Time out Hello: %d\n", rand());
/* Redraws the Widget. Widget will call for the callback function again */
gtk_widget_queue_draw (data);
/* Starting the drawing function */
return TRUE;
gboolean autoon_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data[])
char display1_entry_text[100];
int x = 1;
int pfds[2];
pid_t pID = fork();
if (pID == 0) // child process
double ytops[10];
double ybots[10];
double min_diam;
double max_diam;
double avg_diam;
clock_t t1, t2,end_t; // clocking for debugging purposes
t2 = clock();
for(int i=0;i<15;i++)
//measure_clicked_callback(widget, NULL, data);
ytops[i] = ruler_top_cal_preset;
ybots[i] = ruler_bottom_cal_preset;
t1 = clock();
float x = (float)(t1-t2);
float y = x/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
float z = y*1000;
t2 = t1;
/* sorting arrays for ascending order */
if(ybots && ytops){
min_diam = (ybots[0]-ytops[9])/scale_factor;
max_diam = (ybots[9]-ytops[0])/scale_factor;
avg_diam = (min_diam+max_diam)/2;
sprintf(display1_entry_text0,"Min : %.3g",min_diam);
write(pfds[1], display1_entry_text0, 100);
else if(pID <0){
printf("Failed to fork \n");
//parent process
char buf[100];
read(fpds[0], buf, 100);
//updates the gtk interface with read value
gtk_lable_set(data[0], buf);
return TRUE;
**Note I have pasted this code from the actual whole code, also this will not run. Pasted only here for give some idea about what I'm trying to achieve.
It looks like you have blocking read and wait calls in your parent process. In other words, despite the fact that you spawn a child process to perform the calculations, you still block your parent process till the child process completes. No parallelism is achieved.
I would suggest having a worker thread in the process that would do the calculations and notify the main thread when the results are available.
In the parent process/thread you should make the read end of the pipe non-blocking and register it with the event loop. Once the read end becomes ready for read, read all data in non-blocking mode.
Set a signal handler for SIGCHLD and call wait in it to release the child process resources.
I am trying to be notified about any pointer motion. Since I don't want to run as the window manager, I need to set XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY | XCB_EVENT_MASK_POINTER_MOTION on all windows which I do both on startup and when I get a create notify event.
This seems to work fine in general and I receive motion notify events on all windows. However, somehow, this isn't true for Google Chrome windows. I checked the event mask by explicitly querying it afterwards and it is correctly set. I also don't see anything unusual in the propagation mask.
What could cause Google Chrome to not report motion notify events? AFAIK, the X protocol doesn't allow that except for active pointer grabs which Chrome surely doesn't have.
Here is how I register myself on all existing windows. I call register_events on the root window and whenever I receive a create notify event as well:
static void register_events(xcb_window_t window) {
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie = xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(connection,
xcb_generic_error_t *error = xcb_request_check(connection, cookie);
if (error != NULL) {
errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "could not subscribe to events on a window, bailing out");
static void register_existing_windows(void) {
xcb_query_tree_reply_t *reply;
if ((reply = xcb_query_tree_reply(connection, xcb_query_tree(connection, root), 0)) == NULL) {
int len = xcb_query_tree_children_length(reply);
xcb_window_t *children = xcb_query_tree_children(reply);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
The Chrome windows appear to be comprised of quite the tree of nested child windows. It appears you'll need to walk the tree of windows and monitor them all. This code picks up pointer motion events across the entirety of my Chrome windows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
static void register_events(xcb_connection_t *conn,
xcb_window_t window) {
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie =
(uint32_t[]) {
xcb_generic_error_t *error = xcb_request_check(conn, cookie);
if (error != NULL) {
static void register_existing_windows(xcb_connection_t *conn,
xcb_window_t root) {
int i, len;
xcb_window_t *children;
xcb_query_tree_reply_t *reply;
if ((reply = xcb_query_tree_reply(conn,
xcb_query_tree(conn, root), 0))
== NULL)
len = xcb_query_tree_children_length(reply);
children = xcb_query_tree_children(reply);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
register_events(conn, children[i]);
register_existing_windows(conn, children[i]);
void main(void) {
int i=0;
/* Open the connection to the X server */
xcb_connection_t *conn = xcb_connect (NULL, NULL);
/* Get the first screen */
xcb_screen_t *screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (xcb_get_setup (conn)).data;
register_existing_windows(conn, screen->root);
while(1) {
xcb_generic_event_t *evt;
evt = xcb_wait_for_event(conn);
printf("%i\n", i++);
(That's just intended as proof of concept, and not very nice.)
While #Jay Kominek's answer was helpful and valid, I've come to realize now that using the Xinput extension provides a much better approach as it won't interfere with applications whatsoever.
Simply selecting on the entire tree causes all kinds of issues, e.g., hover doesn't work in Chrome anymore.
xcb provides xcb_grab_pointer to capture pointer event without registe on specific window.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
print_modifiers (uint32_t mask)
const char **mod, *mods[] = {
"Shift", "Lock", "Ctrl", "Alt",
"Mod2", "Mod3", "Mod4", "Mod5",
"Button1", "Button2", "Button3", "Button4", "Button5"
printf ("Modifier mask: ");
for (mod = mods ; mask; mask >>= 1, mod++)
if (mask & 1)
putchar ('\n');
main ()
xcb_connection_t *c;
xcb_screen_t *screen;
xcb_window_t win;
xcb_generic_event_t *e;
uint32_t mask = 0;
/* Open the connection to the X server */
c = xcb_connect (NULL, NULL);
/* Get the first screen */
screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (xcb_get_setup (c)).data;
xcb_grab_pointer(c, false, screen->root, mask, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_NONE, XCB_NONE, XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
xcb_flush (c);
while ((e = xcb_wait_for_event (c))) {
switch (e->response_type & ~0x80) {
xcb_button_press_event_t *ev = (xcb_button_press_event_t *)e;
switch (ev->detail) {
case 4:
printf ("Wheel Button up in window %ld, at coordinates (%d,%d)\n",
ev->event, ev->event_x, ev->event_y);
case 5:
printf ("Wheel Button down in window %ld, at coordinates (%d,%d)\n",
ev->event, ev->event_x, ev->event_y);
printf ("Button %d pressed in window %ld, at coordinates (%d,%d)\n",
ev->detail, ev->event, ev->event_x, ev->event_y);
xcb_button_release_event_t *ev = (xcb_button_release_event_t *)e;
printf ("Button %d released in window %ld, at coordinates (%d,%d)\n",
ev->detail, ev->event, ev->event_x, ev->event_y);
xcb_motion_notify_event_t *ev = (xcb_motion_notify_event_t *)e;
printf ("Mouse moved in window %ld, at coordinates (%d,%d)\n",
ev->event, ev->event_x, ev->event_y);
/* Unknown event type, ignore it */
printf("Unknown event: %d\n", e->response_type);
/* Free the Generic Event */
free (e);
return 0;