Checking SQL Configuration in Backup - sql-server

I am trying to diagnose an issue with SQL Server 2016 that occurred after some software was updated and I wanted to see if any of the server configurations changed. I have a backup of the master db and I figured I could compare settings between the live master and the backup. I read that "network packet size (B)" could cause "Protocol error in TDS stream" and I know how to look up the configuration using sp_configure but how can I look it up in the "master" backup?

The only way to do that is to copy regularly some views from master database (in fact mssqlsystemresources db) into a newly designed database and compare it.
Everytime you will query sys.configurations, the data will be retrieved from the actual system database...


Database 'wss_content_1' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore

This is the scenario:
I am testing redundancy and fail over in my dev machine by creating two SQL Servers.
I have created two SQL Servers. One with an extra instance:
-SQL1 : primary server
-SQL2 : mirror server
-SQL2\wtn : witness instance
First I made a full backup of the database and transaction log in my primary server, then I restored the database and transaction log file.
I used option "Restore with no recovery".
In the database node "restoring" is being shown. I believe this is normal when you would like to keep pulling data.
Then in the primary server, I tried to create mirroring on the database. After the wizard completed, I clicked on start Mirroring, but now I am getting the following error:
An error occurred while starting mirroring.
Alter failed for Database 'WSS_Content_1'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Database 'wss_content_1' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 927)
I see there is another post here on stack overflow, but that does not have much information. I have been waiting more than 10 minutes.
I am using SQL Enterprise 2016 by the way. Perhaps there is a difference in 2016 version.
I was watching this youtube video and my steps were exactly as this guy's.
Update 2:
I followed this as well but did not help.
How to: Prepare a Mirror Database for Mirroring (Transact-SQL)

SQL Server Transactional replication - The process could not bulk copy into

So I have setup T-replication from Publisher (SQL Server 2014) Distributor (SQL Server 2014) Subscriber (SQL Server 2008 R2) and initialized it using a snapshot.
Checking in the replication monitor I find that the Snapshot agent has completed successfully and Log Reader agent is running.
Now in 'Distributor to Subscriber History' tab just beside the 'Undistributed Commands' Tab
I get the following error:
The process could not bulk copy into table '"dbo"."BEAMDATA"'. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20037)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL20037
End of file reached, terminator missing or field data incomplete
To obtain an error file with details on the errors encountered when initializing the subscribing table, execute the bcp command that appears below. Consult the BOL for more information on the bcp utility and its supported options. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20253)
Get help: http://help/20253
bcp "LOWIS_BUCT"."dbo"."BEAMDATA" in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ReplData\unc\LOWISBUCT_CSSQLDB_BUCT_CSSQLDB_BUCT_ALL_TABLES\20160826064516\BEAMDATA_34#1.bcp" -e "errorfile" -t"\n\n" -r"\n<,#g>\n" -m10000 -SLOWISTSTSQL -T -w (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20253)
Get help: http://help/20253
I thought this could be some kind of data overflow and hence checked the schema of the table at both Publisher and Distributor and they match exactly.
I cleaned the whole replication setup completely and re did it but still stuck at the very same place for the same table.
Has anyone encountered this before? Ask me if you need more information from my end which I can furnish.
I found the reason for this. It was due to the schema mismatch at the publisher and subscriber.
In the said table, column had the datatype (date(datetime) and when replication scripted the schema for this table it was scripted as date hence at subscriber when the snapshot was applied, the field had the data type of date.
When data was being copied from datetime to date field it resulted in the said error.
I did the necessary changes in the data type at the subscriber end and things got fixed,
I had a similar error and Problem "sql replication repl20037 field size too large". What i found is this. I setup the subscription with my local Sql Management Studio v18.10 on a SQL Server 12.0. This caused the the Bulk copy problem and a field mismatch. Solution: setting up the Publication directly on the Mgmt Studio on the source server and setting up the subscription directly on the Mgmt Studio on the destination server.

SQL Server: Restoring DB via linked server - Database intermittently stuck in restoring state (even with RECOVERY option)

I am doing restores across servers via dynamic sql and linked servers as follows:
The database is set to single user mode before the above statement runs. However, on intermittent occasions, when trying to get the database back to multi user mode I get the a query timeout from the the target server and error:
ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state
I have looked around for this error but apparently I'm should not be getting it when using the RECOVERY option.
Any ideas please?
I managed to figure this out today. The culprit behind the issue was the default remote query time out for Sql Server which is 600s (10mins). More on this in the following link
My restore usually takes around 10mins to complete, sometimes a bit less so it succeeds and sometimes a bit more when it fails. Hence the issue was manifesting itself intermittently.
I increased the remote query time out on the source server to 36000s and it restored successfully. Just to prove the point, I decreased the remote query time out to a small figure like 60s and got the same symptom again.
Michelle - I set the database in single user to kill any running queries before the restore and to make sure there are no conflicts whilst the database is restored. This would eliminate the Exclusive Access could not be obtained because the database is in use error. Alternatively the database can be put to offline before the restore is initiated and back to online afterwards.

SQL Server error cannot open database

Helo fellow, sorry for being annoying u again =P.
Today a got a mission in the job... ¬¬'
Our system works integrated to SQL Server. There were two databases. The main one, and another "responsible" for doing some data integration stuffs...
One day, the boss decided not to use the second database anymore, and ordered the team to create a fix application that unlinked these databases. But in one of our clients the SQL Server is givin' an error message:
-[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Database 'XXX' cannot be onpened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space.
I've checked the disk space and it's fine. The memory amount is ok too. And the database files, doesn't exist anymore in the SQL data folder (like we expected and the boss desired).
This error could be expected if the were references in the sql server, but the database is not atached anymore, the table 'sysdatabases' in the master database doesn't references the database...
Someone can give a clue? I'm previously thankful for any help. =)
Sounds to me like the client is running an old version of the code which is still trying to connect to the database that's been unlinked.

Why is it such a mission to backup a SQL Server 2008 Express database?

I wouldn't describe myself as afraid of change - but afraid of new technologies? YES INDEED! Technologies from operating systems, to database servers just seem to become bugged, inefficient and backward the further they "progress"
MSDE 2000 (what they might call "SQL 2000 Express" in today's world)
BACKUP [MyDatabase] TO FILE 'c:\backups\mybackup.backup'
Wait up! Its a 'user instance' - to back it up we need to attach it to a server instance
Wait up! To attach it we need SQL Management Studio Express (78MB download)
Wait up! When we login to our .\SQLEXPRESS server instance and try to attach our database it gives us an error that literally looks like a bug in our homebrew dev project:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Cannot show requested dialog.
------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Parameter name: nColIndex Actual value
was -1.
Can someone explain how to backup a user instance of a SQL Server 2008 Express database in T-SQL code?
(sorry if this comes across like a flame at ummmm, Microsoft - I'm actually a huge fan of theirs. Just really angry about things like this! please don't vote me down...)
Um, if it's a user instance, then the simplest backup strategy is to copy the file. (whilst it's not connected to SQL Server).
If you need a more comprehensive backup strategy (e.g. transactional backups), then you really should be looking at a more comprehensive database (e.g. a "normal" one attached to a full SQL Server instance)
a.) Connecting
Your connection string should look like this:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyDatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Database=MyDatabaseAlias
It is essential that your connection string gives the connection an alias Database=MyDatabaseAlias - this alias cannot be duplicated concurrently on the same machine or your connection may fail.
b.) Backing Up
As pointed out above, the Transact SQL to backup a database is the same on SQL MSDE/2000/2005/2008/R2 - once you have your database attached and aliased!
BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabaseAlias TO DISK = 'c:\backups\mydatabase_20101117.backup'
Whats truly amazing is the bull$h!t errors you can get because your connection string doesnt have the alias Database=MyDatabaseAlias part.
e.g. Unable to open the physical file 'c:\Code\MyProject\App_Data\MyDatabase.mdf' Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
c.) Restoring
USE [master]; RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabaseAlias FROM DISK = 'c:\backups\mydatabase_20101117.backup' WITH REPLACE
Do not forget the all essential USE [master]; at the beginning of this statement (and note that its all on one line for those executing the command from a DataContext or similar) If you do, it wont be able to overwrite the existing database because you'll still be connected to it.
Once again, the assortment of totally misleading errors you might receive here, due to an invalid connection string, is endless.
