I develop smart home actions for smart device, actions not published and lunch yet. but action is workable.
How about using Works with Google Assistant logo?
Can I use this logo for my device prototype DM?
or my action need to submit and lunched, then I can use
the logo?
Thank you.
You can look at the canonical branding guidelines:
You can let others know that your action “Works with the Google Assistant” using the badges seen here. You do not need pre-approval to use this badge provided your action is functional, compatible with the Google Assistant and your developer account is in good standing. Your action must be available at all times when using the badge.
Please be sure that your use of the badge is consistent with the Google Assistant Terms of Service and the branding guidelines below – otherwise we'll ask for modifications or cease your use of the badge.
The documentation includes further guidelines and links to download resources.
I already finish the chatbot, but I have no idea of how to upload it to my website, please, help :)
I tried to look for some code to send to the IT developers, but cannot find it :( And the IT guys are too busy, so I'ld like to get the answer by myself so I can send it to them if I'm not able to apply it. Thank you. (Btw: I'm not an IT person... :( )
Where to start?
The dialog / conversation part of your Watson Assistant part chatbot is available as a REST API.
There are several deployment options available. For the more popular choices the Assistant tooling provides integrations. So if you want to access your chatbot through slack, or facebook messenger or on a word press site then look at the documentation as to how - https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/assistant?topic=assistant-deploy-integration-add
If you are developing your own application or web-page, then your developers will need to design the User Interface and handle the quirks of your dialog. eg. Decide how to display images, options etc., all from the API, which is essentially only message in, response out - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/assistant-v2#send-user-input-to-assistant. There are samples available for them to base from - eg. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/assistant-intermediate
If your website is using Wordpress, there is a very easy way to deploy the chatbot to it using a wordpress plug in - https://wordpress.org/plugins/conversation-watson/
For my project is ideally suited Smart Home Skill from Amazon. Tell me please, can I add additional commands (eg turn left, close door, show last video etc.) or only commands which are presented on this page (link) is available to me?
I have in the lambda function my commands but Alexa only recognizes standard. I have studied the documentation, but I did not find the information about how to Smart Home Skill, can add additional commands. But also I didn't find the information that it cannot be done.
Through the Smart Home Skill, only the designated actions are available.
To create an expanded feature set, create a custom skill. It will require the user to use the skill name (e.g. Alexa, ask my service to turn left) as part of the activation.
Note, depending on your use case, you could do both to cover all needs.
Update triggered from comment:
With this approach, you are building two skills. A Smart Home skill and traditional Alexa Skill. They will each have their own entry points into your code. The Smart Home Skill is usually a subset of features in your Alexa skill.
The Home Skill requires implementation as an AWS Lambda, so it would probably be easier to build the ASK front end for both skills in AWS. My solution started as an ASK skill prior to the availability of the Home Skill so my architecture is different.
For me, I route all Home skill requests through the AWS Lambda (mostly just the sample shell code) and then to my hosted service that performs the actual function and builds the appropriate ASK response. So, the Lambda logic is mostly just a proxy/wrapper for my code hosted elsewhere.
The number of "directives" available through the Smart Home Skill API is regularly increasing. At this time only Amazon can create new directives, but, as noted this list is growing.
Three weeks ago Amazon completely revamped the developer documentation for the Alexa Smart Home Skill API (and added new directives). You can find the updated landing pages with overview info here:
Updated reference material is here:
Please I want to create Event in Google Calendar API but the documentation official is BAD I cant use it .. And someone here who can help me please!! Sorry with my english but I speak spanish!
I agree...
This helps a bit: Google Calendar Events
Depending on the process you are using, there are few examples for using asp.net and the service account option. I successfully created events via service account with granting domain-wide access. With this you just need to create an app, then service account for the app and follow the domain wide delegation steps on the google documentation pages. This option is great if you have an app that needs to create events without having to authenticate the user.
For working code and more info you can see what I used at-
Google API Calender v3 Event Insert via Service Account using Asp.Net MVC
What is "bad" about the documentation? (Don't just complain; provide actionable feedback.) In the v3 docs, check out the reference section on creating events. There is even sample code in Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby to help get you started just below the reference. In addition, below the sample code is the APIs Explorer where you can issue requests with appropriate payload to the API and see the HTTP response to ensure you're calling the API correctly and receiving the data you requested. If there's any additional way for us to improve the docs, please let us know!
UPDATE (Sep 2015): I created a blogpost and video that walks through some pseudocode (well, it's Python) for creating events. There are examples in most other languages too.
I am trying to find a parallel payment implementation for my mobile app, where the payment should happen with in my application and not redirected to any browser.
I have seen few options like paypal parallel payment, but this doesn't provide native app purchase support.
Can some one please point me to right direction. I am wondering am I only one trying for this option? :)
Your help is greatly appreciated.
You are looking for an API payment gateway rather than a checkout page solution. There are numerous services such as Stripe, BrainTree, BlueSnap and even PayPal that offer this.
The reason this is not popular for apps is that you'll need to become PCI compliant for that, which is a pain. Non of the above services will grant you access to the API without it, but they will be happy to give you a checkout page (browser) to drop the PCI compliance requirement.
I've successfully used a service called Zooz for my mobile checkout and it works nicely.
You can goto www.zwitch.co . This is an Indian payment startup which offers in-app payment natively.They have mobile SDK with which you can accept payments in your app.You can design your own payment page.They say you will be reduced from the PCI Scope
Without using Google Checkout, I would like to provide a link that allows a user to download digital content directly to their Google Drive account. Does anyone have advice on how this might achieved?
We have our own shopping cart system and host my own content.
We simply wish to provide a link to our content that transfers the digital content to the location of the consumer's choosing.
We currently don't provide such widgets for web developers. You can however use the REST API to accomplish such a thing.
Please refer to the Drive API Documentation for how to do it server-side. For a client-side application (full JavaScript), you can refer to the StackOverflow answer.
The Drive SDK currently requires applications to be installed in a user's account through the Chrome Web Store; we are actively working on making the story better for users and developers so stay tuned!