Unable to resolve "./scenes/main" from "App.js" - reactjs

Unable to resolve "./scenes/main" from "App.js" .First I was getting an Invariant violation element type error ..Check the render method of ExpoRoot so I created an App.js file in Expo and put the code of my root file screen.js in App.js.

the error basically means you are trying to import a file that do not exist.
so just check your imports or give us more code: App.js file


Using react within mvc - target container is not a dom element

I am trying to use react within my mvc application and am running into an issue and I'm not sure how to fix it.
I have the file DraftCommentsDisplay.jsx:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const myElement = <h1>Test</h1>;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('my-comments'));
Nothing really of value here but I'm just trying to get it working before actually implementing what I'm needing this file to do
This is then bundled into a file called draftComments.bundle.js through webpack so it is readable to the browser.
I am then trying to reference this file in DraftCommentsEditor.cshtml like so:
in this file I do have a div called my-comments like so:
<section id="comments">
<div id="my-comments"></div>
and this is within a div with an id of "draft-editors" in case that matters.
The browser can read the js file, however, I am getting the error:
Uncaught Error: createRoot(...): Target container is not a DOM element.
and it is referring to the my-comments. So I am not sure what is happening here? Is the js file being called before the document has been fully loaded? If so, how do I fix that?
Realised is that the issue was because the js file was being called before the dom had fully loaded so changed how I called the file. I got rid of this line:
And then below the div my-comments I have done:
<script src="/Scripts/bundles/draftComments.bundle.js"></script>
Doing this solved the issue for me and now I am no longer getting that error

typescript classes exports and imports not working properly inside a react app

I have a problem with importing classes inside typescript react app.
I have no errors prior running the build.
For some reasons when I run the build i get the error of Property 'x' does not exist on type 'classx'.
This property is within a class, and I can access it from anywhere within that class (it is private), and it shows in intellisense with all metadata.
Prior to build i get NO errors!
Code example of this error:
export class MyClass {
private _wrappedClass: WrappedClass
this._wrappedClass = wrappedClass
This code would throw error Property '_wrappedClass' does not exist on type 'MyClass'
I have managed to solve this problem partially. For some you can't import typescript classes into a tsx file and expect them to work unless they are also defined within a tsx file. Temporary solution is to import React and save a file as .tsx then it works as expected. Thank you for your effort.

Not able to import jsx file from the directory, react

Right now bar chart is being displayed by the App.js file, but I want to shift that whole code to Mismatch.jsx file and access it in App.js 's return
I am not able to import mismatch.jsx file to my app.js file
it is giving me following error
Could not find module in path: './src/components' relative to '/src/index.js'
Change it to following
import Mismatch from "./container/mismatchdata/mismatch";
Also install bootstrap

React SVG Render issue

I'm trying to import an SVG file as follows:
import ExampleIcon from './icons/example.svg';
But I'm getting a render error:
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('/static/media/example.edcd2c8d.svg') is not a valid name.
How can I use a simple import without needing to cast ExampleIcon as a React Component as follows?
import { ReactComponent as ExampleIcon } from './icons/example.svg';
I'm trying to keep my code standardized within the code base, so I would prefer to avoid using the ReactComponent method where possible.
I realised I needed to use react-svg-loader to achieve the result I want, as React disallows SVG imports otherwise.

React FixedDataTable Webpack bundle - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'requestAnimationFrame' of undefined

I've created a simple component called MyDataTable, as a wrapper over React FixedDataTable component and bundled it with Webpack. The file resulted from this bundle is called my-components.js. Nothing really complicated until here. You can try the source code to see how it works: https://github.com/cosminnicula/fdtwebpack
Now, the second step would be to consume this my-components.js library in a separate project. Here https://github.com/cosminnicula/fdtwebpackclient you can see how I imported the library and tried to use the <MyDataTable /> component:
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import MyDataTable from './../lib/my-components.js';
Hello MyDataTable!
, document.body
However, if i try to browse index.html, I get a nasty error, which I don't find a logical explanation for: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'requestAnimationFrame' of undefined".
BTW, the wrapper component was copy-pasted from here http://jsbin.com/temufa/18/edit?html,js,output, so it should suppose to work.
Any idea on this error?
I've identified the problem and the solution is very simple. Inside fdtwebpackclient change:
import MyDataTable from './../lib/my-components.js';
import MyComponents from './../lib/my-components.js';
I think the problem is that you have a bundle within a bundle kind of situation. FixedDataTable seems to do some trickery to find global context (ie. window). This breaks here.
Instead of bundling a bundle within a bundle at your wrapper you could push FixedDataTable as an external there like this:
externals: {
'fixed-data-table': 'fixed-data-table',
The wrapper should probably consume FixedDataTable as a peer dependency then. Your main project would depend on FixedDataTable directly then. Webpack can deal with mapping the dependency to your wrapper.
