Not able to import jsx file from the directory, react - reactjs

Right now bar chart is being displayed by the App.js file, but I want to shift that whole code to Mismatch.jsx file and access it in App.js 's return
I am not able to import mismatch.jsx file to my app.js file
it is giving me following error
Could not find module in path: './src/components' relative to '/src/index.js'

Change it to following
import Mismatch from "./container/mismatchdata/mismatch";
Also install bootstrap


Unable to import despite clearly having the file

I've been stuck with this error and couldn't fix it even after googling.
it says 'Module not found: Error: Can't resolve'.. based on researching on google, it appears that this happens when the import statement cannot find the file at the declared path.
But there clearly is a file named 'Button.js' in my src/components folder.
I am not sure what is wrong. Would really appreciate your help!
A fix you could do is either exporting Button module as default in the end of Button.js file like
export default Button;
Or either import the button module in braces like :
import { Button} from “./components/Button”
If you haven’t set the base url as src:
As you are using relative paths and /components/Button.js is upper than the page directory so you have to use .. to come out of the pages directory and then read /pages/Home.js
So you should use ../Button.js instead of ./componets/Button.js
import {Button} from './components/Button.js'

How should I import components inside the components folder?

I have some files in my components folder. Two of them are CardItem-component/CardItemComponent.js and list-component/list-components.js.
When I'm trying to import the first component into the latter using
import CardItemComponent from "./CardItem-component/CardItemComponent";
it gives the following mistake:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './CardItem-component/CardItemComponent' in 'D:\project\src\components\list-component'
import CardItemComponent from "./CardItem-component/CardItemComponent";
Make sure you have given the correct file path and exported the component
export default CardItemComponent
Based on your explanation of your file structure, maybe you are targeting the wrong directory.
import CardItemComponent from "../CardItem-component/CardItemComponent";
I'm guessing your file structure is:
When you are importing CardItemComponent.js from list-components.js, you need to go up one directory level to access the /CardItem-component folder, so you will need to prepend your path with ../.
Sorry, it was inattentive me. It works well, I only mistyped a few things.

Importing a jsx file does not work in ReactJs?

I'm using functional components and exported a function and imported this function in my App.js.
How do i use that component, for some reason editor doesnot take the component.
I'm also using scss, anyone please check if the process of adding scss is correct or not!!
In react to import & exporting a file there is a naming convention.
You should perform these changes to your App.js and skeletion_loader.jsx file.
In skeleton_loader change the function name from this skeletonLoader to SkeletonLoader and in the App.js file import it as import {SkeletonLoader} from "../xyz.jsx";

Word Document Cannot find module or it's corresponding type declarations

I am getting this error trying to import this file from src/assets/documents folder.
I am working on a React Project with Typescript. I am trying to import the file and feed it's value in an anchor tag so it can be downloaded.
When I'm importing images from src/assets/images, this problem is not existing.
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem.
Since you are using TypeScript you will need to define the type of the data you are importing.
The solution is fairly simple you need to create a proxy file which will map the types.
Usually the of the file ends with .d.ts
In Vue for example the convention is shims-vue.d.ts
Click [here][1] to see an example
The content of the fie should be:
declare module '*.doc' {
import nameOfDoc from src/assets/documents (should be your path to the doc)
export default nameOfDoc

Unable to resolve "./scenes/main" from "App.js"

Unable to resolve "./scenes/main" from "App.js" .First I was getting an Invariant violation element type error ..Check the render method of ExpoRoot so I created an App.js file in Expo and put the code of my root file screen.js in App.js.
the error basically means you are trying to import a file that do not exist.
so just check your imports or give us more code: App.js file
