Azure AD B2C ProfileEdit policy - azure-active-directory

I working with azure ad b2c, and now i want to change user'email. Is it possible to allow users to edit their profile email in edit profile ?? Now my mobile app can change user'name even so reset password.

You can use Update user method of Microsoft Graph API to achieve this.
Http request:
Content-type: application/json
"mail": "Email_Address"


AADB2C99002 error. B2C Sign In policy without Sign Up policy?

Is it possible to implement authentication via Azure AD B2C by only configuring a SignIn Policy, without any SignUp or SignUpSignIn policies?
The idea is to add users from the Azure B2C portal instead of allowing users to register themselves via any kind of sign-up form.
When trying to do this I keep getting the following error:
AADB2C99002: User does not exist. Please sign up before you can sign in.
Please help.
It's been already asked here, with no answer:
You could sign in with only B2C user. Navigate to Azure AD B2C -> Users in the portal, and there are the users who can sign in.
Add users or invite external user in the portal.
Create a B2C user:
Sign in with the user in a "Sign in" user flow:
Return the id token successfully:
Add users or invite external user using Microsoft Graph API.
Create user:
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "Adele Vance",
"mailNickname": "AdeleV",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile" : {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": true,
"password": "xWwvJ]6NMw+bWH-d"
Invite user:
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 551
"invitedUserEmailAddress": "",
"inviteRedirectUrl": ""
You could test them in Graph Explorer.

Azure Log Analytics API permissions on west-us2 region

We try to create an AAD service principal for retrieving data from out Log Analytics workspace.
Our AAD region is located in Germany
Log Analytics is located in North Europe
When attempting to create API permissions, the address to the API itself is mentioning (west US region) which is a no go for our company data privacy.
Is there any reason of this default and not editable settings ? Is there any way to overcome it ?
Well, if so, you could get the token for ARM API endpoint, then call the ARM API.
In this way, no need to add the API permission for your AD App, just make sure your AD App has an RBAC role e.g. Contributor, Log Analytics Reader in the Access control (IAM) of your workspace, if not, follow this doc to add it.
Then use the client credential flow to get the token.
POST /YOUR_AAD_TENANT/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
After getting the token, use it to call the api like the sample below.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
Prefer: response-v1=true
"query": "AzureActivity | limit 10"
For more details, refer to this link.

Getting powerbi embed token 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to get an embed token for power bi embedded.
I'm using 'App owns data' embed scenario.
I first get the access token of Azure AD and use it as Bearer token when calling embed token
Here is my Postman request details:{groyupid}/dashboards/{dashboardid}/GenerateToken
Request body
In authorization section I added the access token.
I received a 403 Forbidden response.
Here how I get the access token
I noticed that there is also another url to get token :
What is the difference between the one with tenant id in the url
Then permissions for the AAD PowerBI application
Thanks for the help I get another 404 not found error now
"error": {
"code": "PowerBIEntityNotFound",
"pbi.error": {
"code": "PowerBIEntityNotFound",
"parameters": {},
"details": [],
"exceptionCulprit": 1
For information I have added permission in PBI admin portal to pbireportingGroup an Azure security group that I created. ( as mentionned in docs )
Then I added to this group the AAD as member
Is that what should I do ?
403 means that your access token doesn't have the required permissions.
And you need to add the master account and service principal as the owner of the group / workspace (it may take 15 minutes to take effect).
Now that you are using client credential flow, you should set application permissions:
And the resource in the request body should be
Besides, you need to add the service principal as the admin of this workspace in Azure AD. (enter the name of your Azure AD app, and it will recognize its client id)

Azure AD B2C. ROPC flow error The application associated with client id has no registered redirect URIs

The application associated with client id 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____ has no registered redirect URIs
I followed the steps described in
When attempting to obtain the token in Postman using ROPC I'm getting
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "AADB2C90007: The application associated with client id '09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____' has no registered redirect URIs.\r\nCorrelation ID: e85003c3-cfd5-43ad-a74b-efa5c1ea6525\r\nTimestamp: 2019-12-06 19:47:42Z\r\n"
I should not be asked for a redirect URIs.
My POST is as follows:
URL: ''"
username: some_username_of_a_user
password: its-password
grant_type: password
scope: openid offline_access 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
client_id: 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
response-type: token id_token
I didn't reproduce your issue by following this document. Here are the main steps for your reference.
1.Create a resource owner user flow
2.Register an application(It is an application under Azure AD B2C, not Azure AD)
3.Test the user flow
This error generally occurs because you still need to configure some application claims in the b2c directory user flow to allow complete access to the application.
You need to make sure that the right versions of the authentication are in the reply url (likely extension v2.0) and that the reply URL is configured in the application and in the code.
Please look to the documentation for the reply URL schema that you would need to follow:
If you still run into this issue let me know and I can reach out to the correct product team contacts, as sometimes this can happen due to breaking changes on our end.

Calendar endpoint returns OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound

I'm currently trying to achieve in Node.js a direct login to Calendar/Users using Microsoft Graph.
What I've done so far are the following:
Login on the account and make sure that it currently has a calendar (the email is registered under
Go to azure portal and create a new AAD name "Calendar Api" web API with return
URL http://localhost:3000
AAD -> App Registration -> Name: Test, reply url: localhost:3000, Required Permissions for Microsoft Graph (Users Read/Write, Calendars Read/Write), Windows AAD (offline_access), Grant Permissions, Generated a new secret key with no expiry date.
Went to Postman and started to generate a new token based on the following URL:{APP_ID_URI}
grant_type : client_credentials
client_id : {app_id}
client_secret : {app_secret}
scope :
And I a 200 OK with a token.
Upon inspecting the token:
"aud": "",
"roles": [
GET ON -> with Authorization Bearer and the above token will return a code status 200 along with the user account I've used in step 1.
GET ON -> with Authorization Bearer and the above token returns "Resource not found for the segment 'calendars'."
GET ON ->{user_id}/calendars OR /calendar OR /calendarView:
"code": "OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound",
"message": "The tenant for tenant guid '104fdcd9-76d1-4122-89a0-30cb00722de2' does not exist."
I don't really have a code because I am using POSTMAN to test the API first.
I would expect to get a list of events or a list of calendars instead of an error.
After some digging I found out what the problem was, so here is the full solution to this question.
You need a microsoft office 365 account with subscription, can get this by applying for one on office 365 develop.
Upon creating one, follow the instructions and add the apps to it.
Go to Azure Portal and log in with your office 365 account.
Create an app under AAD -> App registration
Follow step 4 and 5 of this question.
Try to access{user_id}/calendars.
