i'm trying to install react js on laravel, but when I tried input command "php artisan ui react" it's became error like on the image, have any idea for this case ? thank's
It's done, it happen cause I put js folder on public folder, which should be the js folder must on resource folder
As per laravel requirement for reactjs. You should have to install UI package from composser.
composer require laravel/ui
after that
php artisan ui react for generating the basic scaffolding.
hey I created a react app and it worked fine until I tried the process to make it deploy in react and now when I run npm start it is showing only the html page and react functionalities but all my css is missing ,I just only changes package.json file to deploy it in git, can anyone help me in this ?
I'm trying to make a modular web with Laravel modules, and I want to use react to build Frontend, I can use react in the root folder already, but I canĀ“t do it inside a module.
I run php artisan ui react to install react in root folder, but this command does not work inside a module, so i dont know how to install react inside a module.
Any idea of how to do it?
I want to use react in each module i have and another modules I'll add in future.
I am rather new to laravel. I could manage to create my first site and deploy it, but attempting to create a new one, I stumble over something I probably misunderstood.
I am familiar with bootstrap but not at all with vue and react. What I want to do is to setup a new Laravel install with registration verification email nevertheless, reading the installation page on the documentation I bump into this:
Once the laravel/ui package has been installed, you may install
thefrontend scaffolding using the ui Artisan command:
// Generate basic scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui vue
php artisan ui react
// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth
In each of these paragraphs, shoud I run only one command or the 3?
What troubles me is the fact that after running one command, I am asked to run npm install & npm run dev and each time I am asked if I want to replace numerous templates and controllers.
Sorry, I've tried to search on the answer for the command on CLI to remove the react auth that I downloaded.
I also tried looking in the documentation on "Laravel 6.0.", then look for similar keywords on searching such as reset, remove, react yet, seems there is no relative solution, or probably my fault to not find the right solution.
Can someone help me solve this problem?
Thank you.
From the 5.8 Laravel documentation: laravel.com/docs/5.8/frontend
Removing The Frontend Scaffolding
If you would like to remove the frontend scaffolding from your
application, you may use the preset Artisan command. This command,
when combined with the none option, will remove the Bootstrap and Vue
scaffolding from your application, leaving only a blank SASS file and
a few common JavaScript utility libraries:
php artisan preset none
So try with laravel 6.x:
php artisan ui none
I am very new to react. I grabbed the petclinic project from github (https://github.com/spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-reactjs) to run it and understand how react works. I want to add plugins to this project (plugins are other react projects as I understand), The plugin I want to add is a datatable (https://github.com/rishabhbits038/react-tabelify) which is another react project. My question is how to integrate one react project inside the other. in jquery it is direct, just including the .js file in the project but in react it does not seem that obvious.
From inside the petclinic project, run
npm install react-tabelify
and import the component you want use as:
import Tabelify from 'react-tabelify';
should work, as the second library is registered with npm