How to remove React Auth in Laravel 6.0 in CMD? - reactjs

Sorry, I've tried to search on the answer for the command on CLI to remove the react auth that I downloaded.
I also tried looking in the documentation on "Laravel 6.0.", then look for similar keywords on searching such as reset, remove, react yet, seems there is no relative solution, or probably my fault to not find the right solution.
Can someone help me solve this problem?
Thank you.

From the 5.8 Laravel documentation:
Removing The Frontend Scaffolding
If you would like to remove the frontend scaffolding from your
application, you may use the preset Artisan command. This command,
when combined with the none option, will remove the Bootstrap and Vue
scaffolding from your application, leaving only a blank SASS file and
a few common JavaScript utility libraries:
php artisan preset none
So try with laravel 6.x:
php artisan ui none


Unable to Add React to existing Rails app

I've setup a rails app all good, server runs fine etc, now I need to add React to it.
I see the command
rails webpack:install:react
appears to be the way everyone recommends but when I run this I get the following error:
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'webpacker:install:react' (See the list of available
tasks with `rails --tasks`)
Did you mean? webpacker:install
So I run webpacker:install, alls good then try with :react again and the same errors generated, I've got react added in the package.json file and react-rails in the gem file. I've also run bundled since adding these.
I cant find an answer anywhere so whatever you've got I'll take.
Thank you.
Found the issue, the problem was that webpacker:install:react was removed from webpacker v6, moved to version 5.4.3 and the issues resolved.
More info here:
As the above answer states, this was removed. If you see a tutorial telling you to run rails webpack:install:react you can simply skip it if you've already run rails webpack:install. React now works "out of the box" and so you don't need to specify it.

I got problem when install react js on laravel

i'm trying to install react js on laravel, but when I tried input command "php artisan ui react" it's became error like on the image, have any idea for this case ? thank's
It's done, it happen cause I put js folder on public folder, which should be the js folder must on resource folder
As per laravel requirement for reactjs. You should have to install UI package from composser.
composer require laravel/ui
after that
php artisan ui react for generating the basic scaffolding.

Bundle with react js

I am a beginner with reactjs so I start to create a site, I do all installations, I installed Webpack to generate automatically the bundle.js all it works well and the file bundle.js is well generated but nothing that posster on the index page (page index is empty) and there are also no errors on the console. Somewhat help me please
It can be a bit messy to get up & running if you're not experienced with these technologies and how module bundling in Webpack works.
This is exactly why Facebook created the "create-react-app" solution so that you can get running without any build config and focus on creating the app that you're after instead. You can use it and "eject" to a custom setup anytime and see how they've done it:
create-react-app by Facebook
Here is a guide that you can follow along to create a simple config build:
Setup a React Environment Using webpack and Babel
You can also check out some of the other solutions that the community offers, here is a list of 143 React starter projects:
Find your perfect React starter project

Test React on Chrome browser

How can I see what I´m building on my Chrome browser?
I know how to see PHP through local server, see HTML website through normal ways and with Gulp but can´t seem to understand this.
I would suggest you look into create-react-app, it comes handy with a few things that are already prebuilt
Here's a tutorial on it:
You can load the build from your project on 'create-react-app' into your PHP project.

Typescript can't find 'require', setting up pouchdb with Ionic2

I'm also trying to follow the Tutorial How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Ionic 2, which seems a good entry point for using pouchdb with Angular 2 / Ionic 2. My OS is OSx
After getting able to install typings 'require' ionic serve throws:
TypeScript error: (...) Error TS2304: Cannot find name 'require'.
I followed the installing typings require failed in macOSX and Install Typings require for Ionic2 application threads but it didn't help me. (beside of a better understanding of 'TypeScript')
the require files are under:
any Ideas? The tutorial about 'install require' doesn't work for me.
thx Pitt
I'm guessing that you have a line of code like:
let PouchDB = require('pouchdb');
You do not need to use require for importing into Angular2. Instead you should use import like this:
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
Reference from one of the GitHub issues on the PouchDB GitHub account
The link you provided also uses import rather than require. Also in newer versions of typescript, Typings have been replaced with #Types.
