I have an OntModel in Jena with an OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF ModelSpec. However I created a utility to count the number of individuals, properties, etc... in the model. As explained here it takes forever to execute the model.listIndividuals() method which is normal because I am using some reasoning abilities.
It's further demonstrated because if I use the basic OWL_MEM ModelSpec I don't have any problem.
I tried to clone the model graph and use another ModelSpec by using what's explained here:
Model copyOfOntModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(model.getGraph());
OntModel newModel = new OntModelImpl(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, copyOfOntModel);
But it still takes forever when I execute the model.listIndividuals() method. Is there a way to clone the model but use the basic ModelSpec for example?
I applied what UniformedUser said, but as as the result of the getRawModel() method is not an OntModel, I just did:
Model _model = model.getRawModel();
OntModel newModel = new OntModelImpl(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, _model);
And it just works!!
Basically, I would like to update about 10,000 entities at once — adding a new property and value to each entity.
Given this class:
title = ndb.StringProperty()
created_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
I would like to run some sort of operation that would create this new created_date_string property in my existing Post entities and occupying the field with a string version of the date.
title = ndb.StringProperty()
created_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
created_date_string = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
How do I handle this?
My best guess is to use task queues to update each entity; we would be queueing 10,000 tasks. Is there a better approach?
You could do this in a single task where that task iterates over the entities to update them. You'll want to batch your gets and puts to make it more efficient. Tasks run for up to 10 minutes, and I bet this would take less than a minute.
Are you sure you need this new property? You could do this:
title = ndb.StringProperty()
created_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
def created_date_string(self):
return str(self.created_date)
I should have explained the confusing terminology. There are two completely different uses of "property" here. The property in my answer is specific to Python and has nothing to do with GAE. The #property of Python makes a function look like a variable so can do x.created_date_string instead of x.created_date_string()
Instead of what I wrote above, you could do:
title = ndb.StringProperty()
created_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
def created_date_string(self):
return str(self.created_date)
It is basically the exact same thing.
The Python property is different from a GAE computed property, which is an actual property in the datastore. You could use that as well, but why store redundant data if you don't need to.
You are storing the String version of created_date property in created_date_string. There are two use cases I can think of for doing this.
Using created_date_string on server only: If you are using this property on server side only, then there is no need to store it as it becomes redundant, you can calculate it via instance methods for model class.
Send created_date_string in API response: If you are sending this property via API and using it on client side(web/app etc.). Then the best option is to use the ComputedProperty of Google App Engine as shown below
created_date_string = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda self: str(self.created_date))
this way your created_date_string property will always be consistent with created_date and will automatically be created and stored in DataStore.
You can find more info on ComputedProperty here
Comping back to your original question about how to update 10,000 entities. As it a one job task I would recommend using deffered. It also uses task queue but is comparatively easy to use. As mentioned in the definition:
The deferred library lets you bypass all the work of setting up dedicated task handlers and serializing and deserializing your parameters by exposing a simple function deferred.defer()
You can find the documentation Here. The example given itself is synonymous to what you are asking i.e. to run batch updates.
Here is how I would do it.
Write a dedicated handler(example: /runbatchupdate) that will start your update using deffered
Hit the handler from outside or make an entry in your cron.yaml to run this handler.
If you need a sample code then comment below and I will write a sample handler for you. Hope this helps
I am working on a ClojureScript wrapper for qx.mobile and would like to programmatically build a cljs type hierarchy mirroring the qx class hierarchy.
Is there a way to get all the subclasses of a qooxdoo class?
How about a programmatic way to query the superclass of a class?
I am already putting qx.Class.getProperties to good use.
Thx, kt
The programmatic way of getting the superclass of a given class is documented at http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/apiviewer/#qx.Class
or getting the name of the superclass as a string
which means that e.g.
will return the string "qx.ui.core.LayoutItem".
Regarding the programmatic way to retreive all subclasses of a class:
This is currently not possible without iterating the whole class hierarchy/tree and testing the objects against being subclasses of the given class.
We discussed at https://gitter.im/qooxdoo/qooxdoo that it maybe would be usefull to create an array for each class holding the subclasses. This could be added to the code of the private method __createClass in qx.Class.
We would like to encourage everyone who needs this (or other) functionalities to join us on https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/ and help extending qooxdoo by creating a pull requests. Thank you.
After digging arround a bit in qx.Class we decided to implement a method qx.Class.getSubclasses which returns a hash object with all subclasses of a given class.
var subclasses = qx.Class.getSubclasses(qx.ui.core.Widget);
gets all subclasses of qx.ui.core.Widget.
Landed in qooxdoo master with commit https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/pull/9037
I'm writing a variety of Model Tests in CakePHP (PHPUnit)
In TravisCI, I get something like: "Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'test.events'
In Cake's test runner I get an assertion failure.
The problem I am having is there are methods in my ModelClasses that I am trying to test which call other models with App::uses. For example:
Method on User model:
public function getOtherData() {
App::uses('Event', 'Model');
$this->Event = new Event;
return $this->Event->find('all');
And the test:
public function testGetOtherData() {
$result = $this->User->getOtherData();
Note the above example is just that. An example, simplified to show the problem. I understand that the above example has better 'cake' ways of doing it.
Also, I am using defining required fixtures and they work just fine. (I know this by another method in the model which uses a join in the find, instead of App::Uses())
The code when run works, BUT the UnitTest is looking for the other models data (When using App::uses) in the default database, and not the test database. Why doesn't it use the test database? Am I missing something?
Using App::uses() and then instantiating the class will work at runtime. But during testing it will fail, as it attempts to use the default database connection, instead of the test database connection.
Per the selected answer, rather than using App::uses, Cakes built in class registry, ClassRegistry::init('Model', true);, you can include a Model from inside another model method.
It's not generally a good idea to instantiate an object in the middle of your functions using the new statement. This is why -- there's no way to block or redirect that call. Also, it's not necessarily easy to get the right parameters to the object's constructor when it's in the middle of another function, so it's best to keep that code separate.
The right way to do this is to use a different method call to get your object. If you use Cake's ClassRegistry::init() to create model objects, they should use the test database.
If you need to create other non-Cake objects, it's best to create them using some other function, e.g. $this->fetchMeOneOThemEventThingies(). Then, during testing, you can mock out that function and have it return something else. Or, you could use some other DI container like pimple, which will take the same role as Cake's ClassRegistry.
If you need a mock model object for testing, be sure to pass the appropriate arguments to the model's constructor as the third parameter to getMock(), or it may use the production database.
I have a small calendar widget-type thing on many pages throughout my site. The goal is for it to retrieve events from X category that fall between Y and Z dates.
My assumption (I'm new to CakePHP) was that I should create a component, and have it do the query. Something like this:
class CalendarComponent extends Object {
var $uses = array('Event');
function getEvents($category = null, $date = null, $limit = null) {
$events = $this->Event->find('list', //conditions to get correct events
return $events;
BUT, according to this CakeBook page:
To access/use a model in a component
is not generally recommended
So - where would I store this logic / model call if not in a component? I've admittedly not used a component yet (or not created one anyway) due to lack of really understanding how I should use them - any snippet of advice on this is also VERY welcome.
Great question in my opinion and I imagine one that comes up quite often. I was actually dealing with a similar problem where I wanted some site-wide data gathering or functionality shoved into a component.
The first thing to keep in mind:
The book is a guideline.
These 'rules' aren't rules. If there's a good reason for breaking the rule and you understand why the rule is being broken then break the damn thing! Cake itself breaks this rule quite often.
Core components that require/use models:
Sessions (fairly positive you can save session data to a model)
So, clearly there are use cases where you need to use a model inside a component. How do you do it though?
Well, there's a couple different ways. What I wound up going with? Something like this:
ModelLoadingComponent extends Object {
public function startup($controller) {
$this->Model = $controller->Model;
That's it! Your component is now setup to use $this->Model...just like you would in a controller.
Sorry, to clarify: no, you don't have to setup a new component to load models. I was showing an example for how you could load a component in any model. The startup function I used is a component-specific callback, there's a whole slew of them http://book.cakephp.org/view/998/MVC-Class-Access-Within-Components. These callback methods make components a lot easier to work with. I highly recommend looking at this part of the components tutorial if nothing else.
If you were working inside an AppController object you could call $this->loadModel() but we aren't working an AppController! We're working with a component, really an Object. There is no Object::loadModel() so we have to come up with a different way to get that model. This is where $controller comes into play in our startup callback.
When the startup method is invoked by Cake it will pass the $controller object it's working with on this dispatch as the first parameter. With this we're able to access controller methods...like loadModel().
Why do we do it this way?
Well, we could use ClassRegistry::init('Model') in each of our component methods that need to use the model. If you have 10 methods in your component and only 1 of them uses the model this might work. However, what if you have 10 methods in your component and all 10 of them use the model? Well, you'd be calling ClassRegistry::init('Model') 10 times! That's a lot of overhead when what you really want is just 1 model object. With this method the component is creating one model object. The one we create in startup.
I hope this clarifies your questions and provides some insight into why I use this method for models in components.
Edit: Added a code clarification after I did some experimenting.
I think writing a component is overkill in this case and it would be cleaner to put the getEvents method into the Event model.
Using MVVM, one type of ViewModels include the Model they represnt as a Field.
So I do have a CompanyModel and a CompanyViewModel that has one instance of CompanyModel.
This CompanyModel has a collection of Divisions belonging to it. So CompanyModel has a List (or some collection class).
Now the CompanyViewModel would want to represent these Divisions as an ObservableCollection<DivisionViewModel>; and you you could add new Divisions in the CompanyViewModel.
What is the best way ensure that the ObservableCollection and the Models collection stay in sync? So when I add a new DivisionViewModel and save it, it automatically saves its model to the CompanyModel's List<Division>?
I have more classes like this Parent/child relations so I would love something I could reuse or implement perhaps in a AbstractViewModel class.
Note: My ViewModels implement IEditableObject
Probably the easiest way to do this is to create a new class that inherits from ObservableCollection, and which takes a source list and various initialization and mapping functions as parameters. Its signature might look something like this:
public class SynchronizedObservableCollection<TDest, TSource> : ObservableCollection
public SynchronizedObservableCollection(
IList<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TDest> newDestFunc,
Func<TDest, TSource> newSourceFunc),
Func<TSource, TDest, bool> mapSourceToDestFunc
// Initialize the class here.
You'd then want handle the CollectionChanged event, creating new Source instances when a new Destination instance got added, deleting existing Source instances when an existing Destination instance got deleted, that sort of thing. You'd use the "new" functions above to create new instances of the various entities, and you'd use the "map" functions above in various Linq queries that would allow you to figure out, say, which instance of a viewmodel your ObservableCollection mapped to a model in your List.
You would use it in your example above like so, perhaps:
var divisionViewModels = new SynchronizedObservableCollection(
division => new DivisionViewModel(division),
divisionVm => divisionVm.Model,
(division, divisionVm) => divisionVm.Model == division);
The exact implementation is left as an exercise to the reader :-). But I've used classes like this with some success in previous projects. Just make sure you work up some good unit tests around it, so that you know you can rely on it, and don't have to spend a lot of time hunting through event-handling callstacks.