connect to a database server without exposing a network share - database

this is quite simple to do in many databases, but I have not yet found a way to achieve this with Advantage in Server-mode over the network.
assume 2 PCs:
SERVER: running Advantage Database Server, and contains A database
CLIENT: contains a simple application, or even just Advantage Architect.
If the folder containing this database was shared via the OS (network share, with read/write permissions), then establishing connection is straight-forward.
I am however, precisely trying to avoid exposing a network share.
In Firebird, for example, this can be done using connection path:
Isn't this the reason for exposing a port for the database (6262)?
What's interesting is that they offer something called "internet" connection. I highly doubt they would require a network share over the internet to access the database.
So, is this doable, and if so, would love a hint.
following the answer below, adding more details.
SERVER contains 2 folders, each one with its ADV Dictionary:
C:\Data\mydata.add (not a shared folder)
C:\DataShared\mydata.add (shared folder)
I am able to connect to the second one using the connect path \\SERVER:6262\DataShared\mydata.add
to connect to the first one i've tried:
none of which worked.
Note that I am not calling the stored procedure directly, but using the Delphi ADS components, which certainly internally call that same stored procedure.
I am certainly connecting as Remote (have the ADS Server launched on SERVER). For the other parameters, I am using TCP/IP as comm. type, and default ADSSYS / blank password.
with this setup in mind, what would the path be to connect to C:\Data\mydata.add on \\SERVER?
Thanks again

No need to expose your database on a shared folder. You'd only do that if using the LOCAL connection. If using INTERNET or REMOTE, then simply connect using API AdsConnect60(). Look it up on the help file.
UNSIGNED32 AdsConnect60( UNSIGNED8 *pucConnectPath,
UNSIGNED16 usServerTypes,
UNSIGNED8 *pucUserName,
UNSIGNED8 *pucPassword,
UNSIGNED32 ulOptions,
ADSHANDLE *phConnect );
Furthermore, you can hide the path where your data resides by using a server side Alias. Look it up on the help files. It is quite simple.
To simplify things, do this:
Run ads server configuration utility, go to "Configuration Utility" tab and inside that, go to "File Locations" tab. Write down path for Error and Assert Log Path. Let's assume it is c:. Let's also assume server is
Now create a file named AdsServer.ini in that path (c:) with section: [ServerAliases] and a line adsdata=c:\data. Now use API function AdsConnect60 like this: AdsConnect60( "\\\Adsdata\Mydata.add", ADS_REMOTE_SERVER, "adssys", "password", ADS_DEFAULT, &hConn ) ;
If you are working from Delphi or some other language make sure you check out the clases that are already built wrappers for the API.
It is all really-really well documented:


Defer connection to datasources defined in application.conf

Say I have a database called "awesome" which is located on a live server and at the same time duplicated on a staging server for testing. My web app is based on Play 2.1.1 using Scala.
So I have these datasources defined in my application.conf file:
db.awesome-test.driver= com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
db.awesome-live.driver= com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Depending on what environment I am on, I would like to use either DB.withConnection("awesome-test") or DB.withConnection("awesome-live"). I am controlling this via another value in my config; so I e.g. put environment=awesome-live in there and then get the respective connection string via Play.configuration.
Now, the problem is that apparently play attempts to create a DB connection to each datasource defined in the config right away. A) This fails depending on which environment I am on. E.g. on the staging machine I will get something like this (pic is only a mock-up of course) because the live DB is not reachable:
...although it is completely unnecessary to try to connect to that DB, because it will never be used in this environment. B) Even if the connection would work, of course it would not be feasable to create two connections (live and testing) when only one of the two is ever needed.
Is there a way to tell Play to defer/postpone creation of the DB connection until it is actually needed (e.g. when DB.getConnection("...") or DB.withConnection("...") or something is called for that datasource)?
I am thinking something like db.awesome-live.deferCreation=true.
Cheers, Alex
I'd say that you have two ways of doing this.
Everything is explained at the Play! Documentation: Additional configuration
Specifying alternative configuration file
db.awesome.driver= com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
db.awesome.driver= com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
In code you always use DB.withConnection("awesome").
Start the application with
$ start -Dconfig.resource=test.conf
$ start -Dconfig.resource=live.conf
Overriding specific configuration keys
In your case that means:
$ start -Ddb.awesome-live.deferCreation=true

How to access CouchDB server from another computer?

I created a couchDB on my computer, that is I used the Python line server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
I want to share this database with two other colleagues. How can I make it available to them? For the moment, I am comfortable giving them full admin privileges until I get a better handle on this.
I tried to read the relevant parts of CouchDB: The Definitive Guide, but I still don't get it.
How would they access it? They can't just type in my computer's IP address?
In order to avoid NAT problems, I would use an external service like Cloudant or Iris Couch. You can replicate your local database against the common DB in the cloud and your colleagues can connect to it.
sure they can.
Start your server like this:
server = couchdb.Server('')
Where the IP address is the IP address of your PC. Find this out via the cmd prompt and ipconfig. Then they type in their python console
server = couchdb.Server('')
Yep, exactly the same. The IP identifies it for both you and everyone else. If you want them to access it in a browser then I guess you'll need to write that front end however.
If you are not on the same local network the the same more or less applies, except you'll have to add port forwarding into the mix.
I would use ngrok ( its free and it will expose your localhost to colleagues in order to access the db.
once you download and execute, in the command line type ngrok http and they should be able to access it when you provide them the url ngrok returns, which exposes your localhost externally

How do I lock down an Access database on macro-disabled systems?

question for you.
So I have this Access 2007 database that I'm trying to lock down so that it can be deployed. The intent is for multiple users to run the front-end application simultaneously, connecting to the back-end tables over the network. However, I obviously don't want to give them access to the forms, settings, tables, etc.
I already tried using the ChangeProperty function for
But whenever anyone without macro's explicitly enabled opens the database, everything opens as if none of these settings are set. How can I get around this? I only use like 3 macros in the program, and none of them are related to the opening of the database or locking down the database.
You can try distributing your front-end as a locked ACCDE file, this is the equivalent of the old MDE files from Access 2000. Details are available here:

Access 2007 to SQL server file upload?

I have an Access 2007 database with an attachments facility. Currently the client may upload files locally but the files cannot be accessed elsewhere. I have been able to carry out a similar operation when developing on a web based system however I cannot seem to do it on an Access 2007 database and I am unsure as to whether it is even possible. Basically the system needs to connect to the SQL server online and upload the file although the database is not online itself. I would be grateful for any pointers!
I have faced this situation. Here are your choices:
Use Access attachment field in a shared ACCDB -- won't work "online" very well, but you could park the ACCDB on your LAN and make it a separate back-end ACCDB shared by all. Your post didn't say whether your users are either local or "online" -- and whether "online" meant web.
Use VarChar(Max) (aka BLOB) fields in SQL-Server to store the attachments. But, you can't populate these easily from Access. Assuming you control the server where SQL-Server is running, you can use ADO in Access to upload a VarChar(Max) using the bulkinsert T-SQL command. This works pretty well and it's easy.
Create an upload web page. Use iExplorer automation (i.e, create an iExplorer object) in VBA to navigate to that page, fill it in and press the upload button. For security reasons, you cannot use automation to fill in a file upload control, but you can use sendkeys. This doesn't work perfectly -- sometimes you have to repeat the process once or twice, but it works pretty well if it's invoked by a user who can validate it's working. This is what I did -- easiest solution.
Best solution probably is to create a web service using WCF to handle the upload. There are plenty of posts on how to encode and decode byte arrays to store files as VarChar(Max). It works extremely well. Unfortunately, Access cannot directly consume web services as far as I've been able to tell, so you would have to write a small program to do this and call it from Access.
You could store the files/attachments outside of SQL/Server - just on the server, and store only the links/URL's for those files in Access. You could make each one launchable. This is easy but harder to control the security.
You can use Sharepoint to store/share the attachments. That can work pretty well depending on the size of the attachments and your connectivity. It's built to support this.
Access allows multiple attachments in one record. SQL/Server doesn't support this. So, if you can split your ACCDB into a front-end for the programs only and back-end ACCDB that is sharable by your users to contain the data/attachments, that is by far the easiest answer.

JSP website pre-database configuration

I'm working on a website in JSP (in GWT really, but on the server side, it's really just JSP), and I need to configure my database.
I know HOW to code in the database connection etc, but i'm wondering how/where the database config should be saved.
To clarify my doubt, let me give an example; in PHP, a website usualy has a config.php, where the user configures the database, user, etc (or an install.php generates it).
However, since JSP is bytecode, I can't code this info into my site and have the user modify it, nor can I modify it analogously to an install.php.
How should I handle this? what's the best/most common practice ? I've found NO examples of this. Mainly, where should the config file be stored?
There are several possibilities to do this, what I've seen done include:
Having database credentials in a special file, usually or some simple XML file that contain the required information (driver, url, username, password, any ORM parameters if needed). The properties file would be placed under WEB-INF or WEB-INF/classes; the downside of this approach is that the user would have to modify the file inside the WAR before deploying it to the application server.
Acquire the database connection via JNDI and expect it to be provided by the application server. This seems to be the most common way of doing this; on the upside, your WAR doesn't have to be changed, however, the downside is that configuring a JNDI data source is different for every application server and may be confusing if your system administrators are not experienced with Java technology.
