I have multiple for loops in one code, as I am trying to collect data based off identifier "Y". There are some sheets that do not have identifier "Y" and those sheets always cause my script to stop running as the error cannot find the length in that specific for loop since there is none.
How do I get around this? I've tried if/else in everywhere I think would work and it's not working.
I've tried if/else statements and breaks but I must not be putting them in the right spot.
var VDSLr = VDSL.getRange('A:AS');
var VDSLraw = VDSLr.getValues();
var VDSLdata = []
for (var i = 0; i< VDSLraw.length ; i++){
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, VDSLdata.length,
var ITr = IT.getRange('A:AS');
var ITrawdata = ITr.getValues();
var ITd= []
for (var i = 0; i< ITrawdata.length ; i++){
if(ITrawdata[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, ITd.length,
**Edit: it won't let me post a picture of my error yet. Here's a few
examples though:
Error (1):**
var VDSLr = VDSL.getRange('A:AS');
var VDSLraw = VDSLr.getValues();
var VDSLdata = []
for (var i = 0; i< VDSLraw.length ; i++){
if (VDSLraw[i][44] != "Y")**continue**;
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y");
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, VDSLdata.length,
var ITr = IT.getRange('A:AS');
var ITrawdata = ITr.getValues();
var ITd= []
for (var i = 0; i< ITrawdata.length ; i++){
if (ITrawdata[i][44] != "Y")continue;
if (ITrawdata[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, ITd.length,
So if I put a continue here, it won't read the length. Error code is "Cannot read property "length" from undefined. Which I know is correct. This is what I'm trying to bypass. "VDSL" is a sheet that normally does not have what I am looking for. But since it won't find the length it won't continue to sheet "IT."
I have also moved around the continues to different spots, and even a break (in the same spot as continue) but my combinations seem to provide a never ending loop of the same info.
The other attempt is with if else statements. When I use those I get a synthax error. On this error(2) I've tried:
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y")
{//code here}
else if (VDSLraw[i][44] != "Y"){break};
I feel like I'm making this more complicated than it is, should be a simple if/then statement but since I have to pull the data and compile it to one sheet the for loop is the best way to go. Just can't figure out the last piece. I could do them separately but that's my last resort. There's 12 sheets, so clicking 12 scripts each time I need to do this doesn't seem efficient.
as soon as you provided limited information about your data I made some assumptions, I hope it matches your needs.
function getY_Data(){
// get the current Spreadsheet;
var currentSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get all tabs on the file, so you wont need to keep track of how many tabs you have
var tabsArray = currentSpreadsheet.getSheets();
var resultsSheet = currentSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("results");
var currentSheetValues;
var collected_Y_Rows = [];
// iterate over all tabs
// skip the results tab
if(tabObject.getName() === "results"){ continue; }
// set the current sheet data to currentSheetValues variable
currentSheetValues = tabsArray[0].getDataRange().getValues();
// Im considering that all your sheets has the same row size
if(row[44] == "Y"){
// if it hasnt find any row with "Y" it won't clear the "results" tab or try do add empty data to the "results" sheet
if(collected_Y_Rows.length === 0){
// clear the current values and formats
// append new data starting on row 1 and col 2;
// Im considering that all your sheets has the same row size;
// if the sheets tabs has different sizes of data (columns) it will throw an error because when using the range.setValues(collected_Y_Rows),
// all rows on "collected_Y_Rows" mas have the same size;
resultsSheet.getRange(1, 1, collected_Y_Rows.length, collected_Y_Rows[0].length).setValues(collected_Y_Rows);
first question ever here...
I am coding a simple 3-card poker hand evaluator and am having problems finding/extracting multiple "straights" (sequential series of values) from an array of values.
I need to extract and return EVERY straight the array possibly has. Here's an example:
(assume array is first sorted numerically incrementing)
myArray = [1h,2h,3c,3h,4c]
Possible three-value sequences are:
Here is my original code to find sequences of 3, where the array contains card objects with .value and .suit. For simplicity in this question I just put "2h" etc here:
private var _pokerHand = [1h,2h,3c,3h,4c];
private function getAllStraights(): Array
var foundStraights:Array = new Array();
for (var i: int = 0; i < (_handLength - 2); i++)
if ((_pokerHand[i].value - _pokerHand[i + 1].value) == 1 && (_pokerHand[i + 1].value - _pokerHand[i + 2].value) == 1)
trace("found a straight!");
foundStraights.push(new Array(_pokerHand[i], _pokerHand[i + 1], _pokerHand[i + 2]));
return foundStraights;
but it of course fails when there are value duplicates (like the 3's above). I cannot discard duplicates because they could be of different suits. I need every possible straight as in the example above. This allows me to run the straights through a "Flush" function to find "straight flush".
What array iteration technique am I missing?
This is an interesting problem. Given the popularity of poker games (and Flash) I'm sure this has been solved many times before, but I couldn't find an example online. Here's how I would approach it:
Look at it like a path finding problem.
Begin with every card in the hand as the start of a possible path (straight).
While there are possible straights:
Remove one from the list.
Find all the next valid steps, (could be none, or up to 4 following cards with the same value), and for each next valid step:
If it reaches the goal (completes a straight) add it to a list of found straights.
Otherwise add the possible straight with the next step back to the stack.
This seems to do what you want (Card object has .value as int):
private function getAllStraights(cards:Vector.<Card>, straightLength:uint = 3):Vector.<Vector.<Card>> {
var foundStraights:Vector.<Vector.<Card>> = new <Vector.<Card>>[];
var possibleStraights:Vector.<Vector.<Card>> = new <Vector.<Card>>[];
for each (var startingCard:Card in cards) {
possibleStraights.push(new <Card>[startingCard]);
while (possibleStraights.length) {
var possibleStraight:Vector.<Card> = possibleStraights.shift();
var lastCard:Card = possibleStraight[possibleStraight.length - 1];
var possibleNextCards:Vector.<Card> = new <Card>[];
for (var i:int = cards.indexOf(lastCard) + 1; i < cards.length; i++) {
var nextCard:Card = cards[i];
if (nextCard.value == lastCard.value)
if (nextCard.value == lastCard.value + 1)
for each (var possibleNextCard:Card in possibleNextCards) {
var possibleNextStraight:Vector.<Card> = possibleStraight.slice().concat(new <Card>[possibleNextCard]);
if (possibleNextStraight.length == straightLength)
return foundStraights;
Given [1♥,2♥,3♣,3♥,4♣] you get: [1♥,2♥,3♣], [1♥,2♥,3♥], [2♥,3♣,4♣], [2♥,3♥,4♣]
It gets really interesting when you have a lot of duplicates, like [1♥,1♣,1♦,1♠,2♥,2♣,3♦,3♠,4♣,4♦,4♥]. This gives you:
[1♥,2♥,3♦], [1♥,2♥,3♠], [1♥,2♣,3♦], [1♥,2♣,3♠], [1♣,2♥,3♦], [1♣,2♥,3♠], [1♣,2♣,3♦], [1♣,2♣,3♠], [1♦,2♥,3♦], [1♦,2♥,3♠], [1♦,2♣,3♦], [1♦,2♣,3♠], [1♠,2♥,3♦], [1♠,2♥,3♠], [1♠,2♣,3♦], [1♠,2♣,3♠], [2♥,3♦,4♣], [2♥,3♦,4♦], [2♥,3♦,4♥], [2♥,3♠,4♣], [2♥,3♠,4♦], [2♥,3♠,4♥], [2♣,3♦,4♣], [2♣,3♦,4♦], [2♣,3♦,4♥], [2♣,3♠,4♣], [2♣,3♠,4♦], [2♣,3♠,4♥]
I haven't checked this thoroughly but it looks right at a glance.
I know there are quite similar questions here, but I haven't found the proper details. What would be helpful is definitely an explanation of the problems, and perhaps a base example, that anyone who searches later may be able to apply. (Not asking that you write it for me, I just find the examples helpful) I don't want to upset anyone and am kind of worried to post in a forum...
I am wondering alternatives to creating a screen based off tiles created from an array. I have been having an issue myself trying to access the movieclips that have been placed on screen, and trying to trace to find a way to reference them hasn't been working.
Anyway, take something basic like an array, and connecting it to movieclips, then how to access the movieclip itself once done. So I have been working on this, and used many different online resources, so I'm sure a lot of this is going to look familiar, just in a much messier way.
This takes the array to make the movieclips appear (Im sure at least one part in here is unnecessary, and I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong here that makes it not work out later) So this works, but feels pretty bulky.
Both are from the same main class file.
function makeWorld (anyMap, tileW, tileH) {
var worldWidth = anyMap[0].length;
var worldHeight = anyMap.length;
var MAP = this.addChild(new mapHolder());
function tiler(MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile)
tile.x = (j * tileW);
tile.y = (i * tileH);
for (var i = 0; i < worldWidth; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < worldHeight; ++j) {
var curTile:int = anyMap[i][j];
if (curTile == 101) {
var tile1 = new tileGround();
tiler (MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile1);
else {
var tile3 = new empty();
tiler (MAP, i, j, tileW, tileH, tile3);
Then there is attempting to reference it, where I'm having the issue. I don't know what to call this.MAP.tileGround by, and I have tried many things. I've read it's not such a good idea to reference by name when not very advanced so I wanted to avoid that sort of thing too.
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, hits);
function hits (event:Event) {
var tileCatchG:MovieClip = this.MAP.tileGround;
if(tileCatchG.hitTestPoint(this.MAP.Char.x + leftBumpPoint.x, this.MAP.Char.y + leftBumpPoint.y, true)){
leftBumping = true;
} else {
leftBumping = false;
Thank you!
In looking over what you're doing a second time it would appear that you should have a reference to the 2-indexed array that represents the map.
You can create a regular (single indexed) Array at the top of the file like
public var tileArray:Array = [];
Then where you create them push them into the array
var tile1 = new tileGround();
then to reference them all you can just run a simple loop
for each(var tile:MovieClip in tileArray)
//Do stuff
if(tile instanceof tileGround)
//Do stuff specific to tileGround
I'm building a simple game in C++Builder6 and I have 42 Image objects on a Form... At start-up I want all Image objects to be disabled, so I wonder can I put all of them in an array and simply loop thorough the entire array and make them Disabled? I know there must be a way, but I'm just new to programming :)
You have several options.
First: You can declare
Image* array[40];
And dynamically construct the image.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 40; ++i ) {
image[i] = new Image(this); // where "this" is pointer to your form
image[i]->Parent = this;
// option below are optional
image[i]->Height = 50;
image[i]->Width = 50;
image[i]->Left = 40;
image[i]->Top = 100;
image[i]->Tag = i;
image[i]->OnClick = ButtonClick; // connect with method
Second option is declare
Image* array[40];
and manually set all values;
array[0] = Image1;
array[39] = Image40;
Then you will have all image in array and you can use loop for doing something on all Image
I had a hard time trying to word my question properly, so i'm sorry if it seems confusing. Also i'm using the flixel library in flash builder. It may not be that important butcause probably anyone that knows a little more than me or even a little AS3 could probably see what i'm doing wrong.
Anyway, what i'm trying to do is basically create 10 instances of this square object I made. all I have to do is pass it an x an y coordinate to place it and it works. so ive tested if i just do:
var testsquare:Bgsq;
testsquare = new Bgsq(0,0);
it works fine and adds a square at 0,0 just like i told it to, but i want to add 10 of them then move the next one that's created 25 px to the right (because each square is 25px)
my problem is that I only ever see 1 square, like it's only making 1 instance of it still.
anyone possibly have an idea what I could be doing wrong?
var counter:int = 0;
var bgsqa:Array = new Array;
for (var ibgs:int = 0; ibgs < 10; ibgs++)
bgsqa[counter] = new Bgsq(0,0);
bgsqa[counter].x += 25;
There's a lot you're doing wrong here.
First off, you're using a pseudo-iterator (counter) to access array elements through a loop instead of, well, using the iterator (ibgs).
Second, I don't see anything in the array (bgsqa) you're iterating through. It's no wonder you're having problems. Here's what you should do.
var bgsqa:Array = [];
for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
var bgsq:Bgsq = new Bgsq(i * 25, 0);
That should probably do it if your post is accurate.
for (var ibgs:int = 0; ibgs < 10; ibgs++)
bgsqa[counter] = new Bgsq(0,0);
bgsqa[counter].x = counter * 25;
They start at 0, so applying += is simply adding 25 to 0. This should do the trick.