Is there a way to specify which provider use for a specific EF DbContext. For example:
DbContext1 -> MySQL
DbContext2 -> SQL Server
DBMS selection is done in the startup template. You can see here.
So, you can configure it in YourProjectNameEntityFrameworkCoreModule class.
Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
This code configures ALL dbcontexts in the application. You can configure each DbContext separately with the syntax given below:
Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
options.Configure<MyProjectNameDbContext>(opts =>
options.Configure<SecondDbContext>(opts =>
Surely, you need to add Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql package to your project before calling the UseMySql() extension method. See the documentation to learn to use other DBMSs.
So I've got a new Cypress 10 project, and I'm trying to integrate some functionality to allow me to make some basic database calls to our Oracle database (which is on a server I have direct access to, not running locally).
I've been following this guide which shows how to add the oracledb package as a Cypress plugin, but the method used (using the /plugin directory) has been depreciated in Cypress 10 so I can't follow the example exactly.
I've instead tried applying this logic using the Cypress plugin documentation as a guide and I think I have something that almost works, but I can't seem to connect to any database, even if the location is in my tnsnames.ora file (although I'm providing the connection string directly for this particular project).
Here's what my cypress.config.ts file looks like, with the code I've created (I'm using Cucumber in my implementation too, thus why those references are present here):
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import createBundler from "#bahmutov/cypress-esbuild-preprocessor";
import { addCucumberPreprocessorPlugin } from "#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
import createEsbuildPlugin from "#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/esbuild";
const oracledb = require("oracledb");
oracledb.initOracleClient({ libDir: "C:\\Users\\davethepunkyone\\instantclient_21_6" });
// This data is correct, I've obscured it for obvious reasons
const db_config = {
"user": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"connectString": "jdbc:oracle:thin:#<hostname>:<port>:<sid>"
const queryData = async(query, dbconfig) => {
let conn;
// It's failing on this getConnection line
conn = await oracledb.getConnection(dbconfig);
console.log("NOTE===>connect established")
return await conn.execute(query);
return err
} finally{
async function setupNodeEvents(
on: Cypress.PluginEvents, config: Cypress.PluginConfigOptions ): Promise<Cypress.PluginConfigOptions> {
await addCucumberPreprocessorPlugin(on, config);
on("file:preprocessor", createBundler({
plugins: [createEsbuildPlugin(config)],
on("task", {
sqlQuery: (query) => {
return queryData(query, db_config);
return config;
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
specPattern: "**/*.feature",
supportFile: false,
I've then got some Cucumber code to run a test query:
Then("I do a test database call", () => {
// Again this is an example query for obvious reasons
const query = "SELECT id FROM table_name FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY"
cy.task("sqlQuery", query).then((resolvedValue: any) => {
resolvedValue["rows"].forEach((item: any) => {
console.log("result==>" + item);
And here are the dependencies from my package.json:
"dependencies": {
"#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "^12.0.0",
"#bahmutov/cypress-esbuild-preprocessor": "^2.1.3",
"cypress": "^10.4.0",
"oracledb": "^5.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.7.4"
I feel like I'm somewhat on the right track as when I run the feature step above, the error I get back is:
Error===>Error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
This makes me think that it has at least called the node-oracledb package to generate the error but I can't really tell if I've made an obvious error or not (I'm pretty new to JS/TS). I know I've referenced the right path for the oracle instant client and it's been initialized correctly at least because Cypress points out a config error if the path is incorrect. I know the database paths work as well because we have an older Selenium implementation that can connect using the details I'm providing.
I think I'm just more curious to know if anyone has so far successfully implemented an oracledb connection with Cypress 10 or if someone who has a bit more Cypress experience can spot any obvious errors in my code as resources for this particular combination of packages seem to be non-existent (possibly because Cypress 10 is reasonably new).
NOTE: I am planning on switching to using environmental variables for the database connection information that will eventually be passed into the project - I just want to get a connection working first before I tackle that issue.
Oracle's C stack drivers like node-oracledb are not using Java so the JDBC connection string needs changing from:
"connectString": "jdbc:oracle:thin:#<hostname>:<port>:<sid>"
If you were using:
then your Node.js code should use:
connectString : ""
Since you're using the very obsolete SID syntax, check the node-oracledb manual for the solution if you can't use a service name: JDBC and Oracle SQL Developer Connection Strings.
I'm converting my app to CakePHP 3.6, and working now on using the new Authorization plugin. I'm not sure how to check authorization for things like indexes or other reports, where there is no "resource" to pass to the can() or authorize() functions.
For now, I've built a ControllerResolver, loosely copied from the ORMResolver, which accepts controller objects and finds policies based on the singularized controller name, so that they're named the same as the Entity policies I'm building. (That is, my UserPolicy can have canIndex and canEdit functions, the former found via the controller and the latter via the entity.)
This works fine in controller actions where I can call $this->Authorize->authorize($this);, but it doesn't work in views, where I'd like to be able to do things like:
if ($this->Identity->can('index', *something*)) {
echo $this->Html->link('List', ['action' => 'index']);
so as to only show links to people who are allowed to run those actions.
Anyone know if there's a reason why the system implicitly requires that the "resource" passed into authorization functions be an object? (For example, the plugin component calls get_class($resource) in the case of a failed authorization, without first checking that the provided resource is in fact an object.) Allowing a string (e.g. \App\Controller\UsersController::class) would make my life easy. Very happy to put together a PR for this if it's just an oversight.
But authorizing indexes seems like a pretty obvious function, so I wonder if I've missed something. Maybe I'm supposed to pass the table object, and split the authorization between an entity policy and a table policy? But using table objects in views just for this purpose seems like a violation of separation of concerns. Maybe uses of the plugin to date have been things where indexes are always public?
to do this you can use the authorizeModel, as stated in the documentation Basically is adding the auhtorizeModel parameters when you load the component at AppController.php
$this->loadComponent('Authorization.Authorization', [
'skipAuthorization' => ['login','token'],
'authorizeModel' => ['index','add'],
When you configure an action to be authorized by model the authorization service uses the TablePolicy, so if you want to authorize the index action for Books you need to create the BooksTablePolicy and implement the method
namespace App\Policy;
use App\Model\Table\BooksTable;
use Authorization\IdentityInterface;
* Books policy
class BooksTablePolicy
public function scopeIndex($user, $query)
return $query->where(['Books.user_id' => $user->id]);
public function canIndex(IdentityInterface $identity)
// here you can resolve true or false depending of the identity required characteristics
return $identity['can_index'];
This will be validated before the request reaches your controller so you do not need to authorize anything there. Nevertheless if you want to apply an scope policy as you can see in this example:
public function index()
$user = $this->request->getAttribute('identity');
$query = $user->applyScope('index', $this->Books->find()->contain('Users'));
$this->set('books', $this->paginate($query));
I am using SQLite on the project. I perform events like insert operations in database operations successfully. But I do not know how to reach the data when it brings the data. I am trying to create a list of the following code fragment. I'm waiting for your help.
var sql = "SELECT * FROM 'GRUPLAR'";
this.db.executeSql(sql, {}).then((data)=>{
this.GRUPLISTESI = data["rows"]; //What should I write here?
You can access the data from your Ionic sqlite database like this:
db.executeSql("SELECT * FROM test")
.then(result => {
So abstract it would look like so: result.rows.item([row]).[column_label].
For some deeper examples on how to use sqlite for Ionic, you can use this repository:
I am working with Angular 2 (more precisely Ionic 2) and Firebase. I use angularfire2 to make them communicate.
While I can very easily go through all the elements of a FirebaseListObservable in a view (using the pipe async syntax), I cannot find a way of doing this from within my scripts.
I've been looking for a while and there are no examples which show this way of accessing the data; they all access it from the view part of the application.
How can I access the elements of FirebaseListObservable from within scripts?
Not 100% sure what you are asking but i use
getData(fbPath:string) {
return new Promise(resolve => { => resolve(res));
In my firebase service. I can then use it in the component like so
this.api.getData('organisations').then(data => {
Up until I was using only one database in my application. So for any sql query, I was just using the default database. Below is given the info about the database.
These info are saved in the appliction.conf file. In the code below DB is the default database.
DB.withConnection {
conn =>
val statement = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY)
try {
catch {
case e: Exception => Logger.debug("There is some error with the database")
But I need to use another database. Below is given the info about the database."mysql://user:password#localhost:3306/database_name"
These info are also saved in the application.conf file. Now how do I access that database and run an sql command.
The data source called default, as the name suggests, is used as a default value for all connections. You can see that the withConnection() method takes a parameter with a data source name but if nothing is passed, "default" is used instead.
To use your additional data source you have to specify it as a parameter of the withConnection() method.
DB.withConnection("um") { conn =>
// implement your action
In case someone is like myself, is looking to use multiple data resources in Play 2.6: This is not the answer.
We need to define the name of the database when we inject the instance of the Database, using #NamedDatabase:
class Customer #Inject()(#NamedDatabase("customer") db: Database){ ??? }