How to access elements of FirebaseListObservable from scripts - angularjs

I am working with Angular 2 (more precisely Ionic 2) and Firebase. I use angularfire2 to make them communicate.
While I can very easily go through all the elements of a FirebaseListObservable in a view (using the pipe async syntax), I cannot find a way of doing this from within my scripts.
I've been looking for a while and there are no examples which show this way of accessing the data; they all access it from the view part of the application.
How can I access the elements of FirebaseListObservable from within scripts?

Not 100% sure what you are asking but i use
getData(fbPath:string) {
return new Promise(resolve => { => resolve(res));
In my firebase service. I can then use it in the component like so
this.api.getData('organisations').then(data => {


Specifically, how does Reactjs retrieve data from firebase function triggers?

I am using express to create my firebase functions, and I understand how to create regular callable functions. I am lost however on the exact way to implement trigger functions for the background (i.e. onCreate, onDelete, onUpdate, onWrite), as well as how Reactjs in the frontend is supposed to receive the data.
The scenario I have is a generic chat system that uses react, firebase functions with express and realtime database. I am generally confused on the process of using triggers for when someone sends a message, to update another user's frontend data.
I have had a hard time finding a tutorial or documentation on the combination of these questions. Any links or a basic programmatic examples of the life cycle would be wonderful.
The parts I do understand is the way to write a trigger function:
exports.makeUppercase = functions.database.ref('/messages/{pushId}/original')
.onWrite((change, context) => {
// Only edit data when it is first created.
if (change.before.exists()) {
return null;
// Exit when the data is deleted.
if (!change.after.exists()) {
return null;
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
const original = change.after.val();
console.log('Uppercasing', context.params.pushId, original);
const uppercase = original.toUpperCase();
// You must return a Promise when performing asynchronous tasks inside a Functions such as
// writing to the Firebase Realtime Database.
// Setting an "uppercase" sibling in the Realtime Database returns a Promise.
return change.after.ref.parent.child('uppercase').set(uppercase);
But I don't understand how this is being called or how the data from this reaches frontend code.
Background functions cannot return anything to client. They run after a certain event i.e. onWrite() in this case. If you want to update data at /messages/{pushId}/original to other users then you'll have to use Firebase Client SDK to listen to that path:
import { getDatabase, ref, onValue} from "firebase/database";
const db = getDatabase();
const msgRef = ref(db, `/messages/${pushId}/original`);
onValue(msgRef, (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
You can also listen to /messages/${pushId} with onChildAdded() to get notified about any new node under that path.

How to store data in this very simple React Native app?

I'm developing an app using React Native that allows you to create your own checklists and add items to them.
For example you'd have "Create Checklist", and inside that you'll have the option to "Add Item", "Delete Item" "Edit Item", basic CRUD methods etc.
It's going to be completely offline but I'm wondering what the best approach to storing this data locally would be.
Should I be using a DB such as firebase? I have read that it is overkill and to use something like Redux but I'm not sure if the latter will accomplish everything I need. As long as it's storing data which can be edited, and will save on the user's device (with minimal effort) it sounds good to me.
Would appreciate some input on this, thanks!
You could use AsyncStorage for persisting data locally on the user's phone. It is a simple persistent key-value-storage.
Each checklist is most likely an array of JS objects. The documentation provides an example on how to store objects.
const storeData = async (value) => {
try {
const jsonValue = JSON.stringify(value)
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#storage_Key', jsonValue)
} catch (e) {
// saving error
The value parameter is any JS object. We use JSON.stringify to create a JSON string. We use AsyncStorage.setItem in order to persist the data. The string #storage_Key is the key for the object. This could be any string.
We retrieve a persisted object as follows.
const getData = async () => {
try {
const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#storage_Key')
return jsonValue != null ? JSON.parse(jsonValue) : null;
} catch(e) {
// error reading value
Both examples are taken from the official documentation.
Keep in mind that this functionality should be used for persistence only. If the application is running, you should load the complete list, or parts of the list if it is very large, in some sort of application cache. The implementation for this functionality now heavily depends on how your current code looks like. If you have a plain view, then you could access the local storage in an effect and just store it in a local state.
function MySuperList() {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
// retrieve data using the above functionality and set the state
}, [])
// render list
return (...)
I would implement some sort of save button for this list. If it is pressed, then we persist the data in the local storage of the phone.

What is the best way to structure REST backend API calls with React?

Currently me and some colleagues are building a full stack web application, using React as our frontend framework. In this application, we need to perform CRUD operations on multiple resources, therefore multiple pages.
In my previous experience, I found tutorials/courses that put API calls in a services folder. Here's a simple example.
However, I realized this approach doesn't address loading/error states. So, I tried to come up with a solution using hooks, following another example I found: code.
This worked well for a feature I implemented, but I don't know how extensible it can be.
My question is, what is the better approach? Is there another one I didn't mention?
Reactjs is a library not a framework like Angular, there no one single approach how to handle your project structure. There are many alternatives, try to follow the good practices; if you are developing a big project that needs to scale use Redux as state management library, for me for a simple React project, we make folder called services and in an index file we prepare all our services :
/* root services ⚓️ .. */
import axios from 'axios';
const API_URL = '';
const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
const add = (data) =>`${API_URL}/form`, data, { headers });
const getData = () => axios.get(`${API_URL}/hotels`, { headers });
etc ...
export {
And for the call into Components
import { serviceName } from '../services/index';
serviceName({/*params if it's necessary */ })
.then(data => {
//---Get your Data
.catch(err => {
//---Handle your Api call error

How to create and update a text file using React.js?

I am trying to save a variable's data into a text file and update the file every time the variable changes. I found solutions in Node.js and vanilla JavaScript but I cannot find a particular solution in React.js.
Actually I am trying to store Facebook Long Live Access Token in to a text file and would like to use it in the future and when I try importing 'fs' and implementing createFile and appendFile methods I get an error saying Method doesn't exist.
Please help me out. Here is the code below
window.FB.getLoginStatus((resp) => {
if (resp.status === 'connected') {
const accessToken = resp.authResponse.accessToken;
try {
.then((response) => {
console.log("Long Live Access Token " + + " expires in " +;
let longLiveAccessToken =;
let expiresIn =;
.catch((error) => {
catch (e) {
React is a frontend library. It's supposed to be executed in the browser, which for security reasons does not have access to the file system. You can make React render in the server, but the example code you're showing is clearly frontend code, it uses the window object. It doesn't even include anything React-related at first sight: it mainly consists of an Ajax call to Facebook made via Axios library.
So your remaining options are basically these:
Create a text file and let the user download it.
Save the file content in local storage for later access from the same browser.
Save the contents in online storage (which could also be localhost).
Can you precise if any of these methods would fit your needs, so I can explain it further with sample code if needed?

share() vs ReplaySubject: Which one, and neither works

I'm trying to implement short-term caching in my Angular service -- a bunch of sub-components get created in rapid succession, and each one has an HTTP call. I want to cache them while the page is loading, but not forever.
I've tried the following two methods, neither of which have worked. In both cases, the HTTP URL is hit once for each instance of the component that is created; I want to avoid that -- ideally, the URL would be hit once when the grid is created, then the cache expires and the next time I need to create the component it hits the URL all over again. I pulled both techniques from other threads on StackOverflow.
share() (in service)
getData(id: number): Observable<MyClass[]> {
return this._http.get(this.URL)
.map((response: Response) => <MyClass[]>response.json())
ReplaySubject (in service)
private replaySubject = new ReplaySubject(1, 10000);
getData(id: number): Observable<MyClass[]> {
if (this.replaySubject.observers.length) {
return this.replaySubject;
} else {
return this._http.get(this.URL)
.map((response: Response) => {
let data = <MyClass[]>response.json();;
return data;
Caller (in component)
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((resultData: MyClass[]) => { = resultData;
(error: any) => {
There's really no need to hit the URL each time the component is created -- they return the same data, and in a grid of rows that contain the component, the data will be the same. I could call it once when the grid itself is created, and pass that data into the component. But I want to avoid that, for two reasons: first, the component should be relatively self-sufficient. If I use the component elsewhere, I don't want to the parent component to have to cache data there, too. Second, I want to find a short-term caching pattern that can be applied elsewhere in the application. I'm not the only person working on this, and I want to keep the code clean.
Most importantly, if you want to make something persistent even when creating/destroying Angular components it can't be created in that component but in a service that is shared among your components.
Regarding RxJS, you usually don't have to use ReplaySubject directly and use just publishReplay(1, 10000)->refCount() instead.
The share() operator is just a shorthand for publish()->refCount() that uses Subject internally which means it doesn't replay cached values.
