Possible to inject material UI styles into iframe? - reactjs

I'm using material UI 4.9.x and it doesn't seem possible to use MUI in an iframe with the global styles.
I'm trying to use a React portal to inject the content into the iframe.
THAT part works and my MUI context menu works properly, just has the wrong styles.
I'm trying to inject the styles via CssBaseline but that gets injected into the host window not the iframe window.
I've verified this by looking at the DOM and I can see the elements created there under and not in the iframe.
How would I go about injecting this, completely, into the iframe window.
One idea I had was to change the current / global document and window objects to represent the iframe but worried that might be too hacky.


Whenever I setup react.js and than import any external link (Material UI or Bootstrap React) entire screen get disabled and turned into white?

I have setup my react.js eairler, everytime I import bootstrap related thing (Container, Row, Col, etc) and than put it on the application, the screen turns out to be white.
HTML and CSS get to be completely disabled, web page turn into completely white. What do you think the solution for this problem?
Have you followed the setup guide from react-bootstrap?
Also, maybe your browser javascript is disabled, try another browser, and when you inspect the page, do you can see the bootstrap elements?

Inject React as a content script AND as a popup in a Chrome extension

I see many tutorials on how to inject a React app as a content script OR as browser action popup for a Chrome extension, but I want to do both: I want to be able to inject certain React components as content scripts, but then also have certain other components render as the popup when you click on the extension icon. Is this even possible?

Generate icons, and its properties, dynamically using controllers

I'm using angularJs 1.3 with Angular Material Design 0.8.3 and I have a page that has a toolbar on the top <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-glow-z2 md-default-theme"> where I'm trying to put some icons dynamically. The page has some crud's and each crud has it own controller. The case is, each crud must have it specific icons at the toolbar, I'm trying to specify it through the controllers but I have no idea how can I write this cuz each icon should have it owns properties (the href link, the action function etc). Someone know if its possible to apply this idea (control the icons that will appears in the screen per crud via controllers)?

Apply theme dynamically on Onsen UI

I'm working on a customizable application based on Onsen UI. I'd like to know if Onsen UI exposes a method (or if there is some way to hack around it) to set a theme dynamically, in the same way components.onsenui.io does for previewing a generated theme.
What I'd like to accomplish is that the user can select the theme colors for his own application. So i would need some way to set the ui colors using Javascript instead of downloading a static/generated theme.
No, Onsen UI doesn't provide APIs to change theme dynamically.
Changing or editing the stylesheet programmatically is the way to do this.

Flash --> Angular conversion: How can I have a child inject functionality to the parent?

I'm converting a Flash/Flex application into an angular application.
In flash, I have a header, toolbar above, and navigation to the left. When users click on the navigation, different modules are loaded into the applications main content pane. Most modules support New, Edit, Archive, and Un-archive actions. There are icons in the toolbar that execute the actions.
But there are some modules that support additional actions. In flex, when the child module loads, it loads a new button into the toolbar along with a callback function that will be called when the user clicks on the custom action button. When the module unloads, it removes the button from the toolbar.
So in angular, what could I use to achieve similar functionality? Is this a parent/child scope kind of thing or something else altogether? I'm new to angular and I'm not sure how to approach this problem.
Thanks in advance.
