Moving to synchronisation via forest without removing users or re-adding users - azure-active-directory

If users once synced with Azure AD Connect Cloud Provisioning can be moved to synchronization via Forest trust without having to remove and re-add the users?

Cloud provisioning can be used to sync from multiple Active Directory forests. In the multi-forest environment, all the references (example, manager) need to be within the domain. Users and groups must be represented only once across all forests.
Kindly check the document for Azure AD connect cloud provisioning supported topologies to get detailed information about this


Can you sync different AD domains under one Azure AD domain?

My problem is that we have 2 On-Premises Active Directory domains:
Some people are present in both of these AD-s. I want to sync them with Azure Active Directory so that they are all represented once, and all have the suffix (instead of I also don't want some users to have in their azure AD account login name, so I want to do some sort of mapping I guess.
Is this possible with Azure AD Connect, or do I have to implement a synchronization method manually?
You can sync multiple on-premises domain to Azure AD. Kindly check the link and you will get a detailed information about different topologies supported

Is is possible avoid deleting a user via SCIM provisioning when AccountEnabled=false in an Azure AD Enterprise Application?

My Azure AD admin have created an Enterprise App for me and I'm Configuration Owner for it.
The app Provisioning is setup to:
Provision Azure Active Directory Groups
Provision Azure Active Directory Users
to my SCIM server.
The setup is working fine, users are created via and groups are updated also.
My problem is that in my company workflow when a consultant contract is renewed the user's AccountEnabled property is set to false and then later re-enabled with AccountEnabled=true, this is translating right now into a Delete / Create via SCIM in my app.
My impression was that AccountEnabled=false would translate to a isSoftDeleted=true (as mentioned in Customizing user provisioning attribute-mappings for SaaS application in Azure Active Directory) and that in turn will translate to a SCIM Disable User request because of the attribute mapping settings of the app is to map the Azure Active Directory Attribute Not([IsSoftDeleted]) to active attribute in the app.
But it's not disabling the user it's deleting it.
The user resides in a on-premises Active Directory then synced to Azure AD.
All the information that I could find (like this) suggest that a SCIM Delete should only happened after 30 days when a user is hard deleted and not when AccountEnabled=false so I guess it may be another factor at play.
So, how do I stop Azure AD from issuing Delete user for disabled users in my app?.
EDIT: I tested with a local user in Azure AD (not synced from the on-premises AD) and with that user when the user is disabled it triggers an update user not a delete. So it must be related with synced users only (I'm still troubleshooting)
Certain applications don't support soft deletes so the Azure AD provisioning service sends a delete in place of an update. What app are you using?
The attribute mapping blade allows you to de-select delete as an option, do the deletes stop when you do that?
I recommend keeping the attribute mappings as close to the default as possible.
Try removing the "not" function and using the default attribute mappings. The default mapping uses a switch statement to map false to true and true to false. It sends the request as a string rather than a boolean.

Replace AD with Azure AD

We are using a third-party IT provider that handles our network administration and domain accounts, but as part of moving to a different office and setting up new infrastructure, we are considering dropping that and using Azure Active Directory only.
Researching the topic online seems to indicate that Azure AD is not a complete replacement for on-premises Active Directory, as things like local resource access and group policies outside of Azure would be missing. However, we are moving towards using Azure for most things (file storage, etc), so that should be fine if we still have that functionality there.
Before finalizing the decision to go in that direction, we just need to be certain of a few things:
1) Is there a way to create a new account in Azure AD so that it can be used to login from any machine in the office, without having to create it locally first and then connect the two?
2) Is there a way to sync user data, such as user/desktop files, across any devices the account is used to log into?
3) Is it possible to have an office printer configured in Azure so that it can be used with an Azure AD login, completely independent on any on-premises setup (i.e, not Hybrid Cloud Print, which seems to require an on-premises network/AD to be joined with Azure AD)?
The goal is to be able to log in and work from any internet-connected device, whether in the office or at home, without needing to use a VPN and/or remote desktop, and forego on-premises AD administration.
This is possible as long as the device is joined to Azure AD. Once the device is joined to Azure AD, then newly created cloud-only users can also login to the devices.
Enterprise state roaming should help in this aspect. It might not cover everything you are looking for but the important app-specific data and user settings are synced.
There is no direct solution from Microsoft for pure cloud scenarios. There are few 3rd party services offered for this.
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to have multiple Azure tenants that reference the same on premises Active Directory

Imagine that a large company that has a number of subsidiaries. A shared IT company manages the Active Directory (and almost all other IT services) centrally for all subsidiaries. There also currently exists an Azure tenant which is connected to the On Premises Active Directory, however for issues surrounding who controls/owns which resources employees cannot use this Azure tenant.
One of the subsidiaries decides it wants to create it's own Azure tenant so it can progress it's development work. However that company is told that "Only a single federation to an Azure tenant is currently supported per Active Directory Domain".
I found this document. Would it be reasonable to presume that if the company consisted of the Contoso implementation that it would still be possible to federate 2 azure tenants to that single On Premises Active Directory. Are there any reasons why one implementation of On Premises Active Directory would be capable of this functionality and another not.
Yes, you can do this but you can only have one AD Connect instance per tenant as there is a 1:1 relationship between an Azure AD Connect Sync server and an Azure AD tenant. So you need to register three separate UPN suffixes for each tenant with the on-premises Active Directory and use three separate sync servers (one for each tenant). You need to apply filtering while syncing AD users for each tenant.

May I sync users/groups from Active Directory though SCIM (or any protocol)

I found it's possible to sync users/groups from Azure AD to local App though SCIM. But it seems not available in local AD, and seems not available in ADFS.
How I can sync from local AD, or is there any tools I can use?
You would need a SCIM Product which you can create yourself or Purchase from several vendors.
Assuming you wish to take entries out of your local Microsoft Active Directory and "SCIM Them" into something else, you would probably want a SCIM Client and then put them into your SCIM Service Provider.
You would need to use something to get the entries out of Microsoft Active Directory and then use SCIM to put them into ???.
You could also use the Microsoft DirSync Control using LDAP
There are many IDM vendors that create product with this functionality.
