Is is possible avoid deleting a user via SCIM provisioning when AccountEnabled=false in an Azure AD Enterprise Application? - azure-active-directory

My Azure AD admin have created an Enterprise App for me and I'm Configuration Owner for it.
The app Provisioning is setup to:
Provision Azure Active Directory Groups
Provision Azure Active Directory Users
to my SCIM server.
The setup is working fine, users are created via and groups are updated also.
My problem is that in my company workflow when a consultant contract is renewed the user's AccountEnabled property is set to false and then later re-enabled with AccountEnabled=true, this is translating right now into a Delete / Create via SCIM in my app.
My impression was that AccountEnabled=false would translate to a isSoftDeleted=true (as mentioned in Customizing user provisioning attribute-mappings for SaaS application in Azure Active Directory) and that in turn will translate to a SCIM Disable User request because of the attribute mapping settings of the app is to map the Azure Active Directory Attribute Not([IsSoftDeleted]) to active attribute in the app.
But it's not disabling the user it's deleting it.
The user resides in a on-premises Active Directory then synced to Azure AD.
All the information that I could find (like this) suggest that a SCIM Delete should only happened after 30 days when a user is hard deleted and not when AccountEnabled=false so I guess it may be another factor at play.
So, how do I stop Azure AD from issuing Delete user for disabled users in my app?.
EDIT: I tested with a local user in Azure AD (not synced from the on-premises AD) and with that user when the user is disabled it triggers an update user not a delete. So it must be related with synced users only (I'm still troubleshooting)

Certain applications don't support soft deletes so the Azure AD provisioning service sends a delete in place of an update. What app are you using?
The attribute mapping blade allows you to de-select delete as an option, do the deletes stop when you do that?
I recommend keeping the attribute mappings as close to the default as possible.

Try removing the "not" function and using the default attribute mappings. The default mapping uses a switch statement to map false to true and true to false. It sends the request as a string rather than a boolean.


Add user properties to Azure Active Directory for SCIM provisioning (HiBob)

I'm trying to setup a user lifecycle flow that will allow me to create an Azure Active Directory user (Member, not Guest) when an employee is created in our HRIS tool (HiBob). There is a pre-existing integration which is enabled and allows us to get basic information (name, location, etc.).
In the HRIS system we also store some more unique data that I would like to be added to the users AAD profile (maybe an emergency contact for example) that we can then use to provision other applications (like Slack).
My issue is trying to create these custom property fields. I have read about Azure B2C as well as directory schema, custom security extensions and using MS Graph. None of these seem to be totally relevant to my situation.
FYI we are fully cloud, so Azure AD Connect is also not an option.
To store custom data in Azure AD objects such as users you can leverage Azure AD Directory Extensions in tandem with Azure AD Provisioning trough SCIM.

Add users is faded out on Azure Active Directory newly created app

I'm testing my SCIM integration with Azure AD. I created an app in Azure active directory, provisioning credentials are OK, but Add user option is not active (faded out).
When I create Databricks scim intergration, it's ok and it works. Any ideas?
This could be due lack of permissions or appropiate role being assigned. Ensure you're assigned one (Tenant or application scoped) or be added as owner of the application.

Moving to synchronisation via forest without removing users or re-adding users

If users once synced with Azure AD Connect Cloud Provisioning can be moved to synchronization via Forest trust without having to remove and re-add the users?
Cloud provisioning can be used to sync from multiple Active Directory forests. In the multi-forest environment, all the references (example, manager) need to be within the domain. Users and groups must be represented only once across all forests.
Kindly check the document for Azure AD connect cloud provisioning supported topologies to get detailed information about this

On-Premises User Profile Update Using Microsoft Graph API

we have a screen in our application that is used to update Azure AD users through Graph API. If users are created using Azure Portal or Graph API, I'm able to updated user profile using this screen.
But if the user is Created/Sync using AD Connect(e.g in case of O365 Users) while updating these Users Microsoft Graph returns following error:
Unable to update the specified properties for on-premises mastered Directory Sync objects or objects currently undergoing migration
I have following queries:
Is it possible to update a user through Graph API that is created from on-premises to Azure AD?
Is there any settings on azure portal or Ad connect that allow user to be
updated through Graph API?
Also How to tell the difference between if a user is created on-premises or on Azure AD through Microsoft Graph API. Any attribute in Microsoft.Graph.User Class?
To answer your questions:
No this isn't possible because of the way they are synced. If Microsoft would allow changes on both sides, it would have to implement some kind of duplicate change resolution system. So they just blocked changing properties except for some cloud only properties like licenses.
No there isn't because of the above reason
Yes there is, but it's kinda hacky.
To see if a Graph user is created through the sync you should request the User.Read.All scope for your application and then do a request to the Get user endpoint with the select all properties querystring ?$select=*.
The synced users should have the OnPremisesSamAccountName property amongh others that don't appear on a non-synced user.
Once you found out the user is an on-premise user, your application could do an update straight to your AD with the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement api.

No subscriptions found in the old Azure portal

I am using a visualstudio account in Azure. i have created a new user and given admin access to the active directory to this user. I also added this user as the owner to the subscriptions i had.
I now login as this into the new portal. I can see the subscription that i have. However i do not see the icon for Azure ActiveDirectory. Therefore i try to login to the old portal. This time I get stopped by a "No subscriptions found" prompt which does not let me for farther.
What is going on? why is there such discrepency between the two sites?
The classic (i.e. old) site only works with the old access model (service admin and co-admin), and requires at least one subscription to get into the site. The new site uses the fine-grained RBAC model (owner, contributor, etc...), and does not require any subscription just to get in to the site.
Adding a user as an 'Owner' in the new Azure portal does not make them a co-administrator, and thus, does not give them access to the classic portal:
The owners you added through the Azure portal cannot manage services in the Azure classic portal.
In order for your new user to get into the classic Azure portal, they need to have service admin or co-admin access to an Azure subscription. You can do one of the following:
Add the new user as a co-admin to your existing subscription (you would do this in the classic portal)
Make the new user the service admin for the subscription
Transfer the entire subscription to the new user (which also makes the new user the account admin)
