How can I use outer join with subquery and groupby? - database

Tool : MySQL Workbench 6.3
Version : MySQL 5.7
FROM cars as a, battery_log as b
WHERE a.user_seq = 226 AND a.seq = b.car_seq
AND b.created = ( SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE car_seq = a.seq )
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC;
I want to turn this query into an outer join.
By searching user_seq in the'cars' table
I need to get the latest value of the battery log in the one-to-many relationship of the corresponding car table.
Sometimes the battery log does not have a value that matches car seq, so it is truncated from the joining process of table a and table b. How can I fix this?
SELECT a.*, b.battery
FROM cars as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN battery_log as b ON a.seq = b.car_seq
LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE a.seq = b.car_seq) as c
ON b.created = c.MAX(created)
WHERE a.user_seq = 226
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC
I tried to fix it this way, but I got the following error:
Error Code: 1054, Unknown column'a.seq' in'where clause'

I solved this problem like this.
FROM cars as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN battery_log as b ON a.seq = b.car_seq
AND b.created = (SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE car_seq = b.car_seq)
WHERE a.user_seq = 226
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC;
After LEFT OUTER JOIN ... ON, an additional condition was given with AND, and the query was performed according to the condition.


sql server - How to Get all distinct value in group by column from two table and count from another table for each value

I have 3 tables in that 2 tables are master table and 3rd is transaction table. i need to get count from transaction table for each value in other two table without loosing rows in mater table
i need result like below
Table layout for understanding
This is the code i have tried,
select s.status_name, e.machine_group_name, qty = COALESCE(COUNT(,0)
from tbl_status s
left outer JOIN tbl_transaction as e ON e.status_name = s.status_name
group by e.machine_group_name, s.status_name
This is solution i have figured:
select m.machine_group_name, s.status_name, qty = COUNT( from
tbl_machine_group as m
cross join tbl_status as s
left outer join tbl_transaction as e on e.status_name = s.status_name
and e.machine_group_name = m.machine_group_name
group by m.machine_group_name, s.status_name
order by machine_group_name
,count(1) as [Count of Transaction]
tbl_Transaction tbl_3
left join tbl_Machine_Group tbl_1
on tbl_3.MC_Group_Name = tbl_1.MC_Group_Name
left join tbl_Status tbl_2
on tbl_3.Status_Name = tbl_2.Status_Name
group by

Filtering date after max date SQL

I have a table with values en date/timstamps. This table is dbo.meterdata.value. The output that i want to see is as followed: The latest date/timestamp (Max) but only the ones where te latest date/timestamp is last week. My Query is:
SELECT dbo.meter.DataImportCode
,MAX(dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp) AS 'laatste datum'
FROM dbo.meter
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.MeterData ON dbo.meter.MeterID = dbo.meterdata.MeterID
JOIN DBO.Site ON dbo.meter.SiteID =
JOIN DBO.Company ON =
JOIN DBO.MeterOperator ON dbo.meter.MeterOperatorID = dbo.MeterOperator.MeterOperatorID
--WHERE (select (dbo.meterdata.roundedtimestamp) from dbo.MeterData) < DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() )
AND dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY dbo.meter.DataImportCode
Example of the unfilterd result:
Thank you for help and support
Try the following:
select dbo.meter.DataImportCode, dbo.meter.Name,, dbo.meter.MeterNumber,MAX(dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp) AS 'laatste datum', dbo.MeterOperator.Description, dbo.meter.CumulativeReadings
from dbo.meter
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.MeterData ON dbo.meter.MeterID = dbo.meterdata.MeterID
JOIN DBO.Site on dbo.meter.SiteID =
JOIN DBO.Company on =
JOIN DBO.MeterOperator on dbo.meter.MeterOperatorID = dbo.MeterOperator.MeterOperatorID
--WHERE (select (dbo.meterdata.roundedtimestamp) from dbo.MeterData) < DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() )
--AND dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp is not null
GROUP BY dbo.meter.DataImportCode,, dbo.meter.Name, dbo.meter.MeterNumber, dbo.MeterOperator.Description, dbo.meter.CumulativeReadings
HAVING [laatste datum] < DateAdd(day,-7,GETDATE())
If I understood you right, what you want to do is filter out the data after it has been grouped. This is done using the HAVING clause of the SELECT statement, as the above query depicts.

T-Sql How to get Max dated records?

I want max dated rows for per GroupCode
I wrote this.
SELECT FH.BelgeNo AS FaturaNo
,UG.Grup AS GrupKodu
FROM FirmaHareketDetayi FHD
LEFT JOIN FirmaHareketleri FH ON FH.ID = FHD.HareketId
LEFT JOIN Urunler U ON U.UrunId = FHD.UrunId --and U.Kodu = FHD.Kodu
LEFT JOIN UrunGruplari UG ON UG.GrupId = U.GrupId
WHERE FHD.Kodu = '2S619H307CF'
AND FH.FirmaId = 2610
and results are like this
There are 2 PIERBURG rows.
is it possible to get only one PIERBURG ?
I mean max dated one (Tarih: Date column, GrupKodu: Group Code)
Notes: Table UrunGrupları: ProductGroups
Table FirmaHareketleri: FirmMovements
Table FirmaHareketDetayi: FirmMovementDetails (Connected with FirmMovements by HareketId (Foreign Key))
Sorry about my english :(
You can use window functions for this
;with cte as (
SELECT FH.BelgeNo AS FaturaNo
,UG.Grup AS GrupKodu
, row_number() over(partition by UG.Grup order by FH.Tarih desc) as rownum
FROM FirmaHareketDetayi FHD
LEFT JOIN FirmaHareketleri FH ON FH.ID = FHD.HareketId
LEFT JOIN Urunler U ON U.UrunId = FHD.UrunId --and U.Kodu = FHD.Kodu
LEFT JOIN UrunGruplari UG ON UG.GrupId = U.GrupId
WHERE FHD.Kodu = '2S619H307CF'
AND FH.FirmaId = 2610
select *
from cte
where rownum = 1

SQL Select random from multiple table and order by specific criteria on one table

I need to select a random record from 3 tables and ensure I am ordering by photoOrder
Select TOP 1(, a.mls_number, a.parcel_name, a.property_type, a.ownership_type, b.filename, b.photoOrder, c.county_Name
From property as a
Inner JOIN
listingPhotos as b on = b.ListingID
counties as C on a.county_name =
WHERE a.isCommercial = 'True'
Order By NEWID()
So this query works, but I need to ensure that the b.filename record is ordered by b.photoOrder and thus the b.photoOrder should always be 1.
The b table (listing photos) has multiple photo files per property and I need to only select the photo that is 1st in the photo order.
You could subquery your listingPhotos table and limit to WHERE PhotoOrder = 1:
Select TOP 1(, a.mls_number, a.parcel_name, a.property_type, a.ownership_type, b.filename, b.photoOrder, c.county_Name
From property as a
Inner JOIN
(SELECT ListingID , filename, PhotoOrder FROM listingPhotos WHERE PhotoORder = 1
) as b on = b.ListingID
counties as C on a.county_name =
WHERE a.isCommercial = 'True'
Order By NEWID()

TSQL - Return recent date

Having issues getting a dataset to return with one date per client in the query.
Must have the recent date of transaction per client list for user
Will need have the capability to run through EXEC
Current Query:
, c.client_code
, c.client_name
, c.open_date
into #AttyClnt
from hbm_client c
join hbm_persnl p on c.resp_empl_uno = p.empl_uno
where p.login = #login
and c.status_code = 'C'
ba.payr_client_uno as client_uno
, max(ba.tran_date) as tran_date
from blt_bill_amt ba
left outer join #AttyClnt ac on ba.payr_client_uno = ac.client_uno
where ba.tran_type IN ('RA', 'CR')
group by ba.payr_client_uno
Currently, this query will produce at least 1 row per client with a date, the problem is that there are some clients that will have between 2 and 10 dates associated with them bloating the return table to about 30,000 row instead of an idealistic 246 rows or less.
When i try doing max(tran_uno) to get the most recent transaction number, i get the same result, some have 1 value and others have multiple values.
The bigger picture has 4 other queries being performed doing other parts, i have only included the parts that pertain to the question.
Edit (2011-10-14 # 1:45PM):
ba.payr_client_uno as client_uno
, max(ba.row_uno) as row_uno
into #Bills
from blt_bill_amt ba
inner join hbm_matter m on ba.matter_uno = m.matter_uno
inner join hbm_client c on m.client_uno = c.client_uno
inner join hbm_persnl p on c.resp_empl_uno = p.empl_uno
where p.login = #login
and c.status_code = 'C'
and ba.tran_type in ('CR', 'RA')
group by ba.payr_client_uno
order by ba.payr_client_uno
--Obtain list of Transaction Date and Amount for the Transaction
, ba.tran_date
, ba.tc_total_amt
from blt_bill_amt ba
inner join #Bills b on ba.row_uno = b.row_uno
Not quite sure what was going on but seems the Temp Tables were not acting right at all. Ideally i would have 246 rows of data, but with the previous query syntax it would produce from 400-5000 rows of data, obviously duplications on data.
I think you can use ranking to achieve what you want:
WITH ranked AS (
client_uno = ba.payr_client_uno,
PARTITION BY ba.payr_client_uno
ORDER BY ba.tran_uno DESC
FROM blt_bill_amt ba
INNER JOIN hbm_matter m ON ba.matter_uno = m.matter_uno
INNER JOIN hbm_client c ON m.client_uno = c.client_uno
INNER JOIN hbm_persnl p ON c.resp_empl_uno = p.empl_uno
WHERE p.login = #login
AND c.status_code = 'C'
AND ba.tran_type IN ('CR', 'RA')
FROM ranked
WHERE rnk = 1
ORDER BY client_uno
Useful reading:
Ranking Functions (Transact-SQL)
WITH common_table_expression (Transact-SQL)
Using Common Table Expressions
