T-Sql How to get Max dated records? - sql-server

I want max dated rows for per GroupCode
I wrote this.
SELECT FH.BelgeNo AS FaturaNo
,UG.Grup AS GrupKodu
FROM FirmaHareketDetayi FHD
LEFT JOIN FirmaHareketleri FH ON FH.ID = FHD.HareketId
LEFT JOIN Urunler U ON U.UrunId = FHD.UrunId --and U.Kodu = FHD.Kodu
LEFT JOIN UrunGruplari UG ON UG.GrupId = U.GrupId
WHERE FHD.Kodu = '2S619H307CF'
AND FH.FirmaId = 2610
and results are like this
There are 2 PIERBURG rows.
is it possible to get only one PIERBURG ?
I mean max dated one (Tarih: Date column, GrupKodu: Group Code)
Notes: Table UrunGrupları: ProductGroups
Table FirmaHareketleri: FirmMovements
Table FirmaHareketDetayi: FirmMovementDetails (Connected with FirmMovements by HareketId (Foreign Key))
Sorry about my english :(

You can use window functions for this
;with cte as (
SELECT FH.BelgeNo AS FaturaNo
,UG.Grup AS GrupKodu
, row_number() over(partition by UG.Grup order by FH.Tarih desc) as rownum
FROM FirmaHareketDetayi FHD
LEFT JOIN FirmaHareketleri FH ON FH.ID = FHD.HareketId
LEFT JOIN Urunler U ON U.UrunId = FHD.UrunId --and U.Kodu = FHD.Kodu
LEFT JOIN UrunGruplari UG ON UG.GrupId = U.GrupId
WHERE FHD.Kodu = '2S619H307CF'
AND FH.FirmaId = 2610
select *
from cte
where rownum = 1


How can I use outer join with subquery and groupby?

Tool : MySQL Workbench 6.3
Version : MySQL 5.7
FROM cars as a, battery_log as b
WHERE a.user_seq = 226 AND a.seq = b.car_seq
AND b.created = ( SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE car_seq = a.seq )
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC;
I want to turn this query into an outer join.
By searching user_seq in the'cars' table
I need to get the latest value of the battery log in the one-to-many relationship of the corresponding car table.
Sometimes the battery log does not have a value that matches car seq, so it is truncated from the joining process of table a and table b. How can I fix this?
SELECT a.*, b.battery
FROM cars as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN battery_log as b ON a.seq = b.car_seq
LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE a.seq = b.car_seq) as c
ON b.created = c.MAX(created)
WHERE a.user_seq = 226
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC
I tried to fix it this way, but I got the following error:
Error Code: 1054, Unknown column'a.seq' in'where clause'
I solved this problem like this.
FROM cars as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN battery_log as b ON a.seq = b.car_seq
AND b.created = (SELECT MAX(created) FROM battery_log WHERE car_seq = b.car_seq)
WHERE a.user_seq = 226
GROUP BY car_type
ORDER BY a.created DESC;
After LEFT OUTER JOIN ... ON, an additional condition was given with AND, and the query was performed according to the condition.

VIEWS with SELECT inside conditions delaying the query

In one of my SQL views I am using an inline select statement with a where clause.
The outline of my view is like
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vw_autumn]
BookNumber, Title, shopNo
BookNumber, Title, shopNO
(sum_vnr) AS BookNumber,
navn1 AS Title,
tik AS ShopNO,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY sum_vnr, tik ORDER BY sum_vnr DESC) AS rownumber
sum s
hod h ON s.tik = h.tik
s.aar = (SELECT currentyear
FROM SemesterInfo
WHERE SemName = 'Autumn')
AND CAST(s.sum_vnr AS BIGINT) > 10000
AND (s.id LIKE 'h%' OR s.id LIKE 'H%' OR s.id LIKE 'j%'
OR s.id LIKE 'J%')) a
WHERE rownumber = 1
) b
) p ON b.ShopNO = p.tikk
AND b.ISBN = p.vnr
LEFT JOIN table_k k ON p.aar = k.aar
And if I remove the WHERE clause of
s.aar = (SELECT currentyear
FROM SemesterInfo
WHERE SemName = 'Autumn')
and shorten it to
WHERE s.aar =19
I am getting the result of view very quickly. But I am trying to add some dynamic nature to this query and selecting this constant from a settings table
Any thoughts on this? Why is the query taking an indefinite time to load with an inline Where clause?
:try with IN insted of =
s.aar in (SELECT currentyear
FROM SemesterInfo
WHERE SemName = 'Autumn')
Rewrite the subquery as a join.
INNER JOIN SemesterInfo si
ON s.aer = si.currentYear
WHERE si.SemName = 'Autumn'
If that doesn't do it, consider keeping this syntax and creating an index on SemName

Filtering date after max date SQL

I have a table with values en date/timstamps. This table is dbo.meterdata.value. The output that i want to see is as followed: The latest date/timestamp (Max) but only the ones where te latest date/timestamp is last week. My Query is:
SELECT dbo.meter.DataImportCode
,MAX(dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp) AS 'laatste datum'
FROM dbo.meter
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.MeterData ON dbo.meter.MeterID = dbo.meterdata.MeterID
JOIN DBO.Site ON dbo.meter.SiteID = dbo.site.SiteID
JOIN DBO.Company ON dbo.site.CompanyID = dbo.company.CompanyID
JOIN DBO.MeterOperator ON dbo.meter.MeterOperatorID = dbo.MeterOperator.MeterOperatorID
--WHERE (select (dbo.meterdata.roundedtimestamp) from dbo.MeterData) < DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() )
AND dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY dbo.meter.DataImportCode
Example of the unfilterd result:
Thank you for help and support
Try the following:
select dbo.meter.DataImportCode, dbo.meter.Name, dbo.company.Name, dbo.meter.MeterNumber,MAX(dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp) AS 'laatste datum', dbo.MeterOperator.Description, dbo.meter.CumulativeReadings
from dbo.meter
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.MeterData ON dbo.meter.MeterID = dbo.meterdata.MeterID
JOIN DBO.Site on dbo.meter.SiteID = dbo.site.SiteID
JOIN DBO.Company on dbo.site.CompanyID = dbo.company.CompanyID
JOIN DBO.MeterOperator on dbo.meter.MeterOperatorID = dbo.MeterOperator.MeterOperatorID
--WHERE (select (dbo.meterdata.roundedtimestamp) from dbo.MeterData) < DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() )
--AND dbo.meterdata.RoundedTimeStamp is not null
GROUP BY dbo.meter.DataImportCode, dbo.company.name, dbo.meter.Name, dbo.meter.MeterNumber, dbo.MeterOperator.Description, dbo.meter.CumulativeReadings
HAVING [laatste datum] < DateAdd(day,-7,GETDATE())
If I understood you right, what you want to do is filter out the data after it has been grouped. This is done using the HAVING clause of the SELECT statement, as the above query depicts.

GROUP BY total order quantity

we're trying to make our table add together all values in column 2 (QtyComp - an expression column of qtyorder * totalqty basically), where they have the same ItemNo (column 1).
So, we currently get the below:
ItemNo QtyComp
7441 3
7441 1
7441 5
What we want is it to see the SUM of the column QTYComp to give this result:
ItemNo QtyCom
7441 9
Our code is below; I've bolded the part that we need it to sum the results of:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
workorderdetails.qtycomplete *
ItemSpecFullStruc_2.totalqtyperroot AS QtyComp
FROM dbo.workorderdetails AS WorkOrderDetails
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecfullstruc AS ItemSpecFullStruc_2
ON ItemSpecFullStruc_2.rootitemspecid =
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecs AS ItemSpecs_2
ON ItemSpecs_2.itemspecid = ItemSpecFullStruc_2.childitemspecid
INNER JOIN dbo.workorder AS WorkOrder_1
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid = workorderdetails.workorderid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tobescheduled_completed
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid =
WHERE ( workorderdetails.completed = 1 )
AND ( workorderdetails.compdate > Getdate() - 42 )
GROUP BY ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
workorderdetails.qtycomplete * ItemSpecFullStruc_2.totalqtyperroot
We would really appreciate some ideas!
If you want to sum these column, simply add a sum() syntax as follows:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
sum(workorderdetails.qtycomplete *
ItemSpecFullStruc_2.totalqtyperroot) AS QtyComp
FROM dbo.workorderdetails AS WorkOrderDetails
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecfullstruc AS ItemSpecFullStruc_2
ON ItemSpecFullStruc_2.rootitemspecid =
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecs AS ItemSpecs_2
ON ItemSpecs_2.itemspecid = ItemSpecFullStruc_2.childitemspecid
INNER JOIN dbo.workorder AS WorkOrder_1
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid = workorderdetails.workorderid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tobescheduled_completed
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid =
WHERE ( workorderdetails.completed = 1 )
AND ( workorderdetails.compdate > Getdate() - 42 )
GROUP BY ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
Also, you need to delete from group by that column.
For getting the desired result, set a GROUP BY only by ItemSpecs_2.itemno
assuming your current code gives you correct calculations, the lazy answer would be to write it as a CTE and then sum it, but this may result in sub optimal table scans - fine if it's just adhoc.
with mytemp as (
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
workorderdetails.qtycomplete *
ItemSpecFullStruc_2.totalqtyperroot AS QtyComp
FROM dbo.workorderdetails AS WorkOrderDetails
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecfullstruc AS ItemSpecFullStruc_2
ON ItemSpecFullStruc_2.rootitemspecid =
INNER JOIN dbo.itemspecs AS ItemSpecs_2
ON ItemSpecs_2.itemspecid = ItemSpecFullStruc_2.childitemspecid
INNER JOIN dbo.workorder AS WorkOrder_1
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid = workorderdetails.workorderid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tobescheduled_completed
ON WorkOrder_1.workorderid =
WHERE ( workorderdetails.completed = 1 )
AND ( workorderdetails.compdate > Getdate() - 42 )
GROUP BY ItemSpecs_2.itemno,
workorderdetails.qtycomplete * ItemSpecFullStruc_2.totalqtyperroot
,sum(QtyComp) as QtyComp
from mytemp
group by itemno

JOIN codition in SQL Server

After applying join condition on two tables I want records which is maximum among records of left table
My query
SELECT a1.*,
( a1.trnratefrom - t.trnratefrom )AS minrate,
( a1.trnrateto - t.trnrateto ) AS maxrate
FROM (SELECT a.srno,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(b.trnstate))) AS trnstate,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(b.trnarea))) AS trnarea,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(b.trnquality))) AS trnquality,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(b.trnlength))) AS trnlength,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(b.trnunit))) AS trnunit,
FROM mstprodrates a
INNER JOIN trnprodrates b
ON a.srno = b.srno)a1
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(d.trnstate))) AS trnstate,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(d.trnarea))) AS trnarea,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(d.trnquality))) AS trnquality,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(d.trnlength))) AS trnlength,
Upper(Rtrim(Ltrim(d.trnunit))) AS trnunit,
FROM mstprodrates c
INNER JOIN trnprodrates d
ON c.srno = d.srno) AS t
ON a1.trnstate = t.trnstate
AND a1.trnquality = t.trnquality
AND a1.trnunit = t.trnunit
AND a1.trnlength = t.trnlength
AND a1.trnarea = t.trnarea
AND a1.remark = t.remark
WHERE t.srno = (SELECT MAX(srno)
WHERE srno < a1.srno)
If you mean to say,
you want Records exist in Left table but not in right then use LEFT OUTER JOIN.
