left Rotate algorithm binary value in c - c

I'm trying to left rotate binary value:
int left_side=0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
left_side = left_side | ( ( number & ( 1<<BITS-i )) >> (BITS+i+1)-n );
BITS indicates the length of the binary value, n is the distance for rotation.
Example: 1000 , and n=1 which means the solution will be: 0001.
Some reason that I don't understand when I rotate it (from left to right side), lets take an example for number 253 which in binary sequence is 11111101 and n=3 (distance), the result from my code in binary sequence is 101 (which is 5).
Why the answer isn't 7? What I missed in my condition in this loop?

You want to rotate left your number n of a specific amount of bits.
Thus you have to shift your number to the left using n << amount and put the left bits to the right. This is done by putting the bits [0-amount[ to [NUMBER_BITS-amount,NUMBER_BITS[` using right shift.
For instance, if your number is an uint32_t you can use the following code (or easily adapt it to other types).
uint32_t RotateLeft(uint32_t n, int amount) {
return (n << amount)|(n >> (8*sizeof(uint32_t) - amount));

I think there are 2 approaches:
rotate by 1 bit n times
rotate by n % BITS bits only once
The rotation "wraps over" so we could just modulo every BITSth (8th) multiple of n to 0 in case someone would want to rotate 100 times. I think the second approach would be easier to understand, implement and read and why loop 100 times, if it can be done once?
I will use 8 bits for demonstration, even though int is minimum 16 bits. The original MSB is marked by a dot.
.11110000 rl 2 == 110000.11
Well what has happened? 2 bits went right and the rest (BITS - 2) went left. That is just shift left and shift right "combined".
a = .11110000 << 2 == 110000.00
b = .11110000 >> (BITS - 2) == 000000.11
c = a | b
c == 110000.11
Easy, isn't it? Just remember to use n % BITS first and to use an unsigned type.
unsigned int rotateLeft(unsigned int number, int n) {
n %= BITS;
unsigned int left = number << n;
unsigned int right = number >> (BITS - n);
return left | right;


Moving a "nibble" to the left using C

I've been working on this puzzle for awhile. I'm trying to figure out how to rotate 4 bits in a number (x) around to the left (with wrapping) by n where 0 <= n <= 31.. The code will look like:
moveNib(int x, int n){
//... some code here
The trick is that I can only use these operators:
~ & ^ | + << >>
and of them only a combination of 25. I also can not use If statements, loops, function calls. And I may only use type int.
An example would be moveNib(0x87654321,1) = 0x76543218.
My attempt: I have figured out how to use a mask to store the the bits and all but I can't figure out how to move by an arbitrary number. Any help would be appreciated thank you!
How about:
uint32_t moveNib(uint32_t x, int n) { return x<<(n<<2) | x>>((8-n)<<2); }
It uses <<2 to convert from nibbles to bits, and then shifts the bits by that much. To handle wraparound, we OR by a copy of the number which has been shifted by the opposite amount in the opposite direciton. For example, with x=0x87654321 and n=1, the left part is shifted 4 bits to the left and becomes 0x76543210, and the right part is shifted 28 bits to the right and becomes 0x00000008, and when ORed together, the result is 0x76543218, as requested.
Edit: If - really isn't allowed, then this will get the same result (assuming an architecture with two's complement integers) without using it:
uint32_t moveNib(uint32_t x, int n) { return x<<(n<<2) | x>>((9+~n)<<2); }
Edit2: OK. Since you aren't allowed to use anything but int, how about this, then?
int moveNib(int x, int n) { return (x&0xffffffff)<<(n<<2) | (x&0xffffffff)>>((9+~n)<<2); }
The logic is the same as before, but we force the calculation to use unsigned integers by ANDing with 0xffffffff. All this assumes 32 bit integers, though. Is there anything else I have missed now?
Edit3: Here's one more version, which should be a bit more portable:
int moveNib(int x, int n) { return ((x|0u)<<((n&7)<<2) | (x|0u)>>((9+~(n&7))<<2))&0xffffffff; }
It caps n as suggested by chux, and uses |0u to convert to unsigned in order to avoid the sign bit duplication you get with signed integers. This works because (from the standard):
Otherwise, if the operand that has unsigned integer type has rank greater or equal to the rank of the type of the other operand, then the operand with signed integer type is converted to the type of the operand with unsigned integer type.
Since int and 0u have the same rank, but 0u is unsigned, then the result is unsigned, even though ORing with 0 otherwise would be a null operation.
It then truncates the result to the range of a 32-bit int so that the function will still work if ints have more bits than this (though the rotation will still be performed on the lowest 32 bits in that case. A 64-bit version would replace 7 by 15, 9 by 17 and truncate using 0xffffffffffffffff).
This solution uses 12 operators (11 if you skip the truncation, 10 if you store n&7 in a variable).
To see what happens in detail here, let's go through it for the example you gave: x=0x87654321, n=1. x|0u results in a the unsigned number 0x87654321u. (n&7)<<2=4, so we will shift 4 bits to the left, while ((9+~(n&7))<<2=28, so we will shift 28 bits to the right. So putting this together, we will compute 0x87654321u<<4 | 0x87654321u >> 28. For 32-bit integers, this is 0x76543210|0x8=0x76543218. But for 64-bit integers it is 0x876543210|0x8=0x876543218, so in that case we need to truncate to 32 bits, which is what the final &0xffffffff does. If the integers are shorter than 32 bits, then this won't work, but your example in the question had 32 bits, so I assume the integer types are at least that long.
As a small side-note: If you allow one operator which is not on the list, the sizeof operator, then we can make a version that works with all the bits of a longer int automatically. Inspired by Aki, we get (using 16 operators (remember, sizeof is an operator in C)):
int moveNib(int x, int n) {
int nbit = (n&((sizeof(int)<<1)+~0u))<<2;
return (x|0u)<<nbit | (x|0u)>>((sizeof(int)<<3)+1u+~nbit);
Without the additional restrictions, the typical rotate_left operation (by 0 < n < 32) is trivial.
uint32_t X = (x << 4*n) | (x >> 4*(8-n));
Since we are talking about rotations, n < 0 is not a problem. Rotation right by 1 is the same as rotation left by 7 units. Ie. nn=n & 7; and we are through.
int nn = (n & 7) << 2; // Remove the multiplication
uint32_t X = (x << nn) | (x >> (32-nn));
When nn == 0, x would be shifted by 32, which is undefined. This can be replaced simply with x >> 0, i.e. no rotation at all. (x << 0) | (x >> 0) == x.
Replacing the subtraction with addition: a - b = a + (~b+1) and simplifying:
int nn = (n & 7) << 2;
int mm = (33 + ~nn) & 31;
uint32_t X = (x << nn) | (x >> mm); // when nn=0, also mm=0
Now the only problem is in shifting a signed int x right, which would duplicate the sign bit. That should be cured by a mask: (x << nn) - 1
int nn = (n & 7) << 2;
int mm = (33 + ~nn) & 31;
int result = (x << nn) | ((x >> mm) & ((1 << nn) + ~0));
At this point we have used just 12 of the allowed operations -- next we can start to dig into the problem of sizeof(int)...
int nn = (n & (sizeof(int)-1)) << 2; // etc.

Fill with variable number of ones

What's the best way to fill a variable with an unknown (at compile time) number of ones? For example, let's say:
int n = 5;
int b = fillwithones(5);
now b contains 11111 (in binary).
I can't just hard code int b = 31 because n is not known ahead of time (in my application).
I could do something like this:
int b = pow(2, n) - 1
But using a pow seems very wasteful.
You can use left shift and then subtract 1:
unsigned int b = (1U << n) - 1U;
// Broken down into steps
// 1 = 00000001b
// 1 << 5 = 00100000b
// (1 << 5) - 1 = 00011111b
The reason this works is 1 shifted left n times is the same as 2n, as each sole bit position represents a power of 2.
A funny way to get the highest bits as 1 and the lowest bits as zero is using this nice trick:
#include <limits.h>
int b = INT_MIN >> n;
This works because shift left operation on a negative number will mantain the sign of the operation, and since INT_MIN is 10000....0000 shifting it by n to the left will give you n bits to 1, but on the other side.

Project Euler Problem 10 - Efficient Algorithm

I attempted Project Euler's problem 10 using the very easy algorithm and the running time looks like hours. So I googled for an efficient algorithm and found this by Shlomif Fish.
The code is reproduced below:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int p, i;
int mark_limit;
long long sum = 0;
memset(bitmask, '\0', sizeof(bitmask));
mark_limit = (int)sqrt(limit);
for (p=2 ; p <= mark_limit ; p++)
if (! ( bitmask[p>>3]&(1 << (p&(8-1))) ) )
/* It is a prime. */
sum += p;
for (i=p*p;i<=limit;i+=p)
bitmask[i>>3] |= (1 << (i&(8-1)));
for (; p <= limit; p++)
if (! ( bitmask[p>>3]&(1 << (p&(8-1))) ) )
sum += p;
I have problems understanding the code. Specifically, how does this bit shifting code able to determine whether a number is prime or not.
if (! ( bitmask[p>>3]&(1 << (p&(8-1))) ) )
/* It is a prime. */
sum += p;
for (i=p*p;i<=limit;i+=p)
bitmask[i>>3] |= (1 << (i&(8-1)));
Can someone please explain this code block to me, especially this part ( bitmask[p>>3]&(1 << (p&(8-1)? Thank you very much.
The code is a modified Sieve of Eratosthenes. He is packing one number into one bit: 0 = prime, 1 = composite. The bit shifting is to get to the correct bit in the byte array.
is equivalent to
bitmask[p / 8]
which selects the correct byte in the bitmask[] array.
equals p & 7, which selects the lower 3 bits of p. This is equivalent to p % 8
Overall we are selecting bit (p % 8) of byte bitmask[p / 8]. That is we are selecting the bit in the bitmask[] array which represents the number p.
The 1 << (p % 8) sets up a 1 bit correctly located in a byte. This is then AND'ed with the bitmask[p / 8] byte to see if that particular bit is set or not, thus checking whether p is a prime number.
The overall statement equates to if (isPrime(p)), using the already completed part of the sieve to help extend the sieve.
The bitmask is acting as an array of bits. Since you can't address bits individually, you first have to access the byte and then modify a bit within it. Shifting right by 3 is the same as dividing by 8, which puts you on the right byte. The one is then shifted into place by the remainder.
x>>3 is equivalent to x/8
x&(8-1) is equivalent to x%8
But on some older systems, the bit manipulations may have been faster.
The line sets the ith bit, where i has been determined not to be prime because it is a multiple of another prime number number:
bitmask[i>>3] |= (1 << (i&(8-1)));
This line checks that the pth bit is not set, which means it is prime, since if it wasn't prime it would have been set by the line above.
if (! ( bitmask[p>>3]&(1 << (p&(8-1))) ) )

How do the bit manipulations in this bit-sorting code work?

Jon Bentley in Column 1 of his book programming pearls introduces a technique for sorting a sequence of non-zero positive integers using bit vectors.
I have taken the program bitsort.c from here and pasted it below:
/* Copyright (C) 1999 Lucent Technologies */
/* From 'Programming Pearls' by Jon Bentley */
/* bitsort.c -- bitmap sort from Column 1
* Sort distinct integers in the range [0..N-1]
#include <stdio.h>
#define BITSPERWORD 32
#define SHIFT 5
#define MASK 0x1F
#define N 10000000
int a[1 + N/BITSPERWORD];
void set(int i)
int sh = i>>SHIFT;
a[i>>SHIFT] |= (1<<(i & MASK));
void clr(int i) { a[i>>SHIFT] &= ~(1<<(i & MASK)); }
int test(int i){ return a[i>>SHIFT] & (1<<(i & MASK)); }
int main()
{ int i;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
/*Replace above 2 lines with below 3 for word-parallel init
int top = 1 + N/BITSPERWORD;
for (i = 0; i < top; i++)
a[i] = 0;
while (scanf("%d", &i) != EOF)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (test(i))
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
I understand what the functions clr, set and test are doing and explain them below: ( please correct me if I am wrong here ).
clr clears the ith bit
set sets the ith bit
test returns the value at the ith bit
Now, I don't understand how the functions do what they do. I am unable to figure out all the bit manipulation happening in those three functions.
The first 3 constants are inter-related. BITSPERWORD is 32. This you'd want to set based on your compiler+architecture. SHIFT is 5, because 2^5 = 32. Finally, MASK is 0x1F which is 11111 in binary (ie: the bottom 5 bits are all set). Equivalently, MASK = BITSPERWORD - 1.
The bitset is conceptually just an array of bits. This implementation actually uses an array of ints, and assumes 32 bits per int. So whenever we want to set, clear or test (read) a bit we need to figure out two things:
which int (of the array) is it in
which of that int's bits are we talking about
Because we're assuming 32 bits per int, we can just divide by 32 (and truncate) to get the array index we want. Dividing by 32 (BITSPERWORD) is the same as shifting to the right by 5 (SHIFT). So that's what the a[i>>SHIFT] bit is about. You could also write this as a[i/BITSPERWORD] (and in fact, you'd probably get the same or very similar code assuming your compiler has a reasonable optimizer).
Now that we know which element of a we want, we need to figure out which bit. Really, we want the remainder. We could do this with i%BITSPERWORD, but it turns out that i&MASK is equivalent. This is because BITSPERWORD is a power of 2 (2^5 in this case) and MASK is the bottom 5 bits all set.
Basically is a bucket sort optimized:
reserve a bit array of length n
clear the bit array (first for in main).
read the items one by one (they must all be distinct).
set the i'th bit in the bit array if the read number is i.
iterate the bit array.
if the bit is set then print the position.
Or in other words (for N < 10 and to sort 3 numbers 4, 6, 2) 0
start with an empty 10 bit array (aka one integer usually)
read 4 and set the bit in the array..
read 6 and set the bit in the array
read 2 and set the bit in the array
iterate the array and print every position in which the bits are set to one.
2, 4, 6
Starting with set():
A right shift of 5 is the same as dividing by 32. It does that to find which int the bit is in.
MASK is 0x1f or 31. ANDing with the address gives the bit index within the int. It's the same as the remainder of dividing the address by 32.
Shifting 1 left by the bit index ("1<<(i & MASK)") results in an integer which has just 1 bit in the given position set.
ORing sets the bit.
The line "int sh = i>>SHIFT;" is a wasted line, because they didn't use sh again beneath it, and instead just repeated "i>>SHIFT"
clr() is basically the same as set, except instead of ORing with 1<<(i & MASK) to set the bit, it ANDs with the inverse to clear the bit. test() ANDs with 1<<(i & MASK) to test the bit.
The bitsort will also remove duplicates from the list, because it will only count up to 1 per integer. A sort that uses integers instead of bits to count more than 1 of each is called a radix sort.
The bit magic is used as a special addressing scheme that works well with row sizes that are powers of two.
If you try understand this (note: I rather use bits-per-row than bits-per-word, since we're talking about a bit-matrix here):
// supposing an int of 1 bit would exist...
int1 bits[BITSPERROW * N]; // an array of N x BITSPERROW elements
// set bit at x,y:
int linear_address = y*BITSPERWORD + x;
bits + linear_address = 1; // or 0
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 31
// . . . . . . . . . . . . .
// . . . . X . . . . . . . . -> x = 4, y = 1 => i = (1*32 + 4)
The statement linear_address = y*BITSPERWORD + x also means that x = linear_address % BITSPERWORD and y = linear_address / BITSPERWORD.
When you optimize this in memory by using 1 word of 32 bits per row, you get the fact that a bit at column x can be set using
int bitrow = 0;
bitrow |= 1 << (x);
Now when we iterate over the bits, we have the linear address, but need to find the corresponding word.
int column = linear_address % BITSPERROW;
int bit_mask = 1 << column; // meaning for the xth column,
// you take 1 and shift that bit x times
int row = linear_address / BITSPERROW;
So to set the i'th bit, you can do this:
bits[ i%BITSPERROW ] |= 1 << (linear_address / BITSPERROW );
An extra gotcha is, that the modulo operator can be replaced by a logical AND, and the / operator can be replaced by a shift, too, if the second operand is a power of two.
a % BITSPERROW == a & ( BITSPERROW - 1 ) == a & MASK
a / BITSPERROW == a >> ( log2(BITSPERROW) ) == a & SHIFT
This ultimately boils down to the very dense, yet hard-to-understand-for-the-bitfucker-agnostic notation
a[ i >> SHIFT ] |= ( 1 << (i&MASK) );
But I don't see the algorithm working for e.g. 40 bits per word.
Quoting the excerpts from Bentleys' original article in DDJ, this is what the code does at a high level:
/* phase 1: initialize set to empty */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
bit[i] = 0
/* phase 2: insert present elements */
for each i in the input file
bit[i] = 1
/* phase 3: write sorted output */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if bit[i] == 1
write i on the output file
A few doubts :
1. Why is it a need for a 32 bit ?
2. Can we do this in Java by creating a HashMap with Keys from 0000000 to 9999999
and values 0 or 1 based on the presence/absence of the bit ? What are the implications
for such a program ?

Fastest way to count number of bit transitions in an unsigned int

I'm looking for the fastest way of counting the number of bit transitions in an unsigned int.
If the int contains: 0b00000000000000000000000000001010
The number of transitions are: 4
If the int contains: 0b00000000000000000000000000001001
The number of transitions are: 3
Language is C.
int numTransitions(int a)
int b = a >> 1; // sign-extending shift properly counts bits at the ends
int c = a ^ b; // xor marks bits that are not the same as their neighbors on the left
return CountBits(c); // count number of set bits in c
For an efficient implementation of CountBits see http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel
Fastest depends on your scenario:
As you specified your datatype as constant sized (unsigned int), it is possible with lookup table. But when you need this operation only once the constant overhead to init the table is too big, and scanning+counting through the int is far faster despite.
I guess the overall best would be a combination: Look up table for a byte or word (256 or 64k entries is not so much), and then combine the bytes/words by their last/first bit.
In C/C++ I would do the following:
unsigned int Transitions(unsigned int value)
unsigned int result = 0;
for (unsigned int markers = value ^ (value >> 1); markers; markers = markers >> 1)
if (markers & 0x01) result++;
return result;
Here's the code using arithmetic shift + xor and Kernighan's method for bit counting:
int count_transitions(int x)
assert((-1 >> 1) < 0); // check for arithmetic shift
int count = 0;
for(x ^= (x >> 1); x; x &= x - 1)
return count;
What language?
I would loop 64 times and then bit shift your number to inspect of the bits, then store the previous bit and compare it to the current one. If it's different, incremember your count.
Ok, with transitions you mean if you walk through the string of 0-s and 1-s, you count each occurance that a 0 follows a 1 or a 1 follows a 0.
This is easy by shifting bits out and counting the changes:
result = 0
prev = n mod 2
n = n div 2
while n<>0
if n mod 2 <> prev then
prev = n mod 2
n = n div 2
return result
you can replace the mod and div with shifts.
