Ext JS | Download chart with additional data - extjs

Is it possible to download chart with additional data?
For example add labels when chart.download() method is called, I want these labels to be visible on download result (.png image), but not in rendered view.
I have label described in chart component, with property: hidden:true.
I've dived deep in Ext.draw.Container source code, but still have no clue about how to resolve the mentioned case.

Yes, but you will have to render two charts: Visible and "Invisible". In the following example I have two charts, the first one is visible, the second one is located below (You cannot see it because the scrolling is off). On clicking the Prevoew or Download button the "invisible" chart's .preview() and .download() methods are called.
Code is not clean, it is just the proof of concept.


Is there an event that is sure to fire when google maps is loaded, when using angular js?

I am using angularjs and ngmap (https://ngmap.github.io).
The map is initially hidden from view (using ng-show), and i want to be able to toggle between views without having to reload the whole map.
I also want to display a kml on the map.
The map is only initialized (using lazy initialization) when that part of the page is shown.
It seems to work fine, except that sometimes the map can't zoom into the kml (using fitBounds). I think I have established that this is because the height of the containing div is zero (due to the controller code firing before the view is actually rendered), and fitBounds needs that.
I am trying to wait until I am sure the map is good and ready. I have tried the following events:
but neither do what I want.
Currently I am using a $timeout, but I don't like it, as I don't know how long it takes to initialize the map, and whether or not my code will fire between that time.
My next idea is to repeatedly check for the height of the map, but I would prefer something more explicit.
Another idea is to always have the map in the background, and use absolute positioning to cover it with the other information when that part is visible, but that breaks my current design.
I've decided to avoid the issue.
The map is always going to be there, but I use some ng-class s to make it "visibility: hidden" and hide an unneeded scroll bar when the map tab is unselected.
As long as the visibility is hidden (instead of display: none) the initialization and positioning of the map goes okay.
It isn't perfect (I might need to scroll the other tabs one day), but it works for me for now.

Google Maps Android API v2 - InfoWindow with clickable buttons

I'm trying to put multiple buttons inside an GoogleMaps InfoWindos.
I know that: "Info window is not a live View, rather the view is rendered as an image onto the map. As a result, any listeners you set on the view are disregarded and you cannot distinguish between click events on various parts of the view. You are advised not to place interactive components — such as buttons, checkboxes, or text inputs — within your custom info window."
Soo I'm looking for an alternative.
Thanks for your help.
impliment the infowindowcliclistner.

Extjs add grid panel to accordion content

I'm actually not sure if this is possible, but I will ask it anyway. I have a group of accordion controls, and within the content body of each I need to display a grid panel. The grid panel needs to have a click event attached to it. I have tried simply creating the grid panel and setting the html property of the accordion to it, but this produces no content.
Is there somehow I can achieve the above?
You cannot have html content (inserted by the property) along with any other content. If you add any item the html property value will not set/overriden. But for sure you can place anything you want into one accordion panel. Even a grid. But for that case, and based on the last question, I would recommend you to reference the view into the grid. You may do this simply by using a ComponentQuery
The click events can be applied by using the control function of the controller.
For your basic understanding:
In ExtJS you seldom use plain html code. In most scenarios you use any sort of component. All is nested within the items-array or dockedItem-array. Items within these arrays get also processed by the layout system.
Some Query examples applicable to the control function
In the following this refers to the controller itself.
You know the Id of the grid (normally you didn't do this). Id's are marke by a starting #
control({'#yourId': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
You know the xtype and that there is only one instance of this type. You can also describe a path by using spaces between the xtypes.
control({'grid': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
You have set a custom property to grid (you can refer any property this way). This one is fully compatible the the one above. I recommend this one in your case
control({'grid[customIdent=accordionGrid]': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
This are just some ways to use ComponentQueries, there are more. For a more detailed explanation you should refer the sencha API for ComponentQuery
Also note that every component implements the up() and down() methods which also support ComponentQueries.
I forgot to mention: For a control the query strictly need to return just one result (only the first one will be taken) a ComponentQuery on the other hand can return multiple results.
This is perfectly possible but the accordion's body is not the place to put that in. You'll need to add it to the items: [] array of the accodion. The body (or html) only accepts html.
this one has a grid within it.

Normal links with ExtJS callbacks?

In a renderer I'm generating links, which I want to map to my controllers functions.
The ActionColumn does this with images somehow, but I don't get the mechanism behind it.
I would like to have buttons there, but ExtJS only lets me render strings in a grid.
Well.. the question is bit confused.
If you want to implement an ActionColumn with a callback, you will only have to implement the "handler" property which is the callback. See in http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/api/Ext.grid.column.Action
Real buttons aren't possible out of the box (and note: you should not), but you can render a button on your own.
I would suggest a bunch of icons (with the ActionColumn). No buttons required.

using datepickerplus in ext js

i have been playing around with the ext js library for showing multi month calendar
one issue is in all the examples are either coming off of another control(combo, textbox) or inside a window object
does anyone know if there are any examples of simply displaying the calendars on a regular page?
If you check the source of http://www.lubber.de/extjs/datepickerplus/ around line 635 where the dWin object is being instantiated you should get an idea on how to add it to a page.
Basically this script (be warned, it has loads of commented code and actually is quite a mess) creates an Ext Window, with several items of which one has a datepickerplus xtype.
It should be possible to also render the datepicker to another dom element directly but i think that this extension to Ext doesn't support this out of the box so you should probably extend the object and override the render method.
Hope that helps
