App Showing Wrong Resolution When Deployed To AWS Amplify - reactjs

I created a web app using React. After I deployed it to AWS Amplify, I found that the deployed app had a lower resolution than my test version in the local environment. (Everything in the deployed one appears larger than normal.) What could cause this inconsistency?
Please let me know if you need more details. This is the first question I've asked in StackOverflow. Thank you in advance!

Sometimes the zoom in Chrome locks to a certain % for specific domains. Make sure is 100% for both test and deployed sites as the domain changes.


React App hosting with GoDaddy.. is it possible?

I have created reactJs App. Now I want to deploy to make my software live. Also, I have my host and domain in GoDaddy. But I do not have a guideline that how to host reactJs App on GoDaddy. I've gone through various sites but I did not get proper steps. Please help me with this as this is my biggest headache nowadays.

How to deploy the project on Google App Engine by preserving the changes of other developers?

Till now I was working alone on a project on Google App Engine. So I had to write the code and upload it on App Engine using gcloud app deploy project-path/app.yaml.
But now a bigger project has arrived. So a team has to work on it and everyone has their own systems. I simply want to ask how can we deploy project from different devices still preserving the changes made by other developers? As everyone has to deploy their code on cloud for the same project. I searched over the web but found nothing. Is it even possible?
maybe this article will help you. It describes how to deploy from Gitlab to Google App Engine

Communicating between Google App Engine modules being slow

I read an official app engine article (which explains how to deploy micro services on app engine) and implemented a simple app. The problem is calling one module from another via URLFetch takes almost two seconds. I checked the log and found the 90% of the time was consumed by urlfetch. I used domain as the doc suggested. I have no clue why it's so slow. Anyone facing the same problem?

How to test if google app engine web application will work in China?

So I'm not located in China but want to test my google app engine site in China. What can I do to test this beside asking someone to do it for me?
I've used before, and it seems to work well.
Your app will probably not be accessible from China. I get around this by using nginx as a reverse proxy on Amazon EC2. That way I have my own dedicated IP address that isn't affected by other applications.

Securing a deployed Roo/GWT application

I recently succeded in uploading a Roo/GWT project on Google App Engine.
But, how can I secure it from the Google App Engine application dashboard?
Is there a way to tell to GAE to put a Google Login Box at the start and set a list of authorized accounts?
Thank you very much,
Just answered ~same q. here Adding an authentification system in a deployed Roo/Gwt project
This is in progress to be implemented for GWT 2.1/Roo 1.1.0. See this for more details
If you can't wait, check the Spring Security in Google App Engine article, at That approach is not supported by Roo though (so once you change the generated code, it will be harder, but still possible, to continue using Roo)
