Voyager keeps reverting database into my deployed version on production server - database

I deployed my Laravel application with Voyager admin panel into Heroku. When I add/edit/delete any product from dashboard, every change reverts after approx 30minutes after the update. There are no error message shown anywhere in my application and everything seems to be working just fine. I want to control my data from admin panel in production server, but I cannot fix this issue after googling for a week. What could've gone wrong that caused this issue? Any suggestions?


ABP.IO Sample Angular/Blazor Application- Tenant with separate DB login issue

I created apps with ABP.IO framework with Angular/Blazor UI templates. I am able to compile and run the app successfully in Visual Studio 2019. Everything looks to be working fine except Multi-tenancy with separate database per tenant.
When I create a new tenant with shared database, I works perfectly.
However, if I create a tenant and provide a connection string for a separate database, there seems to be issues.
The database for new tenant is created after running the migration
Before login, I am able to switch the tenant.
After entering username and password, Angular app shows the spinner
icon loading forever.
The Blazor app shows an error message: There was an error trying to
log you in: '', there is a similar question here which is not
Looking at logs indicates that there are some issues with Identity Server, however, I am unable to resolve the issue. Tried clearing browser cache but that didn't help.
Thanks in advance, any help greatly appreciated.

1st - How does Heroku interact with a database (sqlite) 2nd - How can I obtain the version of database that is on Heroku?

I had a very hard time trying to find solutions to this problem online, probably because I do not know how to phrase this weird problem. I also could not reach out to Heroku as their support team only serves paid customers. I would really appreciate help from anyone.
Some context:
I have recently started experimenting with Heroku and deployed my first web app (Python, Flask, SQLite3) via GitHub. It works as intended, I am even able to interact with my database (add/delete/update). However, after making an update to my code locally and pushing it to GitHub, I realised that when my web app got built again by Heroku with the updates, the changes I made to the SQLite database is reverted back the initial, local version. (aka I lost the updates I made during testing).
So here comes the first question:
How does Heroku actually interact with the database? Does it create a copy of all my code from GitHub and runs it locally on their servers? (Since no changes to the database are reflected in my GitHub Repo despite successful updates to the database values through the web app).
And if so, this is the second question:
Is there any way for me to get this "updated version" of my database from Heroku side so I can download it locally before I make and push any updates to my code, so as not to erase all the updates to the database that a user might have made through the web app?

How to get BlogEngine.NET to run outside of a local environment?

I am trying to run BlogEngine.NET. It works fine locally in Visual Studio but whenever I publish it outside of my local computer none of the posts are showing up.
I think this is because none of the scripts or CSS are being loaded (the posts are done via AngularJS). I've made sure that the read and write permissions are allowed in IIS so I know that isn't the problem.
I believe that AngularJS isn't loading properly, as when I go to the admin panel the url returned with the 404 error is this:
instead of:
Even If I manually take out all of the %7B%7BSiteVars.RelativeWebRoot%7D%7Dadmin text, the posts still don't show up as they do locally which leads me to believe the posts are also tied to AngularJS as well.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This may not be a BlogEngine.NET problem as much as it is just a loading of Javascript and CSS problem inside of IIS
The documentation for my project is here.
BlogEngine.Net had moved to GitHub that is where the latest updates are at.
Best to go here:
and try again with a fresh install.
I have a fresh install working with no issues here:
Took a total of around 30 mins to it it 100% up and running, creating new web app service,database, change web.config, publish to Azure, and making some changes in settings.
What web host are you using to host your website?
You can also try Azure Web App Service for free here:
If you can get it to work there but not at your current web host then that points to a web server issue, since you are able to run it locally and on Azure.
Hope this helps.
Have a great Day!
Brian Keith Davis

New Website on New Server displaying 404 from old site on old server

Recently I launched a WordPress site (Note: inmotion linux server) with Gravity Forms (GFrom). The site uses a GFrom as a job application and has an input for users to upload their resume. I have tested it, it works and I can login to the WP Dashboard View and Download all the entries ( in all browsers ) just fine.
After turning things over to the client, they came back to us saying they are unable to view or download the uploaded resumes from the Gravity Forms "Entries" section (Note: the client is able to access both the front and backend of the site, issue seems to only be related to the viewing and or downloading the resumes). They get a 404 error. Now the weird thing is, the 404 error they are getting was part of their old site on a completely different server (Note: Non WP on a godaddy windows server). They have tried clearing their browser cache and no success. Does anyone know what can cause this?

DNN site - Cannot even SEE the admin login anymore

DNN 6.2.7 - I have a local sandbox installed - there is almost literally nothing there. It was working fine yesterday; somehow overnight something changed and now when I hit the site the management login of site does not appear any longer. I am fairly new to DNN and have no idea what has happend. Anybody have any ideas?
