DNN site - Cannot even SEE the admin login anymore - dotnetnuke

DNN 6.2.7 - I have a local sandbox installed - there is almost literally nothing there. It was working fine yesterday; somehow overnight something changed and now when I hit the site the management login of site does not appear any longer. I am fairly new to DNN and have no idea what has happend. Anybody have any ideas?


Voyager keeps reverting database into my deployed version on production server

I deployed my Laravel application with Voyager admin panel into Heroku. When I add/edit/delete any product from dashboard, every change reverts after approx 30minutes after the update. There are no error message shown anywhere in my application and everything seems to be working just fine. I want to control my data from admin panel in production server, but I cannot fix this issue after googling for a week. What could've gone wrong that caused this issue? Any suggestions?

How to get BlogEngine.NET to run outside of a local environment?

I am trying to run BlogEngine.NET. It works fine locally in Visual Studio but whenever I publish it outside of my local computer none of the posts are showing up.
I think this is because none of the scripts or CSS are being loaded (the posts are done via AngularJS). I've made sure that the read and write permissions are allowed in IIS so I know that isn't the problem.
I believe that AngularJS isn't loading properly, as when I go to the admin panel the url returned with the 404 error is this:
instead of:
Even If I manually take out all of the %7B%7BSiteVars.RelativeWebRoot%7D%7Dadmin text, the posts still don't show up as they do locally which leads me to believe the posts are also tied to AngularJS as well.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This may not be a BlogEngine.NET problem as much as it is just a loading of Javascript and CSS problem inside of IIS
The documentation for my project is here.
BlogEngine.Net had moved to GitHub that is where the latest updates are at.
Best to go here:
and try again with a fresh install.
I have a fresh install working with no issues here:
Took a total of around 30 mins to it it 100% up and running, creating new web app service,database, change web.config, publish to Azure, and making some changes in settings.
What web host are you using to host your website?
You can also try Azure Web App Service for free here:
If you can get it to work there but not at your current web host then that points to a web server issue, since you are able to run it locally and on Azure.
Hope this helps.
Have a great Day!
Brian Keith Davis

Google App Engine: This application does not exist/Upload fails

I have been successfully using Netbeans to develop and deploy an app to the Google App Engine for ages through various application versions. That is all working normally and fine.
However (the problem), through the same account I created a new application (at the Google end) and at the application end the correct application id is in appengine-web.xml with a version of 1. All runs locally perfectly. But as soo as I deploy to GAE it fails:
com.google.appengine.tools.admin.HttpIoException: Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist
Unable to update app: Error posting to URL: https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/create?app_id=
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u
I have spent hours looking through the web for a solution. Lots of people have a similar problem but what is the solution? How can one app upload fine and the second fails?
PLEASE can someone give me some suggestions on how to fix the problem and successfully deploy?
I use Netbeans and have tried 6.9, 7.1, and 7.2 (I even tried installing Eclipse to solve the problem but it was horrendous to get going so I'm back to Netbeans). JDK 1.6.
Of course it works this way. After finally seeking help (from you chaps), within minutes I solve the problem (blind luck).
In case it helps anyone else, the basic issue was Google's account authentication model...
I needed to generate an application-specific password in Google Accounts (https://accounts.google.com/IssuedAuthSubTokens#accesscodes - that is, the Authorized Access to your Google Account area) to be used with the new application.
Then I needed to clear the existing email/password in Netbeans. This is a bit messy as I did that by deleting the 'deployment.properties' file you eventually find in C:\Users\User.netbeans\7.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\j2ee\appengine.
You'll note I went back to Netbeans 7.1 because Netbeans 7.2 seems to store it in a different place which I couldn't find.
Back to Netbeans and hit the 'Deploy to Google App Engine' menu choice. It starts then asks for authentication. I used my normal (account) emailid and then the NEW application specific password. Miracle of miracles, it worked and the app fired up live.
I went and got a coffee
Perhaps Google could provide a slightly more meaningful error code than 404 Not Found???
Hopefully that helps anyone else with a similar problem.
Today, I had kind of the same problem. After some trial and error I found the solution.
Basically, starting from Netbeans 7.2. up, username and password are stored in something called "keyring".
In Windows 8 I found it under my current users directory: AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\7.3.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\keyring.
I had to delete the GAE password information from the configuration file there. Then I cleared some registry keys (that might not be mandatory) and restarted Netbeans IDE. Then got prompted for new credentials.
See the full HowTo under:

Can't manage roles in DNN (get 404 error)

I have a DNN site up an running and everything seems to work EXCEPT for when I attempt to manage roles for a user or manage roles. When I click on the link I get a 404 error.
I am using an older version of DNN (based on .net 1.1) and I am putting it on IIS7.
This is a forklift move from one server to another so upgrading to a newer DNN is only a last resort option at this point.
There was something wrong with the URL rewriting. In the HostSetting I set the Use Friendly URLS to No and the problem went away.

Active Directory Problems

This morning, something wierd happened with our Active Directory.
We have a website that authenticates users against our Active Directory. It has worked flawlessly for weeks. The code involving this has never changed. When I launch a copy of the website on my local computer within the IDE (VS2008), it authenticates users correctly, and determines what groups they belong to correctly. When I navigate to the actual website though, it authenticates but fails to retrieve any group information. While I am open to the possibility that it would be code, I am very skeptical of this since the code has not changed since the last time it was working, which was yesterday.
I wrote a quick app using the same exact programming code, but in a compiled WinForm instead of a webpage. The App can authenticate and retrieve all the groups flawlessly. So it is just the website that, all of the sudden, cannot access the groups. I am sure this is relevant, but I am not sure how =)
Being a programmer and not a Server Admin, I am unsure where to begin in hunting down this problem and will appreciate any assistance the community at large can provide.
If you have anonymous browsing turned off, check to see that the account the web app is running under has the correct permission.
