Couchbase C API doesn't have n1ql.h anymore? - c

A couple years ago I wrote a small utility program for my employer, which accessed a Couchbase cluster via the Couchbase C SDK. I've just returned to it to add some new features, installed the Couchbase C SDK on my Ubuntu 20.04 development system via the instructions found here, and tried to compile my code, and it complains that it can't find libcouchbase/n1ql.h. When I checked, sure enough, the file is nowhere to be found on my machine.
I've tried installing all of the packages provided by their repository, none of which seem to provide that file. I've also tried removing them all and installing libcouchbase from source, with no luck (the instructions seem completely out of date); searched it manually but that file isn't in there either. Even grepping for other items that I know have to be in there, like lcb_N1QLHANDLE, doesn't turn up anything.
There's obviously something I'm missing, but I can't even see the shape of it. Have they moved the N1QL code to a separate repository? Gotten rid of it entirely? Renamed it without updating the documentation?

The utility you wrote was probably built using an older version of libcouchbase than what's in the "master" branch on GitHub. If you check out the tag 2.10.7 you can see the n1ql.h header here:
Installation instructions and other documentation for version 2.10 are here:


PHP error: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_grpc'

I have tried so many things. Literally taken me a week of trial and error. I managed to get the realtime firebase DB working but not the firestore as I can't call the command
composer require google/cloud-firestore
I have tried fresh installs 3 times for PHP and the other software. This really is not working. Why do I have to use this composer thing and them not just put a zip with all the relevant files inside?
With extension=php.dll in ini:
and changing to aboslute path surrounding extension, with and without .dll I have tried.
I've tried threadsafe and non threadsafe versions, and I also don't know what "1% is not a valid command" is. Also have tried x64 and x86 versions. The previous two images are x86 (which I assume to be 64 as my os is)
Here is an example of a x64 (I assume is 32bit) error. Procedure points cannot be found and it gives an error about entry points.
I have no idea what I did but I fixed it. To those reading this question just make sure in every place there is a php.ini they are the same directory!

How do I copy my Selenium project from one laptop to another?

I have developed a hybrid framework using a maven project, POM, TestNG, etc. It's running fine now I wanted to copy the entire project from one laptop to another laptop so on first laptop I can continue with my work and second laptop I can use it just to execute the scripts which will same my lot of time.
On daily basis I take backup on OneDrive. I have some questions:
Can anybody guide me how to copy the entire project? Do I need to have the same version of Java and Eclipse on second laptop? Anything else need to be installed?
On a daily basis how do I get the backup data from 'OneDrive' to a second laptop?
This sounds like you want a repository. Use Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, just.. git in general. That's exactly what this is for.
As for your Java and Eclipse versions, you need to look at your running version of selenium, what packages you are using, etc, and determine for yourself what Java version you should be running. The latest version of the jdk is going to have everything the earlier ones had, so it's usually a safe bet to use the latest stable version. Your Eclipse version should always be the latest as well as it is just an IDE and shouldn't have any impact on how your program runs.
Another option is to use a virtual environment (a virtual-env) and upload that to your git repository, this is a localized version of java present inside the project, that can be carried along with it, although this bloats your repository massively.
Try using git and github and you don't have to take backup and need to work on a specific laptop

Is there an offline MinGW installer?

I am learning C and I want to install MinGW on my laptop. The MinGW installer is a web-installer, it requires the computer to have access to the internet when installing. But the problem is that my computer's not connected to the internet. So it can't be installed.
So I am thinking of downloading the complete offline installer on my smart-phone and transfering it to my PC through blue-tooth.
I have already tried TDM-GCC, but even that requires me to download somthing.
So is there an offline installer to MinGW? If yes where can I get it?
I did not find an offline installer for MinGW,but instead I found a better Windows port; which is MinGW-W64
Mingw-w64 is an advancement of the original project, created to support the GCC compiler on Windows systems. It has forked it in 2007 in order to provide support for 64 bits and new APIs. It has since then gained widespread use and distribution.
Now to answer this question: it has to be mannually installed by downloading the zip file. It won't require additional download.
You can download it from link :
You need to extract the MinGW folder in C:\ eg: c:\MinGW . Then what you need to follow the steps given in the link above. In CodeBlock IDE go to settings>compiler>Tochain Executables. There you need to click on auto detect or specify the folder manually.
The most direct answer to the question "Is there an offline MinGW installer?" is "maybe, but it would be a snapshot from the past, and it's almost certainly not up-to-date with the latest available released versions." The individual packages are made available (almost) as soon as they're released, so capturing everything in a self-contained installer is a moving target.
But, you can use the standard installer offline with a bit of prep work if you use MSYS2's pacman, which manages dependencies and grabs all the right versions for you.
The details are given in an answer to another question (

Conio.o unavailable in Dev C - C

I want to include Borland functions in dev compiler on windows. I searched Dev site and found the solution: to include conio.o.
But i am using DEV Compiler (Beta) and i cannot find anything named conio.o in thier folder
please instruct me on how to include borland functions in any way.
It doesnt matter if it is through some other way what i want to use functions like 'sleep()', changing background or text color, 'gotoxy()'
Dev Site reffering to this problem:
The source files for the conio.o file that came with older versions of Dev-C++ have since been deleted, but you can recover them from the CVS attic on SourceForge.

How to get version of program in Vala?

I'm starting to learn Vala and after just a few lines of code, I just encountered my first problem. It should be kinda easy but somehow I can't find anything on Google ('vala version number' or 'vala get version number' or 'how to get version of program in vala' don't bring up anything useful).
The online documentation of Vala doesn't bring up anything useful, either. Throughout the web I find stuff on how to get Vala's version or GTK version or stuff like that.
edited stuff
What I want to get: The version of the program that is running. It should query itself to get it's own version number. I can set a version number for the project in the Anjuta IDE so I expect to be able to get that version information somehow. Since I can get the name of the application (via GLib.Environment) I should be able to get the version information, too.
edit end
May someone please be so kind and help me out here? It seems my GoogleFu isn't with me today.
If you use the autotools, the generated config.h header will contain your package version. The symbols can then be used from Vala via a custom config.vapi binding. You could check out sampala, it shows the trick.
