Conio.o unavailable in Dev C - C - c

I want to include Borland functions in dev compiler on windows. I searched Dev site and found the solution: to include conio.o.
But i am using DEV Compiler (Beta) and i cannot find anything named conio.o in thier folder
please instruct me on how to include borland functions in any way.
It doesnt matter if it is through some other way what i want to use functions like 'sleep()', changing background or text color, 'gotoxy()'
Dev Site reffering to this problem:

The source files for the conio.o file that came with older versions of Dev-C++ have since been deleted, but you can recover them from the CVS attic on SourceForge.


Couchbase C API doesn't have n1ql.h anymore?

A couple years ago I wrote a small utility program for my employer, which accessed a Couchbase cluster via the Couchbase C SDK. I've just returned to it to add some new features, installed the Couchbase C SDK on my Ubuntu 20.04 development system via the instructions found here, and tried to compile my code, and it complains that it can't find libcouchbase/n1ql.h. When I checked, sure enough, the file is nowhere to be found on my machine.
I've tried installing all of the packages provided by their repository, none of which seem to provide that file. I've also tried removing them all and installing libcouchbase from source, with no luck (the instructions seem completely out of date); searched it manually but that file isn't in there either. Even grepping for other items that I know have to be in there, like lcb_N1QLHANDLE, doesn't turn up anything.
There's obviously something I'm missing, but I can't even see the shape of it. Have they moved the N1QL code to a separate repository? Gotten rid of it entirely? Renamed it without updating the documentation?
The utility you wrote was probably built using an older version of libcouchbase than what's in the "master" branch on GitHub. If you check out the tag 2.10.7 you can see the n1ql.h header here:
Installation instructions and other documentation for version 2.10 are here:

Automatically defining C/C++ include path on WSL Visual Studio Code

When using the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code with WSL, it will never refer to /usr/include/ unless you create a project file any time, as you have to allow it to create a local config file called c_cpp_properties.json. This means you simply cannot run standalone C files unless you create a workspace around it.
Is there some way to automate this, even a little? It's very annoying having to redefine my standard includes every time I reopen the program.
Ideally I would like to set this up such that I can just work with my C files standalone rather than as a project as I am frequently using university assets and it's very annoying to have to create a project to work with any demo they give me. I have looked everywhere but just can't find any kind of global setting where I can tell the extension to refer to /usr/include/ - with or without a local config file for the project.

How to open *.jdk file?

I have file which has extension JDK.
Can anyone please tell What does it mean.
How to open it.
I have tried note pad it was showing data but with special character.
I need formatted data.
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software development environment used for developing Java applications and applets. It includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), an interpreter/loader (java), a compiler (javac), an archiver (jar), a documentation generator (javadoc) and other tools needed in Java development.
When you install a JDK it extracts a folder to a path and it's named as jdk{version}.
I'm guessing that you're using a mac because JDK's look like jdk{version}.jdk in macs. This can be found at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines. However, you can open this just like another folder. But if that's not the case, you can hold control and click
the file with the extension .jdk and select show package contents.
As far as using it, you usually set it up as your JDK in your IDE.

Forcing eclipse indexer to always use specific header file when opening declaration

I've got a very huge C project that is meant to be built on Solaris. I use a Windows PC for most of my work, ssh'ing into a solaris box when I need to make edits and build the code.
I've recently imported the project into Eclipse (Luna) on my Windows machine from GitHub for ease of traversing the code. One problem I'm having is that the indexer cannot seem to determine which header file a particular declaration is coming from... I mean it's not able to tell that an enum in alarm.c can be found in alarm.h (as alarm.h is included in alarm.c), because that same enum (ERROR, for example) can be found in a couple other header files in another part of the project. See the image for what happens when I press F3 on one of the enums with multiple declarations in the project:
Is there a way to force the indexer to always use alarm.h when it has anything to do with alarm.c source code? Can I have it ignore the rest of the project? It would really aide in getting rid of the thousands of "errors" in the project which are specifically related to "multiple declarations found" by the indexer.

Practicing PostgreSQL with C in Visual Studio

I would like to practice and prepare to use a server-based PostgreSQL database, for an upcoming school assignment.
The assignment will require me to write programs in C that can execute a variety of queries, as well as check their validity, etc.
I cannot find any definitive guide online to setting up PostgreSQL with Visual Studio and C.
I understand that I need to use a libpq-fe header file but when I download it from PostgreSQL and #include it, I still get linking errors and more. It's a mess.
Can someone guide me (and future users with this problem) through the process of setting this up?
You can't just download libpq-fe.h and expect to use it without anything else.
You must use libpq - include at least libpq-fe.h, link to libpq.lib and ensure that libpq.dll is present in the program runtime path. On Visual Studio that means editing your include path and library path, then adding libpq to the linker list.
I usually do a source build of PostgreSQL when I'm working with libpq, but I'm pretty sure the library and headers are included in the binary install as well. Check the install directory.
First of all you need to read this :
This will tell you how to install or build libpq on your computer.
Personally, I just install PostgreSQL for Windows from the PostgreSQL official website.
This should avoid the need for building libpq.
Now that you have all the required files libpq.lib, libpq-fe.h,libpq.dll etc...You have to set the properties page of your VS project correctly i.e do exactly as specified in the INSTALL.TXT
Once the properties pages is set correctly add :
#include <string>
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "libpq.lib")
For further information read this tutorial :
