How to add React build files into existing JSP project - reactjs

I have build a react app with some external libraries and would like to include it into an existing project that has nothing put JSP's.
Running the command react-scripts build generates files in a build folder.
What do I include and how do I include these files.
I have tried to add the index.html into index.jsp but is doesnt seem to work. Although I do see the title change to what is in my react app.
<%#include file="index.html"%>
or do I need to include all the files similar to how I added index.html
The index.html file does load a couple of script files in the build/js folder like so below.
<script src="/static/js/2.57fa75d6.chunk.js"></script><script src="/static/js/main.fe75a1b9.chunk.js"></script>

I have project with similar requirements as yours.
Some info needs to be render at server, but could not find proper way to do it in java, so I created maven plugin for that:
You can try check it out, hope that can help with yours.


Any idea how to add manifest.json to html head dynamiclly

I realized that, by default, the umi project does not have manifest.json. I added the file to the public folder manually. Then, after compiling the application through the umi build command, my custom file is merged with thedist folder.
But is there any way to add the meta header to the self-generated index.html file?
I have not been able to find anything in the UMI docs. My guess, I need to build a script to insert it into the file after it is fully compiled.
Anything would be helpfull.
If you are using the, you can find the index.html in /src/pages/document.ejs. It is a templated version of the index page.

Embedding full react application into an existing web page

I'm looking to embed my react application into an existing plain html / javascript website. What I've found so far is that you are only able to embed individual components into existing websites, not entire react applications.
Naturally I have an app component which contains the entire application. Am I able to embed the full application by embedding this component? My concern is all the modules I'm using (e.g. axios, bootstrap) will break.
I've been looking for a good tutorial on how to do this but I'm not finding many examples of trying to embed the entire application into an existing page.
My understanding of how to do this, is to reference the react javascript source links in the html page head, possibly also babel although its unclear to me if babel will work. Then we can use the renderDom method like we normally would.
On page load can I run my index.js file to insert my react app component into the dom? If this would work, are there any issues with file structure, file updates I would need to take care of?
If I'm driving off path out into the wilderness and there is a better way to handle it I'm open to suggestions. I'm just looking to see if someone else has experience doing this before I start down a bad path.
I was able to embed my full react application by doing the following...
I built my react app production files with npm run build
I copied those files into the existing web project at the root level
Then I opened the index.html file generated from npm run build and copied the scripts in the head and body sections to the page I wanted to drop in my application
Finally I added a div with the id root (this is what my renderDOM method is looking for) where I wanted my application to appear on the existing web page.
That was it. Super easy, thanks for the help!
Just wanted to add a quick additional approach here.
If you already have a Flask app and you're trying to put React components or an app (so the base component of an app) onto an existing HTML page in the Flask app, basically the only thing that you need is Babel, unless you are able to write React components without using JSX (so in plain Javascript) in which case you'd need nothing.
Step 1: To attach Babel to your project, you'll have to grab the Babel node modules which means your project will be associated with NPM for the sole purpose of using the Babel functions. You can do this by running the following commands in your project root directory (Node.js must be installed):
npm init -y
npm install babel-cli#6 babel-preset-react-app#3
Step 2: Once Babel is attached to your project, you'll have to actually transpile the existing React component .js files from JSX into plain Javascript like so:
npx babel --watch (jsdirectory) --out-dir (outputdirectory) --presets react-app/prod
where (jsdirectory) is the path to the directory where your React component files written using JSX are, and (outputdirectory) is where you want your translated files to show up--use . for (outputdirectory) to have transpiled files appear in your root directory.
Step 3: After the plain Javascript versions of your React files appear, make sure they are linked to your HTML page instead of the original JSX-utilizing files (replace the original script tag's .js file)
Step 4: Make sure the HTML page in question is linked to the .CSS files you want (they will modify the transpiled Javascript in the same manner as they did the JSX files in a project made using Create-React-App because the class names are the same) as well as the required React resources:
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
After you do those quick steps your React components should render no problem on that page in your Python-Flask application.

Do I store Image assets in public or src in reactJS?

I am using react for my application. I have a div that I would like to have a background image. But I can't get it to show.
When I include it in the src folder as myapp/src/bgimage.png it works perfectly but I've heard that I should include it in a folder named images at the root level so it's myapp/images/bgimage.png, however this does not work for me and gives me:
You attempted to import ../images/bgimage.png which falls outside of the project src/ directory.'
Can anyone tell me the proper way to include image assets in reactJS?
public: anything that is not used by your app when it compiles
src: anything that is used when the app is compiled
So for example if you use an image inside a component, it should be in the src folder but if you have an image outside the app (i.e. favicon) it should be in public.
I would add that creating an "assets" folder inside the "src" folder is a good practice.
Use /src if you are using create-react-app
If you are using create-react-app, You need to use /src for the following benefits.
Scripts and stylesheets get minified and bundled together to avoid extra network requests.
Missing files cause compilation errors instead of 404 errors for your users.
Result filenames include content hashes so you don’t need to worry about browsers caching their old versions.
Also, if you are using webpack's asset bundling anyway, then your files in /src will be rebuilt.
You may create subdirectories inside src. For faster rebuilds, only files inside src are processed by webpack. You need to put any JS and CSS files inside src, otherwise webpack won’t see them.
See this link
public folder is for static file like index.html and ...
I think you should make an "assets" folder in src folder
and access them in this way.
In this article, I mentioned that
Keep an assets folder that contains top-level CSS, images, and font files.
In react best practices we keep an assets folder inside the src which may contain top-level CSS, images, and font files.
According to the create-react-app documentation, regarding the use of the public folder:
Normally we recommend importing stylesheets, images, and fonts from JavaScript. The public folder is useful as a workaround for a number of less common cases:
You need a file with a specific name in the build output, such as manifest.webmanifest.
You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths.
You want to include a small script like pace.js outside of the bundled code.
Some libraries may be incompatible with webpack and you have no other option but to include it as a tag.
In continuation with the other answers I would further like to add that you should create an 'assets' folder under 'src' folder and then create 'images' folder under 'assets' folder. You can store your images in the 'images' folder and then access them from there.
As per my understanding I will go with easier way. If you use your assets from public folder, after build contents from public will be maintained as same. So, if you deploy your app, the contents from public folder will also be loaded while your app loads. Assume your build is 5 MB (4 MB assets and 1 MB src) the 4 MB will get downloaded first then follows the src contains. Even if you use lazy and suspense your app will be slow during deployment.

AngularJS templated index with gulp

So everytime i add/remove/rename a file of my angularjs project the index.html file is changed accorgingly by the inject gulp process.
The consequence is that if in a team more people change file paths the index.html file is constantly conflicted and must be manually merged.
How can i solve this?
I think that a solution can be:
index template file that is versioned but only contains placeholders for the injection of external scripts and then a gulp process that builds at runtime a temporary index.html file that is not versioned.
How can i achieve this?
gulpfile.js ->
gulp.config.js ->
add your resulting index.html to .gitignore, I assume you are using GIT as your source control.
you make your changes to index.html, then your gulp process builds another index.html that is placed in dist folder for example, that is along with other build artefacts, like JS and CSS are excluded from git repository
rule of thumb: everything that is produced by your build - is excluded from git

grunt-sencha-dependencies to process the existing php project

I have a php+ext 4.1.1a project which have the index.php(not index.html) but without the app.js. It use MVC structure but I am fed up the sencha cmd. It keep giving me errors when parsing the js files.
But when I tried to use the grunt-sencha-dependencies:
I stucked when I tried to generate the js file lists:
1. I can't generate the app.json file from different versions of sencha cmd
2. I don't have the index.html and app.js grunt-sencha-dependencies required
My question is:
1. if I have a app.jsb3 file how can I generate the app.json file which can be used by grunt
2. Is there any way I have grunt to parse the js files though the index.php file instead of local html file?
Thanks in advance.
Finally I gave up generating from app.json. Instead, I can generate from the index.html and app.js without problem.
Sencha Cmd is so messy!
