Any idea how to add manifest.json to html head dynamiclly - reactjs

I realized that, by default, the umi project does not have manifest.json. I added the file to the public folder manually. Then, after compiling the application through the umi build command, my custom file is merged with thedist folder.
But is there any way to add the meta header to the self-generated index.html file?
I have not been able to find anything in the UMI docs. My guess, I need to build a script to insert it into the file after it is fully compiled.
Anything would be helpfull.

If you are using the, you can find the index.html in /src/pages/document.ejs. It is a templated version of the index page.


How to add React build files into existing JSP project

I have build a react app with some external libraries and would like to include it into an existing project that has nothing put JSP's.
Running the command react-scripts build generates files in a build folder.
What do I include and how do I include these files.
I have tried to add the index.html into index.jsp but is doesnt seem to work. Although I do see the title change to what is in my react app.
<%#include file="index.html"%>
or do I need to include all the files similar to how I added index.html
The index.html file does load a couple of script files in the build/js folder like so below.
<script src="/static/js/2.57fa75d6.chunk.js"></script><script src="/static/js/main.fe75a1b9.chunk.js"></script>
I have project with similar requirements as yours.
Some info needs to be render at server, but could not find proper way to do it in java, so I created maven plugin for that:
You can try check it out, hope that can help with yours.

AngularJS templated index with gulp

So everytime i add/remove/rename a file of my angularjs project the index.html file is changed accorgingly by the inject gulp process.
The consequence is that if in a team more people change file paths the index.html file is constantly conflicted and must be manually merged.
How can i solve this?
I think that a solution can be:
index template file that is versioned but only contains placeholders for the injection of external scripts and then a gulp process that builds at runtime a temporary index.html file that is not versioned.
How can i achieve this?
gulpfile.js ->
gulp.config.js ->
add your resulting index.html to .gitignore, I assume you are using GIT as your source control.
you make your changes to index.html, then your gulp process builds another index.html that is placed in dist folder for example, that is along with other build artefacts, like JS and CSS are excluded from git repository
rule of thumb: everything that is produced by your build - is excluded from git

How can we change the default html file generated by doxygen?

I am using doxygen and doxywizard for documentation C code.
How to rename the index.html file through configuring doxygen or doxywizard.
I don't think you can change this from configuration. Main page is always index.html. And you cannot really rename it afterwards because of all cross-references that point to the main page.
But you can make doxygen output generated files to a specific folder using HTML_OUTPUT configuration option.

Why does the index.html file not reference sencha-touch-all.js when I run the package command?

I created a simple Hello World application using Sencha Architect. The program automatically creates an app.html file, not index.html. Everything works great in my browser.
Next, I run the package command from Sencha Architect and it creates 100's of files in my project folder, including index.html, app.json, packager.json, etc.
The main difference between the app.html and the index.html file is the following line:
<_script src=""></script>"
** I added an underscore because this line was editted out
Without this line, the index.html doesn't work in the browser but the app.html does.
I could add this line manually to the index.html file but it gets overwritten every time I run the packager program.
Does anybody know why this is occurring? Is there an option or something I'm missing?

How to include ext-js calendar in jsp?

I am new to EXT JS environment. I am working on a dynamic java project in eclipse indigo where i want to use ext-js calendar in one of my jsp.I saw the EXT_JS calendar demo from downloaded 'ext-4.1.1' sdk(index.html file in ext-4.1.1a\examples\calendar).
I want to create a .js file as like ext-js calendar page. So for that i followed the path given in to integrate ext-js in eclipse.
But now when i copy index.html to my webcontent folder then it is not working(Originally it is showing nothing). But when i copy the entire ext-js source code to my workspace web content then running the index.html file in example/calendar folder of ext-4.1.1a giving me required result.But I don't think this as a solution.
I could not find any way also how to start to do my task.
So Pls anybody help me here...
Regards :
When nothing shows up on the screen, it is commonly a case where the ExtJS library isn't loaded. Without seeing the code, it's hard to pinpoint the issue.
Using Chrome Dev tools or Firebug for Firefox, take a look at the console and/or network output.
The files you're looking for will be included in the <head> section of your index.html. There should be ext-all.js or possibly ext-all-debug.js at a minimum, plus the style sheets.
If this is your issue, then you need to include the proper paths to the ExtJS library. This can be the local installation, or you can use a CDN. For example:
<script src=""></script>
