How can we change the default html file generated by doxygen? - c

I am using doxygen and doxywizard for documentation C code.
How to rename the index.html file through configuring doxygen or doxywizard.

I don't think you can change this from configuration. Main page is always index.html. And you cannot really rename it afterwards because of all cross-references that point to the main page.
But you can make doxygen output generated files to a specific folder using HTML_OUTPUT configuration option.


Any idea how to add manifest.json to html head dynamiclly

I realized that, by default, the umi project does not have manifest.json. I added the file to the public folder manually. Then, after compiling the application through the umi build command, my custom file is merged with thedist folder.
But is there any way to add the meta header to the self-generated index.html file?
I have not been able to find anything in the UMI docs. My guess, I need to build a script to insert it into the file after it is fully compiled.
Anything would be helpfull.
If you are using the, you can find the index.html in /src/pages/document.ejs. It is a templated version of the index page.

How to compile html template and Javascript into one file

I am implementing AngularJS Directive.
There is an javasctipt file and Html template file under /src folder.
I want to use Gulp to compile them together, and output to /dist folder.
How can I do it?
First of all i would like to say that is not a good practice to combine two different extensions file in one.
But if you willing to do, you can achieve it by concatenate the files.
here is the good one link
another link

Re-compile config file for WPF application?

After build my solution (WPF application), the config file is created in project\bin\debug folder. Whenever a change is made to this config file, I have to re-compile/rebuild the project to pull the changes from the config file.
Is there a way to avoid re-compiling the project after making a change in config?
This somehow throws the whole purpose of config file.
If you talk about the App.config file (an XML file where you usually put appSettings, connectionStrings, etc): it is possible to modify this one without to recompile your project / solution. Just navigate to the project\bin\debug folder, there you'll find a file that is called {AssemblyName}.exe.config which you can edit (actually, this is a renamed version of the App.config file, this happens when the build process copies it to the output directory).
If you talk about XAML related files: these are by default not configurable because they get translated to BAML (Binary Application Markup Language) files that are embedded to the assembly in a default WPF project. If you change those you have to recompile.
You do not need to recompile your project. Your assumption is wrong.
if you edit OutputDir\{appname}.exe.config, then it will take effect immediatelly. However, if you rebuild your app, this config file is overwritten by app.config from your project folder

How to use JST namespace in generator-backbone?

By default (in project's grunt file) the templates.js file located in .tmp directory (generator-backbone), so am I missing something or this feature just don't work out of the box and I need to put additional paths in require.config?
Obviously if I will not add anything the JST will not be defined, right?
Note that I initiated the projects with Handlebars as the templating framework.
Ah - sorry for trashing SO. Obviously I've messed up paths in my Grunt.js.
Only .tmp/scripts directory is mounted and I've added app to the path additionally, so the files was not served at all.

Preserving Header Directory Structure in Xcode for Static Library

I'm developing a static library in C++ using Xcode. I have an Installation Directory set where it copies all of my public header files, but when I compile it just copies all the headers into one directory. Is there a way to tell Xcode to preserve the directory structure of my header files? Thanks in advance!
I also needed to preserve the header file directory structure for a C++ library project and I finally managed to do it. It is ridiculously complicated with XCode, compared to the simple nature of the task. The key is to create "folder references" at first, then to copy the header folders in an extra build phase and afterwards to delete .c/.cpp-files from these exported header folders with a script, because XCode will not only copy the .h-files.
I've written a blog post here on how to all achieve that, because it's more tricky in detail. You might also want to check out an example XCode project that I've pot on github.
When you add files to your project, you have to choose next parameter on an additional window "Create folder references for any added folders". And then all your files will have fixed path for your files and will save structure after compilation.
