CORS problem with Adblock eval on my website - eval

when I activate adblock plus on my website functions like eval() are not allowed anymore, without adblock activated it works fine. Anyone know what I can do about it? Do I need to allow "adblock" to use those functions. I don't get it at all the whole CORS thing was always just ??? to me especially when third party extension can "break" my code because itself breaks anything?
So is there a fool-proofed version like add this line to .htaccess or in your php header. Because I tried some copy&paste line which should allow it but it never worked.
The other thing which is also blocked:
CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): Wasm code generation disallowed by embedder
Maybe you can help. Thanks


React - Links produce net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT in chrome

I have a react app that has several pages. When I refresh the page, I can successfully link to one other page. Subsequent links update the url address with the reference to the new page, but only load after the page refreshes.
Error messages in different browsers differ.
In chrome:
In firefox:
In safari:
I have seen this post which has very long, complicated suggestions about routing. I'm not sure if this is my problem yet, so have not yet explored the ideas set out as solutions.
2nd screenshot shows that something tries to load /your-path-to-fontawesome/css/all.css and most probably you don't have that file at that location (therefore receiving html instead). You need to config something somewhere in code, connected to fontawesome
Two separate issues here:
First, the combination ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT and ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT are usually the result of a browser extension, or the browser itself, blocking cross-site tracking. This would also make sense why you're only seeing it in a particular browser.
Second, the invalid MIME type for your CSS typically comes from one of two things. The most common, and easiest to fix, is that the path to that file is wrong. In this case, the server responds with a 404 page, giving you the invalid MIME type of text/html.
Another possibility is a library adding comments to the top of a CSS file that is meant to be minified before being sent to the client. Here's a more in-depth post about this issue. Would definitely double-check the file path, though, before digging deeper into this possibility. An easy way to check would just be to take that URL from the MIME type error and navigate to it in your browser to see what you get.

Image violates the following Content Security Policy directive - Create React App

I'm getting the following Content Security Policy error in chrome when running my React app. I tried googling this for a long time, but I couldn't find enough information about how to fix this when using create-react-app. I would appreciate any help very much.
After a bit search about your issue, I ended up here in MDN. I will shortly define what the problem is but for more information I strongly suggest you read the provided link.
So what is happening here exactly?
This is because the website is configured to use Content Security Policy(CSP) to protect against someone maliciously loading code from a third party. The Content-Security-Policy meta-tag allows you to reduce the risk of XSS attacks by allowing you to define where resources can be loaded from, preventing browsers from loading data from any other locations. This makes it harder for an attacker to inject malicious code into your site.
How to solve this then?
According to the MDN link that I provided, we should solve this by adding the following meta tag to our index.html.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' *">
NOTE: * should be the trusted site or list of them.
Then what should it happen on your own localhost?
I have faced several issues like yours and then found out when this error has shown up on your console, this is not necessarily showing you have this exact problem on your project, and the other problems in your main code could cause such an error. I just found some similar issues that will share below:
Same issue on angular
Same issue on ionic
Same issue on react
and so on
So what you have to do?
First of all, please check all your existing codes and paths in your project and make sure there are no errors in neither of them. When you get rid of all your errors this should be gone as usual, but if the problem insists to exist please make sure to disable all your extensions in your browser (you can safely test it on incognito without disabling anything) and then run the project and see if the error is gone or not.
So there is two-step at all to get rid of that:
Get rid of all your project and pathing errors
Make sure all your extensions are disabled

Does UWP app support ajax?

I have a windows 8 hybrid app and now I want to migrate it to UWP. I am facing two issues and I have been searching on the internet for quite a few time. I want to know if UWP support ajax function. Also my anchor tag in href is not parsing. What might be the reason.
I want to know if UWP support ajax function
The answer is yes, you can use ajax in UWP Application. But there are a few things you need to notice when using ajax in UWP.
If you are using ajax to get data from a remote server, please make sure the Internet(Client) capability is enabled in package.appmanifest. If you also want to call ajax from local server, make sure the Private Networks(Client & Server) capability is enabled.
If you are using a Content Security Policy in your app. Make sure the server address of your ajax call is included after default-src or connect-src in <meta>. For details about CSP you can refer to this document.
Cross-Origin should also under your concern when migrating. For enable CORS you can refer to add CORS support to server.
my anchor tag in href is not parsing. What might be the reason.
For safty reason, UWP doesn't support inline javascript. So codes like <a ng-click="jsfunc();"></a> won't work. Please add eventListener in JS files.

Does AngularJS ngView works inside a Chrome App?

I did my research and it's still not clear to me. It seems it once did, when Chrome Apps were still called Chrome Packaged Apps.
Is it navigation a no-no for Chrome Apps? It doesn't sound right to me. The use of views seems the way to go...
Trying to use ngView I got the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load chrome-extension://opjofdlbcghpdgfhmpdfmadlnmnblijo/views/main.html. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
The error persists even using:
(this line is in an related answer, I'll try to get the link here later)
Inline templates don't do it either. Apparently.
So, I'm looking for up-to-date info on this subject. The following article is great: But the code available on Github is not so complete as stated so I had a little trouble trying to test it.
Of course it's possible do go with ngHide, ngShow, ngIf etc... But having templates in seprate files is much much better...

FB.getLoginStatus never fires the callback function in Facebook's JavaScript SDK

The simple thing of calling FB.init (right before </body>) and then FB.getLoginStatus(callback) doesn't fire the callback function.
After some debugging, I think the SDK is stuck in the "loading" (i.e. FB.Auth._loadState == 'loading') phase and never gets to "loaded", so all callbacks are queued until the SDK has loaded.
If I force-fire the "loaded" event during debugging - with'FB.loginStatus', 'loaded') in case you're intersted - then the callbacks are invoked correctly.
Extra details that might be relevant:
My app is a facebook iframe app (loaded via
I'm using IE9. The same behavior happens in Chrome
The app is hosted in http://localhost
What's going on? Why is the SDK never gets to loaded?
UPDATE: Just tried it on Chrome and it worked (not sure why it didn't work before). Still doesn't work in IE
I had this same problem in Firefox 3.5 on Windows, but only on the very first log in to the page (probably because it was a slower machine and there was some weird timing issues going on).
I fixed it by forcing FB to refresh the login status cookie every time it checks:
FB.getLoginStatus(callback, true); //second argument forces a refresh from Facebook's server.
Without "force=true", sometimes it wouldn't fire the callback.
I had the exact same problem, and I solved it disabling "Secure Browsing" in the Facebook Security settings. Keeping Secure Browsing on forces the pages as "https", but I had no "Secure Canvas URL" set up, and this gave me a lot of errors in the console as well.
Hope this may help someone :)
In my experience, getLoginStatus() never calls the callback in Firefox when third-party cookies are disabled.
The original poster mentioned his application is hosted on http://localhost. I've never had luck with that, and believe it will cause problems.
Just today, I've had problems where getLoginStatus is not calling the callback on any browser, unless the user is actually connected to the app! I'm hoping this is a bug on facebook's end that they will solve.
Yet another possibility for FB.getLoginStatus not firing its callback is when using a "test" user account that has not been authorized to view that application. Its pretty bad that facebook doesn't give you any error messages.
I have also seen failed callbacks on bad appIds and redirectUrls.
I also ran into this issue specifically in Chrome. I tried calling it on page load and after a user-initiated action with no success.
It turned out that it was not a cross-domain issue. The getLoginStatus() call was being blocked by the Un-Passwordise extension in Chrome. As soon as I disabled the extension, it worked perfectly, even on page load.
More info about this issue here: Chrome-only cross-domain scripting errs in Facebook iFrame App upon FB.Login(..)
I understand that this question is a little old now, but I ran across it searching for solutions.
Double-check what you have set in your Facebook app configuration under the section "Website with Facebook Login". The Site URL domain must match the domain your page with the FB.getLoginStatus (and other related auth Javascript) is served from.
After hours of struggling, I realized that I could not reuse an existing app configuration I had on a new server and had to create a new app to handle the website login for this new server.
The other answers are probably equally valid in your specific case, but since there may be others like me who have struggled for a while on this, hopefully this gives you one other place to check. Making a new app with the correct Site URL was the answer in my particular case.
