DotNet Core Azure Search SDK - filtering results - azure-cognitive-search

We are trying to implement Filter functionality into Azure (Cognitive) Search. I was hoping to find some nice SDK methods that hide all the ugly parts, but so far the only example I found looks like this (source):
SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
Filter = String.Format("groupIds/any(, '{0}'))", string.Join(",", groups.Select(g => g.ToString()))),
Select = new[] { "application essays" }
I was wondering, whether I am missing some docs. Or maybe it is on the roadmap?

Check out our new Azure.Search.Documents SDK we released last month. It does have OData filter helps as you can find here:
int stars = 4;
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions
// Filter to only Rating greater than or equal our preference
Filter = SearchFilter.Create($"Rating ge {stars}"),
Size = 5, // Take only 5 results
OrderBy = { "Rating desc" } // Sort by Rating from high to low
It'll escape string parameters correctly. The OData $filter syntax still requires raw input, but the type helpers in the formattable string should make your situation easier: you don't have to worry about escaping values yourself.


Using variables in azure search filter

I am creating a search for a website and using many filter options. I want to use filter on my many search results and for that i saw Filter property in SearchParameters for Azure Cognitive search.
What i want is to pass a variable in Filter when i try to pass those parameters in filter search.
Is there any possible way that i do not have to manually pass the Boulevard House from my data and use the variable houseName instead as i have provided options to choose and this is just plain-hardcode.
Any refernce will help as well, as i tried to read the documents but in vain.
Filter = String.Format("HouseName eq '{0}'", houseName)
} ;
var names = new List<Search>();
if (nameResult.Results.Count > 0)
foreach (SearchResult<Search> results in nameResult.Results)
NameSearchViewModel nameSearchViewModel = new NameSearchViewModel();
nameSearchViewModel.Grants = names;
return View(namesSearchViewModel);
I'm assuming you are using the C# SDK. You could do something like this
parameters = new SearchParameters
Filter = String.Format("HouseName eq '{0}'", houseName)

Azure Search and using ends with in Array

I am using the latest Microsoft.Azure.Search SDK with the following search parameters. I have filter ID's that are MFR-1, MFR-2, MFR-3, etc. I am trying to bring back ANY record that has Filter ID that starts with MFR.
It seems that this should be simple query, but I am not finding a way to make this work with the SDK.
var Params = new SearchParameters()
SearchMode = SearchMode.Any,
QueryType = QueryType.Full,
Top = 72,
Skip = 0,
IncludeTotalResultCount = true,
Filter = "FilterIDs/any(c: c eq 'MFR-57')",
OrderBy = new List<string> { "Sort", "Title"},
Facets = new List<string>() { "Filters,count:500,sort:value" }
Data looks like this:
"id": "691",
"RecordType": "product",
"FilterIDs": [
I've tried this, but it doesn't appear to work with arrays as the title would suggest.
Contains / in array in Azure Search (Preview)
Per my understanding , you are looking for a filter express that could filter all record whose FilterIDs string collection(array) contains item value started with "MFR" .
As official doc indicated :
Inside lambda expressions for string collections, the only comparison
operators that can be used are eq and ne.
So I am afraid there is no way to do fuzzy search here.
But if your filter ids are enumerable , maybe you can use the filter express as below :
FilterIDs/any(c: c eq 'MFR-1') or FilterIDs/any(c: c eq 'MFR-2') or FilterIDs/any(c: c eq 'MFR-3') or ....
I think it would be a work around here, it works for me on my side .
Hope it helps.

How to sort when also using a where clause

I am currently pulling a list from a database, using the following code. The list is retrieved using a WHERE condition, however the list is returned unsorted. This is in the controller.
How can I modify this code so that the returned list is sorted alphabetically?
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetYear))
ViewBag.HSID = new SelectList(db.Hotspots.Where(g => g.HSID.Contains(TargetYear)).ToList(), "ID", "HSID");
On several other fields I have used the following method to order, but I'm not sure how, or if I can combine this with the where clause above. The key piece is ".OrderBy(e=>e.FIELD), however this is precisely the piece I'm not sure how to integrate with the query.
ViewBag.LocalityCode = new SelectList(db.Localities.OrderBy(e=>e.LOCALITY1), "LOC_CODE", "LOCALITY1");
Other helpful bits of info:
Microsoft SQL 2012
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetYear))
var data =
.Where(g => g.HSID.Contains(TargetYear))
ViewBag.HSID = new SelectList(data,"ID", "HSID");

How to create complex query parameters in Restangular

I need to create a fairly complex query string in Restangular.,displayName,name,cn
How do I do this?
So far I am OK getting as far as ?anr=Smith using this:
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({anr:searchTerm});
The last part attrs=x,y,x lets me control which attributes I want back in the search and could change per request I make.
Any advice appreciated.
You should be able to simply add another query parameter where the value is your comma separated list of attributes.
var attributes = ['givenName' , 'displayName']; // attributes you require for the request
var attributesAsString = attributes.join();
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({
anr : searchTerm,
attrs: attributesAsString

How to perform an 'OR' query with S4S connector?

I'm trying figure out how to query Salesforce with multiple filters where either filter can be true (similar to a traditional WHERE x='' OR y='' SQL statement).
The following appears works, but produces an 'AND' query where both filters must be true:
var dataSource = new GenericSalesforceEntityDataSource("Download__c", GetSalesforceSession);
dataSource.AddDataSourceFilter("Contact__c", new Operator(ComparisonOperator.Equals), profile.ContactId);
dataSource.AddDataSourceFilter("Lead__c", new Operator(ComparisonOperator.Equals), profile.LeadId);
var downloads = dataSource.GetQueryResultsAsEntities();
I would like to avoid hard-coding SOQL queries into my .NET application, if possible. Does the S4S API support these sorts of queries, or should I be using SOQL for this?
The Sitecore for Salesforce Connector (S4S) has composite filters that allow you to programmatically create a DataSource that is converted into a SOQL query with OR operators in the where clause.
var dataSource = new GenericSalesforceEntityDataSource("Download__c", GetSalesforceSession);
var orFilter = new LogicalDisjunctionFilter();
orFilter.AddDataSourceFilter("Contact__c", ComparisonOperator.Equals, profile.ContactId);
orFilter.AddDataSourceFilter(ApexLog.Fields.Location, ComparisonOperator.Equals, "SystemLog");
// The two filters above will be combined with a logical OR
var downloads = dataSource.GetQueryResultsAsEntities();
You can use combinations of the LogicalDisjunctionFilter with the LogicalConjunctionFilter to build up AND and OR logic as required.
Alternatively, you could directly add the SOQL where clause to the datasource.
var dataSource = new GenericSalesforceEntityDataSource("Download__c", GetSalesforceSession);
dataSource.SoqlFilter = string.Format("Contact__c = '{0}' OR Location = 'SystemLog'", profile.ContactId);
var downloads = dataSource.GetQueryResultsAsEntities();
Or, as Matt suggests, you could build up your own SOQL string and run that directly.
var dataSource = new GenericSalesforceEntityDataSource("Download__c", GetSalesforceSession);
var queryResult = dataSource.RunSoqlQuery(new SoqlQuery(string.Format("Select Id from Download__c where Contact__c = '{0}' OR Location = 'SystemLog'", profile.ContactId)));
var downloads = dataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult<GenericSalesforceEntity>(queryResult);
SOQL would make this much easier so that should be the route you choose if available to you, especially since it offers the easiest way to perform logical operations with your filters.
